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Created August 10, 2020 21:48
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Generated by XState Viz:
const fetchQuizData = () =>
).then(response => response.json())
const normalizeQuizData = (data) =>
(acc, obj) => [
category: obj.category,
question: obj.question,
correctAnswer: obj.correct_answer === 'True' ? true : false,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
const fetchAndNormalizeQuizData = () =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const data = await fetchQuizData()
} catch (error) {
const machine = Machine(
id: 'Machine',
initial: 'welcome',
context: {
currentQuestion: 0,
questions: [],
totalCorrectAnswers: 0,
states: {
welcome: {
on: {
START_QUIZ: 'loading',
loading: {
invoke: {
id: 'getQuizData',
src: 'fetchAndNormalizeQuizData',
onDone: {
target: 'quiz',
actions: assign({
questions: (_, event) => (
onError: {
target: 'failure',
failure: {
on: {
RETRY: 'loading',
START_OVER: 'welcome',
quiz: {
on: {
'': {
target: 'results',
actions: [],
cond: 'allQuestionsAnswered',
actions: ['answerFalse', 'nextQuestion']
actions: ['answerTrue', 'nextQuestion']
results: {
on: {
PLAY_AGAIN: 'welcome',
exit: 'resetGame',
actions: {
resetGame: assign({
currentQuestion: 0,
currentQuestionDisplay: 1,
questions: [],
totalCorrectAnswers: 0,
answerTrue: assign({
totalCorrectAnswers: ctx => ctx.questions[ctx.currentQuestion].correctAnswer ? ctx.totalCorrectAnswers + 1 : ctx.totalCorrectAnswers
answerFalse: assign({
totalCorrectAnswers: ctx => ctx.questions[ctx.currentQuestion].correctAnswer ? ctx.totalCorrectAnswers : ctx.totalCorrectAnswers + 1
nextQuestion: assign({
currentQuestion: ctx => ctx.currentQuestion + 1
guards: {
allQuestionsAnswered: ctx => ctx.currentQuestion === ctx.questions.length,
services: {
fetchAndNormalizeQuizData: () => fetchAndNormalizeQuizData()
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