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Last active July 2, 2024 02:12
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Useful Xcode debugger commands

Useful Xcode debugger commands

Command Description Example
Value Inspection
po Print the value of an expression po myVariable.count
po [object description] Print a detailed description of the object. po [myView debugDescription]
ptype Print the type of an expression ptype myArray
quick look Display a visual preview of an object in the debug pane
kvc path: "<key path>" Access nested properties using Key-Value Coding from the current context kvc path: ""
print Print a message to the console print("My code reached here!")
Execution Control
continue Continue execution after a breakpoint
next Step to the next line of code
step Step into the next line of code, even if it's a function call
skip Skip the current line of code
return Return from the current function
Breakpoints and Watchpoints
break Set a breakpoint at the current line of code
breakpoint delete <breakpoint number> Delete a specific breakpoint breakpoint delete 1
condition break [breakpoint number] <condition> Set a condition for a breakpoint to trigger condition break 1 myVariable.isEmpty
watchpoint set expr at` Set a watchpoint on an expression. watchpoint set expr myInt == 10 at [MyViewController viewDidLoad]
data breakpoint set at [memory address] Set a breakpoint on a memory address data breakpoint set at 0x12345678
Information and Navigation
bt Print the call stack
clear Clear the console output
help Get help on available debugger commands help po
info Get information about the current state of the debugger info breakpoints
thread list List all available threads
thread select <thread number> Switch to a specific thread thread select 2
source file [filename] View the source code for a specific file source file MyViewController.swift
Path and URL
po NSHomeDirectory() Print the user's home directory path po NSHomeDirectory()
po Bundle.main.bundleURL Print the URL of the app's main bundle
po NSBundle.mainBundle.bundlePath Print the path of the app's main bundle
po UIApplication.shared.applicationState Print the current application state (Active, Background, etc.)
po NSBundle.mainBundle.executablePath Print the current application location (if available)
po <memory address> Print the value at a specific memory address (Careful with raw memory access!) po 0x12345678
memory read <count> at <address> Read a specific number of bytes from memory at a given address memory read 4 at 0x12345678
po CFGetAddressOfObject(<object>) Print the memory address of an object po CFGetAddressOfObject(myView)
Advanced Access
po <class>.description Print a detailed description of an object's class po UIViewController.description
po NSClassFromString("<class name>") Access a class dynamically using its string name po NSClassFromString("MyCustomViewController")
po <array>[<index>] Access an element in an array by its index po myArray[2]
po <dictionary>["<key>"] Access a value in a dictionary by its key po myDictionary["username"]
po <closure>(<arguments>) Execute a closure directly in the debugger po myClosure(1, "string")
po ProcessInfo().processIdentifier Print the current process identifier (PID) po ProcessInfo().processIdentifier
po task(forPID: <PID>) Access a specific running process by its PID po task(forPID: ProcessInfo().processIdentifier)
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