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Created October 14, 2010 18:10
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""" Script to fit the SI model defined in
Also produce some plots, to be used in a short healthyalgorithms blog
post about attaching statistical models to system dynamics models
from pylab import *
from pymc import *
# load the model
import si_model as mod
reload(mod) # this reload streamlines interactive debugging
# fit the model with mcmc
mc = MCMC(mod)
mc.use_step_method(AdaptiveMetropolis, [mod.beta, mod.gamma, mod.SI_0])
mc.sample(iter=200000, burn=100000, thin=20, verbose=1)
# plot the estimated size of S and I over time
subplots_adjust(hspace=0, right=1)
subplot(2, 1, 1)
title('SI model with uncertainty')
plot(mod.susceptible_data, 's', mec='black', color='black', alpha=.9)
plot(mod.S.stats()['mean'], color='red', linewidth=2)
plot(mod.S.stats()['95% HPD interval'], color='red',
linewidth=1, linestyle='dotted')
ylabel('S (people)')
subplot(2, 1, 2)
plot(mod.infected_data, 's', mec='black', color='black', alpha=.9)
plot(mod.I.stats()['mean'], color='blue', linewidth=2)
plot(mod.I.stats()['95% HPD interval'], color='blue',
linewidth=1, linestyle='dotted')
xlabel('Time (days)')
ylabel('I (people)')
# plot the joint distribution of the epidemic parameters
title('Joint Distribution of Epidemic Parameters')
plot([mod.beta.random() for i in range(1000)],
[mod.gamma.random() for i in range(1000)],
linestyle='none', marker='o', color='blue', mec='blue',
alpha=.5, label='Prior', zorder=-100)
plot(mod.beta.trace(), mod.gamma.trace(),
linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green',
alpha=.5, label='Posterior', zorder=-99)
import scipy.stats
gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([mod.beta.trace(), mod.gamma.trace()])
x,y = mgrid[0:40:.05, 0:1.1:.05]
z = array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(),y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape)
contour(x, y, z, linewidths=1, alpha=.5, cmap=cm.Greys)
ylabel(r'$\gamma$', fontsize=18, rotation=0)
xlabel(r'$\beta$', fontsize=18)
axis([-1, 41, -.05, 1.05])
# plot the autocorrelation of the MCMC trace for each var as evidence of mixing
def my_corr(tr, with_dots=False):
acorr(tr, detrend=mlab.detrend_mean, usevlines=True)
if with_dots:
acorr(tr, detrend=mlab.detrend_mean, usevlines=False)
axis([-11, 11,-.1, 1.1])
axes([.05, .5, .475, .5])
my_corr(mod.beta.trace(), with_dots=True)
text(-10, .9, r'$\beta$')
axes([.525, .5, .475, .5])
my_corr(mod.gamma.trace(), with_dots=True)
text(-10, .9, r'$\gamma$')
for i in range(10):
axes([.05 + i*.095, .25, .095, .25])
text(-10, .9, '$S_%d$'%i)
if i == 0:
axes([.05 + i*.095, 0., .095, .25])
text(-10, .9, '$I_%d$'%i)
if i == 0:
## SI model
from pymc import *
from numpy import *
#observed data
T = 10
susceptible_data = array([999,997,996,994,993,992,990,989,986,984])
infected_data = array([1,2,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15])
# stochastic priors
beta = Uniform('beta', 0., 40., value=1.)
gamma = Uniform('gamma', 0., 1., value=.001)
SI_0 = Uninformative('SI_0', value=[999., 1.])
# deterministic compartmental model
def SI(SI_0=SI_0, beta=beta, gamma=gamma):
S = zeros(T)
I = zeros(T)
S[0] = SI_0[0]
I[0] = SI_0[1]
for i in range(1,T):
S[i] = S[i-1] - 0.05*beta*S[i-1]*I[i-1]/(S[i-1]+I[i-1])
I[i] = max(0., I[i-1] + 0.05*beta*S[i-1]*I[i-1]/(S[i-1]+I[i-1]) - gamma*I[i-1])
return S, I
S = Lambda('S', lambda SI=SI: SI[0])
I = Lambda('I', lambda SI=SI: SI[1])
# data likelihood
A = Poisson('A', mu=S, value=susceptible_data, observed=True)
B = Poisson('B', mu=I, value=infected_data, observed=True)
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Now that we know it mixes, the question is "will it blend"?

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