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Last active June 24, 2024 23:19
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Vending Machine Simulation in JavaScript for the browser.
Title of the Gist. (Fictitious file with a leading space.)

Vending Machine Exercise

Design a vending machine using a programming language of your choice. The vending machine should perform as follows:

  • Once an item is selected and the appropriate amount of money is inserted, the vending machine should return the correct product.
  • It should also return change if too much money is provided, or ask for more money if insufficient funds have been inserted.
  • The machine should take an initial load of products and change. The change will be of denominations 1¢, 2¢, 5¢, 10¢, 20¢, 50¢, 1€, 2€.
  • There should be a way of reloading either products or change at a later point.
  • The machine should keep track of the products and change that it contains.


  • Issue vm.Start() at a docked JS console (after having selected the result frame, if using JS Fiddle).
  • Instructions, status, errors are logged to the console.
  • PromptProvider and DisplayProvider can be injected at VendingMachine creation time. If they are not, default ones will be used (prompt and alert, as provided by the browser).
  • Naming Convention
  • lowerCamelCase === names for (non-function) objects
  • UpperCamelCase === names for functions
  • Functions with no side effects return a variable with a name result.
  • Functions with side effects return a variable with any other name than result.

External files:

JS Fiddle:

Tools / Documentation

(function() {
'use strict';
const stopCode = '++';
console.log('To start the Vending Machine, issue vm.Start().');
console.log('To stop the Vending Machine, type "' + stopCode + '" at any prompt.');
window.vm = VendingMachine({
products: {
'COKE': {
name: 'Coca Cola',
price: 129,
units: 12,
maxUnits: 20
'AQUA': {
name: 'Water',
price: 99,
units: 4,
maxUnits: 20
coins: {
'1¢': {
name: '1 cent',
price: 1,
units: 41,
maxUnits: 50
'2¢': {
name: '2 cents',
price: 2,
units: 33,
maxUnits: 50
'5¢': {
name: '5 cents',
price: 5,
units: 27,
maxUnits: 50
'10¢': {
name: '10 cents',
price: 10,
units: 41,
maxUnits: 50
'20¢': {
name: '20 cents',
price: 20,
units: 33,
maxUnits: 50
'50¢': {
name: '50 cents',
price: 50,
units: 27,
maxUnits: 50
'1€': {
name: '1 euro',
price: 100,
units: 41,
maxUnits: 50
'2€': {
name: '2 euros',
price: 200,
units: 33,
maxUnits: 50
function VendingMachine(data, displayProvider, promptProvider) {
var privateStorage = {};
var ajv = Ajv({
v5: true
var valid = ajv.validate(Schema(), data);
if (!valid) {
return {
Start: function() {
console.error('Validation Error');
console.log(, function(error) {
return error.dataPath + ' ' + error.message;
_.assign(privateStorage, data);
if (!displayProvider) {
displayProvider = DisplayProvider();
if (!promptProvider) {
promptProvider = PromptProvider();
var publicStorage = {
Start: Start
return publicStorage;
function Schema() {
return {
title: 'Vending Machine Congifuration',
type: 'object',
properties: {
products: {
type: 'object',
patternProperties: {
'^[\\w-]+$': {
'$ref': '#/definitions/slot'
additionalProperties: false
coins: {
type: 'object',
patternProperties: {
'^(1|2|5|10|20|50)¢|(1|2)€$': {
'$ref': '#/definitions/slot'
additionalProperties: false,
required: ['1¢', '2¢', '5¢', '10¢', '20¢', '50¢', '1€', '2€']
definitions: {
slot: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 50
price: {
type: 'integer',
minimum: 0,
maximum: 1000
units: {
type: 'integer',
minimum: 0,
maximum: {
'$data': '1/maxUnits'
maxUnits: {
type: 'integer',
minimum: 0
additionalProperties: false,
required: ['name', 'price', 'units', 'maxUnits']
additionalProperties: false,
required: ['products', 'coins']
function Accessor(type, id, name, value) {
var types = Object.keys(privateStorage);
if (_(types).indexOf(type) < 0) {
throw new Error('Expected a valid type, "' + type + '" given.');
if (!id) {
throw new Error('Expected a valid id, "" given.');
var names = Object.keys(privateStorage[type][id]);
if (_(names).indexOf(name) < 0) {
throw new Error('Expected a valid name, "' + name + '" given.');
switch (typeof value) {
case 'undefined':
var result = privateStorage[type][id][name];
return result;
privateStorage[type][id][name] = value;
return value;
function ProductName(id) {
var result = Accessor('products', id, 'name');
return result;
function ProductPrice(id) {
var result = Accessor('products', id, 'price');
return result;
function ProductUnits(id, increment) {
if (increment) {
var stored = ProductUnits(id);
