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Created October 26, 2010 02:53
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""" Script to remake some uncommunicative info graphics I've seen in the news"""
from pylab import *
# Eli Sander's article "Tax the Filthy Rich"
y = [2116.906, 787.162, 356.570, 72.858]
y2 = [38.400]
bar([1,2,3,4], y, color='grey', label='Not Taxed')
bar([4], y2, color='red', label='Taxed')
axis([.5, 5, 0, 2500])
xticks([1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4], ['Under $50K', '$50K-100K', '$100K-200K', 'Over $200K'], ha='center')
ylabel('WA Tax Returns (Thousands)')
# NYTimes Chamber of commerce
r = [34.3, 21.1, 15.3, 12.9, 8.7, 8.5, 8.0]
rnames = 'NRCC USCC AAN AC AFF NRSC AJS'.split()
d = [26.3, 22.0, 10.6]
dnames = 'DCCC DSCC SEIU'.split()
bar(1 + zeros_like(r), cumsum(r)[::-1], color='red')
bar(2 + zeros_like(d), cumsum(d)[::-1], color='blue')
for i in range(len(r)):
text(1.4, cumsum(r)[i], '\n%s'%rnames[i], va='top', ha='center')
for i in range(len(d)):
text(2.4, cumsum(d)[i], '\n%s'%dnames[i], va='top', ha='center')
xticks([1.4, 2.4], ['Are/Lean Conservative', 'Are/Lean Liberal'])
axis([.8, 3, 0, 125])
ylabel('Campaign Spending (millions)')
title('Top Ten Campaign Spenders Jan 1, 2009 to Oct 18, 2010')
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