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Created May 16, 2012 23:18
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paparazzi baro_bmp.c
* $Id: baro_bmp.c $
* Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Mueller
* This file is part of paparazzi.
* paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/** \file baro_bmp.c
* \brief Bosch BMP085 I2C sensor interface
* This reads the values for pressure and temperature from the Bosch BMP085 sensor through I2C.
#include "sensors/baro_bmp.h"
#include "mcu_periph/sys_time.h"
#include "mcu_periph/i2c.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "mcu_periph/uart.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/downlink.h"
#include "estimator.h"
#include "subsystems/nav.h"
#warning set SENSOR_SYNC_SEND to use baro_bmp
#ifndef BMP_I2C_DEV
#define BMP_I2C_DEV i2c0
#define BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR 0xEE
#define BARO_BMP_OFFSET_MAX 30000
#define BARO_BMP_R 0.5
#define BARO_BMP_SIGMA2 0.1
struct i2c_transaction bmp_trans;
bool_t baro_bmp_valid;
bool_t baro_bmp_enabled;
float baro_bmp_r;
float baro_bmp_sigma2;
// Global variables
//uint16_t baro_bmp_offset;
uint8_t baro_bmp_status;
uint32_t baro_bmp_pressure;
uint16_t baro_bmp_temperature;
int32_t baro_bmp_altitude, baro_bmp,baro_bmp_temp,baro_bmp_offset;
double tmp_float;
int16_t bmp_ac1, bmp_ac2, bmp_ac3;
uint16_t bmp_ac4, bmp_ac5, bmp_ac6;
int16_t bmp_b1, bmp_b2;
int16_t bmp_mb, bmp_mc, bmp_md;
int32_t bmp_up, bmp_ut;
// Local variables
bool_t baro_bmp_offset_init;
int32_t baro_bmp_offset_tmp;
uint16_t baro_bmp_cnt;
void baro_bmp_init( void ) {
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_UNINIT;
baro_bmp_r = BARO_BMP_R;
baro_bmp_sigma2 = BARO_BMP_SIGMA2;
baro_bmp_valid = TRUE;
baro_bmp_enabled = TRUE;
baro_bmp_offset_init = FALSE;
/* read calibration values */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_EEPROM_AC1;
I2CTransceive(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 1, 22);
void baro_bmp_periodic( void ) {
if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_IDLE) {
/* start temp measurement (once) */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_CTRL_REG;
bmp_trans.buf[1] = BMP085_START_TEMP;
I2CTransmit(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 2);
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_START_TEMP;
else if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_START_TEMP) {
/* read temp measurement */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_DAT_MSB;
I2CTransceive(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 1, 2);
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_READ_TEMP;
else if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_START_PRESS) {
/* read press measurement */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_DAT_MSB;
I2CTransceive(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 1, 3);
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_READ_PRESS;
void baro_bmp_event( void ) {
if (bmp_trans.status == I2CTransSuccess) {
if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_UNINIT) {
/* get calibration data */
bmp_ac1 = (bmp_trans.buf[0] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[1];
bmp_ac2 = (bmp_trans.buf[2] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[3];
bmp_ac3 = (bmp_trans.buf[4] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[5];
bmp_ac4 = (bmp_trans.buf[6] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[7];
bmp_ac5 = (bmp_trans.buf[8] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[9];
bmp_ac6 = (bmp_trans.buf[10] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[11];
