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Last active November 20, 2023 01:01
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Render test cases
// Testing function.
// Return true on success and false on fail.
bool testRender(int lineLength, const char input[], const char expectedOutput[], int expectedReturnValue) {
istringstream iss(input);
ostringstream oss;
ostringstream dummy;
streambuf *origCout = cout.rdbuf(dummy.rdbuf());
int retval = render(lineLength, iss, oss);
if (!dummy.str().empty()) {
cerr << "WROTE TO COUT INSTEAD OF THIRD PARAMETER FOR: " << input << endl;
return false;
} else if (retval != expectedReturnValue) {
cerr << "WRONG RETURN VALUE FOR: " << input << endl;
return false;
} else if (retval == 2) {
if (!oss.str().empty()) {
cerr << "WROTE OUTPUT WHEN LINELENGTH IS " << lineLength << endl;
return false;
} else if (oss.str() != expectedOutput) {
cerr << "----------" << endl;
cerr << "WRONG RESULT FOR: " << input << endl;
cerr << "----------received:" << endl;
cerr << oss.str() << endl;
cerr << "----------expected:" << endl;
cerr << expectedOutput << endl;
cerr << "----------" << endl;
return false;
return true;
int main() {
// MARK: - Invalid parameters
assert(testRender(0, "Hello", "", 2)); // max length can't be 0
// MARK: - Whitespaces
assert(testRender(100, " Hello!", "Hello!\n", 0)); // space at beginning, remove it
assert(testRender(100, "\nHello!", "Hello!\n", 0)); // newline at beginning, remove it
assert(testRender(100, " \n\n\nHello!", "Hello!\n", 0)); // space + newlines at beginning, remove them
assert(testRender(100, "Hello! ", "Hello!\n", 0)); // space at end, remove it
assert(testRender(100, "Hello! \n\n ", "Hello!\n", 0)); // spaces + newlines at end, remove them
assert(testRender(8, "Hello world", "Hello\nworld\n", 0)); // break at space
assert(testRender(8, "Hello world", "Hello\nworld\n", 0)); // consecutive spaces are ignored
assert(testRender(100, "", "", 0)); // empty string renders empty file
assert(testRender(100, " ", "", 0)); // single space string renders empty file
assert(testRender(100, " \n\t\n ", "", 0)); // whitespace string renders empty file
// MARK: - Hyphen behavior
assert(testRender(100, "Henley-on-Thames", "Henley-on-Thames\n", 0)); // normal behavior where it fits
assert(testRender(12, "Henley-on-Thames", "Henley-on-\nThames\n", 0)); // broken up after a hyphen
assert(testRender(5, "1234-1234-1234", "1234-\n1234-\n1234\n", 0)); // multiple hyphen breaks
assert(testRender(4, "1234-1234-1234", "1234\n-\n1234\n-\n1234\n", 1)); // hyphen couldn't fit and is on its own line
assert(testRender(2, "1234-1234-1234", "12\n34\n-\n12\n34\n-\n12\n34\n", 1)); // both word and hyphen are split
assert(testRender(1, "1234-1234-1234", "1\n2\n3\n4\n-\n1\n2\n3\n4\n-\n1\n2\n3\n4\n", 1)); // one single vertical line
assert(testRender(100, "Hello- world", "Hello- world\n", 0)); // space after hyphen
assert(testRender(100, "Hello- world", "Hello- world\n", 0)); // multiple spaces after hyphen
// MARK: - Punctuation (.?!:)
assert(testRender(100, "Hello! My name is Andrew.", "Hello! My name is Andrew.\n", 0)); // 2 spaces after !
assert(testRender(100, "Hello?!! World", "Hello?!! World\n", 0)); // consecutive punctuation
assert(testRender(100, "What time is it? Time to get a watch.", "What time is it? Time to get a watch.\n", 0)); // test question mark
assert(testRender(100, "A wise man once said: I love CS 31.", "A wise man once said: I love CS 31.\n", 0)); // test colon
assert(testRender(100, "Hi... how are you doing?", "Hi... how are you doing?\n", 0)); // 2 spaces after end of ellipsis
assert(testRender(100, "!-!-!-!-!", "!-!-!-!-!\n", 0)); // punctuation with hyphen
assert(testRender(5, "!-!-!-!-!", "!-!-\n!-!-!\n", 0)); // break in middle
assert(testRender(16, "What time is it? Time to get a watch.", "What time is it?\nTime to get a\nwatch.\n", 0)); // no space after question mark when breaking
assert(testRender(6, "Hello world!", "Hello\nworld!\n", 0)); // remove the extra space from the exclamation mark
assert(testRender(5, "Hello, world!", "Hello\n,\nworld\n!\n", 1)); // comma and exclamation mark on separate line
// MARK: - Single word over multiple lines
assert(testRender(3, "abcdef", "abc\ndef\n", 1)); // split across 2 lines, returning 1
assert(testRender(3, "abcdefg", "abc\ndef\ng\n", 1)); // single character at the end
assert(testRender(10, "A long word is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", "A long\nword is\nsupercalif\nragilistic\nexpialidoc\nious\n", 1)); // only last word is too long
// MARK: - Paragraph breaks
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@ World", "Hello\n\nWorld\n", 0)); // paragraph break in middle
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@ @P@ World", "Hello\n\nWorld\n", 0)); // duplicate paragraph breaks have no effect
assert(testRender(100, "@P@ Hello @P@ World", "Hello\n\nWorld\n", 0)); // paragraph break at start is ignored
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@ World @P@", "Hello\n\nWorld\n", 0)); // paragraph break at end is ignored
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@ World @P@ ", "Hello\n\nWorld\n", 0)); // paragraph break at end and extra space are both ignored
