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Created October 4, 2017 19:20
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An example program using the Goodbye library.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a context to use with the Goodbye library's functions.
ctx := context.Background()
// Always defer `goodbye.Exit` as early as possible since it is
// safe to execute no matter what. The -1 argument indicates to
// the Exit function to use the default exit code specified by
// the package field goodbye.ExitCode.
defer goodbye.Exit(ctx, -1)
// Invoke `goodbye.Notify` to begin trapping signals this process
// might receive. The Notify function can specify which signals are
// trapped, but if none are specified then a default list is used.
// The default set is platform dependent. See the files
// "goodbye_GOOS.go" for more information.
// Define an HTTP server
var s *http.Server
// Register three functions that are executed exactly once when the
// process exits, either normally or as a result of a signal.
// This function removes the UNIX socket file used by the HTTP server.
// Because the HTTP server should be shutdown before its socket file is
// removed, this function is registered with a low priority.
goodbye.RegisterWithPriority(func(ctx context.Context, sig os.Signal) {
// Remove the UNIX socket file.
log.Println("http: removed socket file: http.sock")
}, 500)
// This function detects whether or not the program is exiting as
// a result of a signal or not. This should be the first handler
// to execute.
goodbye.Register(func(ctx context.Context, sig os.Signal) {
// If the process is shutting down because a signal was
// received then log that signal.
if !goodbye.IsNormalExit(sig) {
log.Printf("http: received signal: %v\n", sig)
// This function shuts down the HTTP server. Because no priority
// is specified this function will have a priority of 0, the default
// priority. Because the previous handler is also registered with
// a priority of 0, it will execute first. Handlers registered at
// the same priority level are executed in order of registration.
goodbye.Register(func(ctx context.Context, sig os.Signal) {
log.Println("http: shutdown")
l, err := net.Listen("unix", "http.sock")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Start an HTTP server.
s = &http.Server{Handler: http.FileServer(http.Dir("."))}
go s.Serve(l)
log.Println("http: serving")
// Wait 5 seconds then let the process complete.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second)
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