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Jimmy Touma aitatanit

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aitatanit / crank-nicolson.tex
Created January 22, 2017 06:37
Finite Difference Method - Crank-Nicolson Stencil in TikZ
% Author: JE Touma (
% Finite difference method - crank-nicolson stencil
aitatanit / fdm_explicit.tex
Created January 22, 2017 06:35
Finite Difference Method - explicit stencil in TikZ
% Author: JE Touma (
% Finite difference method - explicit stencil
aitatanit / fdm_implicit.tex
Created January 22, 2017 06:34
Finite Difference Method - Implicit Stencil in TikZ
% Author: JE Touma (
% Finite difference method - implicit stencil
aitatanit / EMWave-z-direction.tex
Created November 1, 2016 16:38
EM Wave propagating in the Z direction
% EM Wave propagating in the Z-direction
% Author: Jimmy Touma
% adapted from: Cyril Langlois (
aitatanit / thin-fim-multiple-reflections.tex
Created November 1, 2016 05:48
Multiple reflections from thin film
% Multiple reflections in thin film
% Author: Jimmy Touma
% adapted from: Jimi Oke (
aitatanit / oblique-incidence-TM-Mode.tex
Last active October 31, 2016 11:47
TM mode (P-polarization) of EM wave at oblique incidence at an interface between two media
% Oblique Incidence - TM Mode (P-Polarization)
% Author: Jimmy Touma (10/27/2016)
% Adapted from:
% Edgar Fuentes (Club de LaTeX UC member)
aitatanit / oblique-incidence-TE-Mode.tex
Last active October 31, 2016 11:46
TE mode (S-polarization) of EM wave at oblique incidence at an interface between two media
% Oblique Incidence - TE Mode (S-Polarization)
% Author: Jimmy Touma (10/27/2016)
% Adapted from:
% Edgar Fuentes (Club de LaTeX UC member)
Given an arbitrarily nested dictionary, create a PyTables Table
Populate a table row given the contents of a dictionary
import tables
import numpy as np
import sys
Given an arbitrarily nested dictionary, create a PyTables Table
Populate a table row given the contents of a dictionary
import tables
import numpy as np
import sys
all: test testmodule libtest.o
$(CC) -shared -o $@ $< -lc
test: test_main.c libtest.o
$(CC) -o $@ $?
testmodule: testmodule.c
python build