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Created January 21, 2015 18:12
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object P04 {
def groupIndexed[T](ts: Seq[(T, Int)]): Map[T, Seq[Int]] = {
val (toMap, max) = splitToMap(ts) {
case (t, seq) =>
val array = new Array[Int](max)
seq.foreach { i =>
array(i - 1) = 1
(t, array.toSeq)
private def splitToMap[T](ts: Seq[(T, Int)]) = ts.foldLeft((Map.empty[T, Seq[Int]], 1)) {
case ((map, max), (t, v)) =>
val a = map.getOrElse(t, Seq.empty[Int])
(map + (t -> (v +: a)), max.max(v))
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