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<form action="Lagrange.php" method="post" target="new">
 y=e^(abs(-x))を13点で補間  13点を入力<br>
x1=<input type="text" name="x1"/> <br>
x2=<input type="text" name="x2"/>,<br>
module led_light(KEY0,LED[1:0],CLK);
input KEY0,CLK; /* CLK PIN_R8 */
output [1:0] LED; /* LED0:PIN_B5 LED1:debug */
reg [126:0] rand;
reg [6:0] offset;
reg [25:0] count = 0;
#define INPUT_PIN 7
#define LED_PIN 13
#define MAX 500
volatile int i = 0;
volatile int temp[MAX+25];
volatile int mk[127];
int main(void)
int mk[127];
mk[0] = 1;
mk[1] = 1;
mk[2] = 1;
mk[3] = 1;
mk[4] = 1;
module led_input(GPIO,hled1,CLK);
input GPIO,CLK;
output [7:0] hled1;
reg [127:0] rand;
reg [6:0] offset;
reg [25:0] count = 0;
$str = trim(fgets(STDIN));
//$str = mb_convert_encoding($strIn, "UTF-8", "SJIS");
$header = " header ";
$footer = " footer ";
aki-lua87 / excel_de_twitter.php
Last active August 5, 2018 14:35
ExcelにTwitterのつぶやきを表示してみた ref:
echo $str."を検索します \n";
ob_start(function($buf){ return mb_convert_encoding($buf, 'SJIS', 'UTF-8'); });
foreach($result->statuses as $status):
echo $header;
echo $status->text;
echo $footer;
aki-lua87 / うちの子案.json
Last active June 10, 2017 08:02
"title": "うちの子イメージ",
"基本データ": {
"name": " - ",
"sex": "♀",
"race": "狐っ娘",
"身体データ": {
"身長": "163",
"体重": "55",
aki-lua87 /
Created June 22, 2015 06:23
package shuffle_test;
public class deck
int max = 10;
int[] num = new int[max];
int[] id = new int[max];