var result = Accessor('products', id, 'units', stored + increment);
return result;
var result = Accessor('products', id, 'units', increment);
return result;
function ProductTrayIsFull(id) {
var result = ProductUnits(id) === Accessor('products', id, 'maxUnits');
return result;
function ProductExists(id) {
var result = typeof privateStorage['products'][id] !== 'undefined';
return result;
function CoinName(id) {
var result = Accessor('coins', id, name, value);
return result;
function CoinPrice(id) {
var result = Accessor('coins', id, 'price');
return result;
function CoinUnits(id, increment) {
if (increment) {
var stored = CoinUnits(id);
var result = Accessor('coins', id, 'units', stored + increment);
return result;
var result = Accessor('coins', id, 'units');
return result;
function CoinTrayIsFull(id) {
var result = CoinUnits(id) === Accessor('coins', id, 'maxUnits');
return result;
function CoinExists(id) {
var result = !!privateStorage['coins'][id];
return result;
function AskProduct() {
var message = ['',
'What product would you enjoy now?',
'Possible products: ' + Object.keys(privateStorage['products']),
var productId = promptProvider.Prompt(message);
if (!productId) {
throw new Error('You did not select any product.');
if (productId === stopCode) {
if (!ProductExists(productId)) {
throw new Error('You selected an unknown product.');
return productId;
function AskMoney(price, paidCoins) {
var paid = TotalCoins(paidCoins);
var message = ['',
'You already paid ' + NiceMoney(paid) + '.',
'Please insert ' + NiceMoney(price - paid) + ' more.',
'Accepted coins: ' + Object.keys(privateStorage['coins']),
var coinId = promptProvider.Prompt(message);
if (coinId === stopCode) {
if (!CoinExists(coinId)) {
coinId = null;
return coinId;
function NiceMoney(value) {
if (value < 100) {
var result = value + '¢';
return result;
var units = ('' + value).split(/\d\d$/)[0] * 1;
var cents = value - units * 100;
var result = units + '€' + (cents ? ' ' + cents + '¢' : '');
return result;
function KeepMoney(coins) {
var kept = [];
_.forEach(coins, function(coinId) {
if (CoinTrayIsFull(coinId)) {
kept = _.countBy(kept, Number);
throw new Error('The tray for the ' + coinId + ' coins is full after ' + kept[coinId] + ' coins.')
CoinUnits(coinId, +1);
function ProvideProduct(id) {
if (ProductUnits(id) < 1) {
throw new Error('The ' + ProductName(id) + ' at bay ' + id + ' is exhausted.');
ProductUnits(id, -1);
function ProvideCoins(change) {
var result = [];
var rest = change;
while (rest > 0) {
var coinId = _.findLastKey(privateStorage['coins'], function(coin) {
return coin.units > 0 && coin.price <= rest;
if (!coinId) {
throw new Error('Your coins do not allow to return you the change.');
CoinUnits(coinId, -1);
rest -= CoinPrice(coinId);
return result;
function CommunicateProblem(e) {
function TotalCoins(coins) {
var result = _.sum(, CoinPrice));
return result;
function StoredUnitsOf(type) {
var result =[type], function(item, id) {
return [id + ':', item.units].join(' ');
result = result.join(', ');
return result;
function SellProduct() {
// debugger;
var backup = _.cloneDeep(privateStorage);
console.log('Stored products\n ' + StoredUnitsOf('products'));
console.log('Stored coins\n ' + StoredUnitsOf('coins'));
try {
var id = AskProduct();
var price = ProductPrice(id);
var coins = [];
var change = -price;
while (change < 0) {
var coin = AskMoney(price, coins);
if (coin) {
change = TotalCoins(coins) - price;
change = ProvideCoins(change);
if (change && change.length > 0) {
} catch (e) {
privateStorage = backup;
if (e === stopCode) {
return false;
if (coins && coins.length > 0) {
return true;
function Start() {
console.log('VendingMachine started.');
var operating = true;
while (operating) {
operating = SellProduct();
function Stop() {
console.log('VendingMachine stopped.');
throw stopCode;
function StoreCoins(coins) {
console.warn('MECHANICAL OPERATION - Storing coins...');
console.log('Stored coins\n ' + coins);
function ExpellProduct(id) {
console.warn('MECHANICAL OPERATION - Expelling product...');
console.log('Expelled product\n ' + id);
function ExpellChange(coins) {
console.warn('MECHANICAL OPERATION - Expelling change...');
console.log('Expelled change\n ' + coins);
function ExpellCoins(coins) {
console.warn('MECHANICAL OPERATION - Expelling coins...');
console.log('Expelled coins\n ' + coins);
function PromptProvider() {
var publicStorage = {
Prompt: Prompt
return publicStorage;
function Prompt(message) {
var result = window.prompt(message);
return result;
function DisplayProvider() {
var publicStorage = {
Display: Display
return publicStorage;
function Display(message) {
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