bmp_b1 = (bmp_trans.buf[12] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[13];
bmp_b2 = (bmp_trans.buf[14] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[15];
bmp_mb = (bmp_trans.buf[16] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[17];
bmp_mc = (bmp_trans.buf[18] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[19];
bmp_md = (bmp_trans.buf[20] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[21];
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_IDLE;
else if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_READ_TEMP) {
/* get uncompensated temperature */
bmp_ut = (bmp_trans.buf[0] << 8) | bmp_trans.buf[1];
/* start high res pressure measurement */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_CTRL_REG;
bmp_trans.buf[1] = BMP085_START_P3;
I2CTransmit(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 2);
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_START_PRESS;
else if (baro_bmp_status == BARO_BMP_READ_PRESS) {
int32_t bmp_p, bmp_t;
int32_t bmp_x1, bmp_x2, bmp_x3;
int32_t bmp_b3, bmp_b5, bmp_b6;
uint32_t bmp_b4, bmp_b7;
/* get uncompensated pressure, oss=3 */
bmp_up = (bmp_trans.buf[0] << 11) |
(bmp_trans.buf[1] << 3) |
(bmp_trans.buf[2] >> 5);
/* start temp measurement */
bmp_trans.buf[0] = BMP085_CTRL_REG;
bmp_trans.buf[1] = BMP085_START_TEMP;
I2CTransmit(BMP_I2C_DEV, bmp_trans, BMP085_SLAVE_ADDR, 2);
baro_bmp_status = BARO_BMP_START_TEMP;
/* compensate temperature */
bmp_x1 = (bmp_ut - bmp_ac6) * bmp_ac5 / (1<<15);
bmp_x2 = bmp_mc * (1<<11) / (bmp_x1 + bmp_md);
bmp_b5 = bmp_x1 + bmp_x2;
bmp_t = (bmp_b5 + 8) / (1<<4);
/* compensate pressure */
bmp_b6 = bmp_b5 - 4000;
bmp_x1 = (bmp_b2 * (bmp_b6 * bmp_b6 / (1<<12))) / (1<<11);
bmp_x2 = bmp_ac2 *bmp_b6 / (1<<11);
bmp_x3 = bmp_x1 + bmp_x2;
bmp_b3 = (((bmp_ac1 * 4 + bmp_x3) << 3) + 2) / 4;
bmp_x1 = bmp_ac3 * bmp_b6 / (1<<13);
bmp_x2 = (bmp_b1 * (bmp_b6 * bmp_b6 / (1<<12))) / (1<<16);
bmp_x3 = ((bmp_x1 + bmp_x2) +2) / (1<<2);
bmp_b4 = bmp_ac4 * (uint32_t)(bmp_x3 + 32768) / (1<<15);
bmp_b7 = ((uint32_t)bmp_up - bmp_b3) * (50000>>3);
if (bmp_b7 < 0x80000000)
bmp_p = (bmp_b7 * 2) / bmp_b4;
bmp_p = (bmp_b7 / bmp_b4) * 2;
bmp_x1 = (bmp_p / (1<<8)) * (bmp_p / (1<<8));
bmp_x1 = (bmp_x1 * 3038) / (1<<16);
bmp_x2 = (-7357 * bmp_p) / (1<<16);
bmp_p = bmp_p + (bmp_x1 + bmp_x2 + 3791) / (1<<4);
baro_bmp_temperature = bmp_t;
baro_bmp_pressure = bmp_p;
tmp_float = bmp_p/101325.0; //pressao nivel mar
tmp_float = pow(tmp_float,0.190295); //eleva pressao ao expoente
baro_bmp = 44330*(1.0-tmp_float);
if (!baro_bmp_offset_init) {
baro_bmp_offset = baro_bmp;
baro_bmp_offset_init = TRUE;
// Check if averaging completed
if (baro_bmp_cnt == 0) {
// Calculate average
baro_bmp_offset = (baro_bmp_offset_tmp / BARO_BMP_OFFSET_NBSAMPLES_AVRG);
// Limit offset
if (baro_bmp_offset < BARO_BMP_OFFSET_MIN)
baro_bmp_offset = BARO_BMP_OFFSET_MIN;
if (baro_bmp_offset > BARO_BMP_OFFSET_MAX)
baro_bmp_offset = BARO_BMP_OFFSET_MAX;
baro_bmp_offset_init = TRUE;
// Check if averaging needs to continue
else if (baro_bmp_cnt <= BARO_BMP_OFFSET_NBSAMPLES_AVRG)
baro_bmp_offset_tmp += baro_bmp;
}//baro offset init
baro_bmp_temp = (baro_bmp - baro_bmp_offset);
if (baro_bmp_offset_init) {
baro_bmp_altitude = ground_alt + baro_bmp_temp;
// New value available
DOWNLINK_SEND_BMP_STATUS(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &baro_bmp_temp, &bmp_ut, &bmp_p, &bmp_t);
RunOnceEvery(10, DOWNLINK_SEND_BMP_STATUS(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &baro_bmp_temp, &bmp_ut, &bmp_p, &bmp_t));
else {
baro_bmp_altitude = 0.0;
baro_bmp_enabled = FALSE;
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