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Andrew Kingdom akingdom

  • Australia
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akingdom /
Last active July 9, 2024 04:12
Six Principles for Creating a Programmable System

Six Principles for Creating a Programmable System

By Andrew Kingdom

  1. User-Centric Design: The system should be designed with a core intent of assisting users to leverage their existing knowledge and experiences. This means the system should be intuitive and familiar, allowing users to apply what they already know to interact with and navigate the system effectively. Using familiar metaphors is one way to do this.

  2. Multi-Sensory Interactivity: Users should be able to create interactive elements that can be interacted with not only visually (e.g., through touch or gesture on a screen), but also through other senses. For example, users could create elements that respond to voice commands (auditory) or provide haptic feedback (tactile). This multi-sensory interactivity can enhance the user experience and make the system more accessible to a wider range of users.

  3. Inclusive Language and Symbolic Representations: The system should offer multiple modalities for instructions, including spoken

akingdom /
Last active July 8, 2024 17:55
A general discussion on programming, including my comments to students.

Programming Advice

A general discussion on programming, including re-posts of my comments to students and others.

Tips for beginners


  • First Steps in Learning Programming:
    1. Start with a strong motivation; understand why programming matters to you personally.
    2. Learn from inspiring examples and continuously refine your skills based on real-world needs.
  1. Engage with mentors and peers who challenge and inspire you to grow.
akingdom / The Goose
Last active July 9, 2024 04:44
An original fairytale, based on a twist, mixing several common fairytale tropes, for Greek Fairytales channel.

The Goose Bride

In the English midlands, in the land that used to be known as Mercia, there once lived a certain young woman, named Beatrice, whose eyes were the colour of a summer sky and hair as wild as a windswept meadow. She lived alone with her father, Harold, an ageing war veteran, whose past glories were now overshadowed by ill health and the winter gnawed hard on his bones, or so he told his old friends when they visited.

On this particular day, there was a visitor, a messenger who announced that the king would be hunting nearby, demanding a tribute of two feathered arrows and a fowl for his table. Beatrice looked fearfully at her father, because Goosie (a plump white goose which she had raised by hand), was their only fowl fit for a king’s larder. It was Beatrice's beloved companion, and tears welled up in her eyes as her father made a difficult decision. "This is our duty, daughter," he rasped, his voice heavy with regret (for the goose laid a many eggs).

Beatrice understood, yet

Word meanings

Occasionally I have cause to do a deep dive into word meanings.

Hope as a concept means 'confident expectation' and relates to the idea of respectful acknowledgement of one's duties and obligations, especially as owed to someone greater than you, prostrating one's self to show this service.

True relates to the word tree in the sense that a tree is not easily moved, compared to a stone boundary marker for instance. Possibly also relates to health in the sense of wishing someone to be as healthy (strong) as a tree.

akingdom /
Last active May 3, 2024 13:16
A few maths (re)discoveries I've made

Some maths things I've found over the years.

By Andrew Kingdom. (I'll update the details when I have time.)

The four-colour theory states that any map can be coloured in using a maximum of four colours without using the same colour for neighbouring regions. This has been proven using a computer.

My discovery was a partial-geometric method (collapsing all combinations down to a single set of incomplete-shapes) to prove all combinations on paper, which I believe hadn't been done previously. This can also be done using a divided 2D toroidal (donut) shape series, but I'm not 100% sure it covers all possibilies.

akingdom /
Last active March 11, 2024 21:49
Killing processes on MacOS

In MacOS here are two ways to kill processes in one hit. I'll use Google Drive as an example.

List process IDs (optional, useful to query beforehand or verify afterwards):

ps aux | grep "Google Drive" | awk '{print $2}'


ps aux | grep "Google Drive" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
akingdom / stereograph-swapLR,flipL.html
Created February 21, 2024 16:03
Swap cross-eye-stereograph image halves, optionally flipping one half horizontally. This is useful for incorrectly created stereo images.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Intent: Swap cross-eye-stereograph image halves, optionally flipping one half horizontally.
This is useful for incorrectly created stereo images.
By Andrew Kingdom
CC-BY license
akingdom / Useful Xcode debugger
Last active July 2, 2024 02:12
Useful Xcode debugger commands

Useful Xcode debugger commands

Command Description Example
Value Inspection
po Print the value of an expression po myVariable.count
po [object description] Print a detailed description of the object. po [myView debugDescription]
ptype Print the type of an expression ptype myArray
quick look Display a visual preview of an object in the debug pane
kvc path: "<key path>" Access nested properties using Key-Value Coding from the current context kvc path: ""

Source Control - what is it

Term Definition
Source A written recipe (programming code) and ingredients (data resources) from which an app is built.
Version Source Control A way to keep track of all the changes you make and easily go back to any previous version if you make a mistake.
Git A version source control system that distributes a full copy to each developer. Originally created to manage the Linux project.
GitHub One commercial provider of a Git service. Backed by Microsoft.
Repository Storage for all the different versions of your project's files.