assert(testRender(100, "banjo@P@", "banjo@P@\n", 0)); // @P@ is part of the previous word
assert(testRender(100, "banjo@P@ banjo@P@", "banjo@P@ banjo@P@\n", 0)); // space after the @P@ isn't enough, need space before too
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@world", "Hello @P@world\n", 0)); // space before the @P@ isn't enough, need space after too
assert(testRender(100, "Hello @P@@P@ World", "Hello @P@@P@ World\n", 0)); // consecutive @P@'s without space just renders it as-is
assert(testRender(100, "@P@-@P@", "@P@-@P@\n", 0)); // should print out as a single word
assert(testRender(100, "@P@ @P@- -@P@ @P@", "@P@- -@P@\n", 0)); // ignore leading and ending paragraph break
assert(testRender(100, " @P@ @P@ ", "", 0)); // spaces on edge, so nothing gets printed
assert(testRender(100, "@P@ @P@- -@P@World! @P@- !-@P@ Hello-@P@-World.", "@P@- -@P@World! @P@- !-@P@ Hello-@P@-World.\n", 0)); // lots of weird combinations
assert(testRender(20, "@P@ @P@- -@P@World! @P@- !-@P@ Hello-@P@-World.", "@P@- -@P@World!\n@P@- !-@P@ Hello-\n@P@-World.\n", 0)); // split on the hyphen after "Hello"
assert(testRender(10, "@P@ @P@- -@P@World! @P@- !-@P@ Hello-@P@-World.", "@P@- -\n@P@World!\n@P@- !-@P@\nHello-@P@-\nWorld.\n", 0)); // more splits
assert(testRender(1, "@P@ @P@- -@P@World! @P@- !-@P@ Hello-@P@-World.", "@\nP\n@\n-\n-\n@\nP\n@\nW\no\nr\nl\nd\n!\n@\nP\n@\n-\n!\n-\n@\nP\n@\nH\ne\nl\nl\no\n-\n@\nP\n@\n-\nW\no\nr\nl\nd\n.\n", 1)); // single vertical line of output
// MARK: - Stress testing
assert(testRender(500, "The input word @P@ is not to be processed as a word according to the above rules; instead, it indicates a paragraph break.\nThe first word in the input following a paragraph break will be the first word of a new paragraph in the output.\nIf a paragraph has already been output, the new paragraph must be separated\nfrom the one that precedes it by an empty line (i.e., a line with no characters other than the terminating newline).\nThe very first output paragraph must not be preceded by an empty line. The very last output paragraph must not be followed by an empty line.\nTwo or more consecutive @P@ words in the input are treated as just one paragraph break.\nNotice that banjo@P@ is one eight-character word; it does not cause a paragraph break,\nbecause in that string, @P@ is not a word because of the immediately preceding non-whitespace character o.", "The input word\n\nis not to be processed as a word according to the above rules; instead, it indicates a paragraph break. The first word in the input following a paragraph break will be the first word of a new paragraph in the output. If a paragraph has already been output, the new paragraph must be separated from the one that precedes it by an empty line (i.e., a line with no characters other than the terminating newline). The very first output paragraph must not be preceded by an empty line. The very last\noutput paragraph must not be followed by an empty line. Two or more consecutive\n\nwords in the input are treated as just one paragraph break. Notice that banjo@P@ is one eight-character word; it does not cause a paragraph break, because in that string,\n\nis not a word because of the immediately preceding non-whitespace character o.\n", 0)); // first parameter greater than 250
assert(testRender(25, "asdlfdasoifjaspodfj-\n1239ij9 fsdjna9fusd-\n14890r413\n9fjasdjioasdcj9asdf-dfa-\naqwe-qwe-=q=q-q-=qfnjvc\nvf @P@-\ndfiosj90vji0af0jaw @P@@P@\nafsdokfja-@P@\n\nfd9as0ad0-s-09\n", "asdlfdasoifjaspodfj-\n1239ij9 fsdjna9fusd-\n14890r413\n9fjasdjioasdcj9asdf-dfa-\naqwe-qwe-=q=q-q-=qfnjvc\nvf @P@-\ndfiosj90vji0af0jaw @P@@P@\nafsdokfja-@P@ fd9as0ad0-\ns-09\n", 0)); // lots of combinations
// MARK: - Additional test cases
assert(testRender(40, "It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than\nI should do. It is not that I object to the work, mind you;\nI like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.\nI love to keep it by me: the idea of getting\nrid\nof it nearly breaks my heart. @P@ You cannot give me too\nmuch work; to accumulate work has almost become\n\n\na passion with me: my study is so full of it now, that there is hardly\nan inch of room for any more.\n\n", "It always does seem to me that I am\ndoing more work than I should do. It is\nnot that I object to the work, mind you;\nI like work: it fascinates me. I can\nsit and look at it for hours. I love to\nkeep it by me: the idea of getting rid\nof it nearly breaks my heart.\n\nYou cannot give me too much work; to\naccumulate work has almost become a\npassion with me: my study is so full of\nit now, that there is hardly an inch of\nroom for any more.\n", 0));
assert(testRender(30, "This text was rendered with max line length 30. @P@ This is paragraph 2!", "This text was rendered with\nmax line length 30.\n\nThis is paragraph 2!\n", 0));
assert(testRender(7, "This\n\t\tis a\ntest\n", "This is\na test\n", 0));
assert(testRender(8, " This is a test \n", "This is\na test\n", 0));
assert(testRender(6, "Testing it\n", "Testin\ng it\n", 1));
assert(testRender(-5, "irrelevant", "irrelevant", 2));
cerr << "All tests complete!" << endl;
return 0;
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