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def solution(a: Array[Int]): Int = {
def solution(left: Long, right: Long, index: Int): Int = index match {
case _ if left == right =>
case x if x == a.length -1 =>
case _ =>
solution(left + a(index), right - a(index + 1), index + 1)
object Euler04 {
def largestPalindrome(digits: Int): Long = {
val min = Math.pow(10, digits - 1).toInt
val max = min * 10 - 1
def largestPalindrome(x: Long, y: Long, acc: Long): Long = (x, y) match {
case (`max`, `max`) => acc
case (_, `max`) =>
val newAcc = computeAcc(x, y, acc)
object P04 {
def groupIndexed[T](ts: Seq[(T, Int)]): Map[T, Seq[Int]] = {
val (toMap, size) = convertToMapAndSize(ts) {
case (t, seq) =>
val range = (1 to size).map(i => if (seq.contains(i)) 1 else 0)
(t, range)
object P04 {
def groupIndexed[T](ts: Seq[(T, Int)]): Map[T, Seq[Int]] = {
val (toMap, max) = splitToMap(ts) {
case (t, seq) =>
val array = new Array[Int](max)
seq.foreach { i =>
array(i - 1) = 1
(t, array.toSeq)
object Grouped {
def grouped[A](ts: Seq[A], s: Int): Iterator[Seq[A]] = new Iterator[Seq[A]] {
private var tsSeq: Seq[A] = ts
override def next(): Seq[A] = {
val (h, t) = tsSeq.splitAt(s)
tsSeq = t
def filterNot[A](ts: Seq[A])(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Seq[A] = {
val reverted = ts.foldLeft[Seq[A]](Seq()) {
(acc, el) => if (p(el)) acc else el +: acc
object Drop {
def drop[A](as: Seq[A], n: Int): Seq[A] = as match {
case Seq() => Seq()
case h +: t if n > 0 => drop(t, n - 1)
case _ => as
object S99_P14 {
def duplicate[T](as: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = as.flatMap(el => Seq.fill(2)(el))
object S99_P14 {
def duplicate[T](as: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
val reversed = as.foldLeft[Seq[T]](Nil) {
(acc, el) => el +: (el +: acc)
object S99_P26 {
def combinations[T](count: Int, ts: Seq[T]): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
def addHeadToSeqs[T](tss: Seq[Seq[T]], elt: T): Seq[Seq[T]] = => elt +: ts)
ts match {
case h +: tail if count == 1 =>
ts.flatMap(e => Seq(Seq(e)))
object S99_P10 {
def encode[T](ts: Seq[T]): Seq[(Int, T)] = {
val (_, _, l, last) = ts.foldRight[(Int, Option[T], Seq[(Int, T)], (Int, Option[T]))]((0, None, Nil, (0, None))) {
(el, q) =>
val (nr, option, acc, _) = q
option match {
case None => (1, Some(el), acc, (1, Some(el)))
case Some(x) => if (x == el) {
(nr + 1, Some(el), acc, (nr + 1, Some(el)))
} else {