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Created January 31, 2012 20:27
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Parser for reading and writting XML formatted data
name: Jx.Store.Parser.XML
description: Parser for reading and writting XML formatted data.
license: MIT-style license.
- Jx.Store.Parser
provides: [Jx.Store.Parser.XML]
// $Id$
* Class: Jx.Store.Parser.XML
* Extends: <Jx.Store.Parser>
* A Parser that handles encoding and decoding XML documents or strings
* License:
* Copyright (c) 2012, Ing. Axel Mendoza.
* This file is licensed under an MIT style license
Jx.Store.Parser.XML = new Class({
Extends: Jx.Store.Parser,
Family: "Jx.Store.Parser.XML",
options: {
* Option: xpath
* Set an xpath expression here to select the nodes you want to use for data retrieving
xpath: null,
* Option: rootNodeText
* Text of the root element in the generated xml string for encode function of this class
rootNodeText: 'data',
* Option: everyNodeText
* Text of every element under the root node in the generated xml string for encode function of this class
everyNodeText: 'item'
* APIMethod: parse
* Turns a XML string or document into a JSON object if possible.
* Parameters:
* data - the XML string or document representation of the data we're parsing
parse: function (data) {
var self = this;
var type = Jx.type(data);
var xmlDoc = null;
if (type === 'string') {
if (window.DOMParser){
xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data,"text/xml");
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = false;
} else{
xmlDoc = data;
xmlDoc = xmlDoc.documentElement;
if(this.options.xpath != null){
if (window.DOMParser){
var nodes = [];
try {
var results = document.evaluate(this.options.xpath, xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var node;
while (node = results.iterateNext()){
xmlDoc = {childNodes: nodes};
} catch (e) {
return null;
} else{
xmlDoc = {childNodes: xmlDoc.selectNodes(this.options.xpath)};
return this.getNodes(xmlDoc);
* APIMethod: encode
* Takes an object and turns it into XML.
* Parameters:
* object - the object to encode
encode: function (object) {
var data;
if (object instanceof Jx.Record) {
data = object.asObject();
} else {
data = object;
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0">';
xml+= '<'+this.options.rootNodeText+'>'+this.getStringNode(object, this.options.everyNodeText)+'</'+this.options.rootNodeText+'>';
return xml;
getStringNode: function(object, label){
var type = Jx.type(object);
var self = this;
var xml = '';
if(type == 'object'){
for(var prop in object){
xml+=this.getStringNode(object[prop], prop);
} else if(type == 'string'){
xml= '<'+label+'>'+object+'</'+label+'>';
} else if(type == 'array'){
Array.each(object, function(item){
xml+= self.getStringNode(item, label);
return xml;
getNodes: function(node){
if(node.childNodes.length != 0 && !(node.childNodes.length == 1 && node.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3)){
var data = [];
var self = this;
Array.each(node.childNodes, function(child){
var elem = {};
Array.each(child.attributes, function(attr){
elem[] = attr.value;
Array.each(child.childNodes, function(attr){
if(elem[attr.nodeName] != undefined){
if(Jx.type(elem[attr.nodeName]) == 'array'){
} else{
elem[attr.nodeName] = [elem[attr.nodeName]];
if(attr.nodeType == 3){
elem['value'] = attr.textContent;
} else{
elem[attr.nodeName] = self.getNodes(attr);
return data;
} else if(node.nodeType != 3 && node.attributes.length != 0){
data = {};
Array.each(node.attributes, function(attr){
data[] = attr.value;
data['value'] = node.textContent;
return data;
} else {
return node.textContent;
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