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Last active January 2, 2018 12:15
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Evenly distributing the future


Accessing gives general purpose computers to kids who otherwise wouldn't have access to one.

We are all born great learners. But some of us are born into access and others are not.

Access to general purpose computers (or short: Computers) is one of the most valuable resources for personal growth. It enables and empowers to develop creative, technical and business skills.

In contrast to proprietary closed and sealed devices like iOS or Android based tablets, a general purpose computer based on industry standards and using an open source based operating system comes with maximum possibilities.

They say luck = preparation × opportunity. Let's give more kids a tool to create their own luck!

How does it work?

  • people donate general purpose computers to kids who would otherwise not have access (for example, a Kano bundle)
  • kids can use the computers anyway they like, free of charge, as long as they post an update every now and then. A couple bullet points about what they did with their machine will do.
  • kids are supported by people with a background in social work, teaching, etc.
  • the whole project is on purpose run remotely and asynchronously. (That doesn't mean that in-person groups or 1-on-1 mentoring isn't important – quite the opposite. It is just not the focus of this apporach. If all goes well, it enables kids and teachers to create synchronous, co-located, independent groups by themselves.)

Plot Twist: making it sustainable with a long-term alumni model

Kids are expected to give 1% of their future income to the accessing foundation as soon as they start their first job.

In the long run many will hopefully see how early access to information infrastructure is creating opportunity and benefit for them which in turn incentivises to share back.

What will happen with the future money?

  • buy and maintain more computers
  • pay teachers and social workers to mentor, encourage, support and moderate

Where do the computers initially come from?

  • people who can afford to donate one
  • hopefully corporate sponsors too

What are the next steps?

In order to do a test group in 2017 2018...

  • find 5 people who want to donate a computer (for example, a Kano bundle)
  • start a foundation as a legal entity for operating (not necessary for test group)
  • find 5 families who would want to take part in the test
  • find somebody from the area of social work/teaching to mentor, encourage and moderate

Status: 2 of 5 computers are already in the pool \o/ update: 4/5 <3

How can I support this idea?

  • donate one of the needed 5 Kano bundles
  • donate time to to mentor, encourage and moderate the test group (for example 1 hour per week will already be very helpful)
  • donate 1% of your income to the project
  • do some of the boring jobs that need to be done (for example treasurer, minute writer). See BMJV Leitfaden zum Vereinsrecht

You can reach me on Twitter or via Email

But computers are dangerous. What if the kids become CyberCriminals™

You can use a hammer to hang a painting on a wall. You can also kill someone by hammering them on the head. Michelangelo used a hammer to create David.

With great power comes great responsibility. That is why mentoring and moderation are a core part of the concept, starting with the very first test.

That said, there will be abuse. It's unevitable. Teens fuck up. But the opportunities created outweigh the dangers by far.

I have other concerns with this idea

Your feedback is welcome! You can reach me on Twitter or via Email

Thx for taking the time! :)

The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed.

–William Gibson

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Computers for Kids

Computers for Kids « Davis Education Foundation

About Us | Little Geeks Foundation

One Laptop per Child

Kids Cops & Computers – Technology Charity of Choice

Computers for Kids - Corrections Foundation - Supporting the Correctional and Probation Officers Who Protect Public Safety

Computers for Kids | Ecuadent Foundation

The Paros Foundation | Computers for Kids

Merry Go Round Children's Foundation | Toronto Community Knowledge Centre

School Bell: East Contra Costa’s Special Kids Foundation gives out computers – The Mercury News

Special Kids Foundation

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