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Last active October 24, 2018 19:47
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Benchmark which method plays best with pg_dump for rsyncability
# look out for the speedup factors reported, my
# tests indicate that `pigz --rsyncable` wins for
# the compressed format, but that the raw uncompressed
# format is the best if you want optimal rsyncability.
# This makes sense of course, but for many of us it's
# not feasible to keep uncompressed copies around, as the
# database can be huge and full of compressible data.
# you'll have to change the HOST variable below to
# point to the host + folder to fetch the files from
# # first run the script on the machine with
# # the pg install then do:
# $ orig changed
set -e
set -u
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$ORIG/ data/
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$NEW/m2d.arsync.dump.gz data/
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$NEW/m2d.compr.dump data/
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$NEW/m2d.gzip.dump.gz data/
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$NEW/m2d.pigz.dump.gz data/
rsync -avh --stats --progress $HOST/$NEW/m2d.raw.dump data/
# use it like this:
# $ orig
# $ psql <mydb>
# make some changes to the database, try to make a small change in the largest tables
# $ changed
# afterwards, run the script from another host (I took the easy route and ran
# on my virtual host and on a virtual muachine)
[ -d "$DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$DIR"
# -Z0 is to force no compression, we supply this flag when we pipe to
# our own compressor
pg_dump -Fc m2d > "$DIR/m2d.compr.dump"
pg_dump -Z0 -Fc m2d > "$DIR/m2d.raw.dump"
pg_dump -Z0 -Fc m2d | pigz > "$DIR/m2d.pigz.dump.gz"
pg_dump -Z0 -Fc m2d | gzip > "$DIR/m2d.gzip.dump.gz"
pg_dump -Z0 -Fc m2d | pigz --rsyncable > "$DIR/m2d.arsync.dump.gz"
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