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max-mykhailenko / # Sublime Emmet JSX
Last active November 25, 2022 23:25
Sublime text 3. Enable Emmet in JSX files with Sublime React plugin

This is no longer needed as Emmet supports JSX - you just need to turn it all on. Did a quick tutorial:

Thanks, @wesbos


  • Using emmet in jsx files
  • Emmet expands text when js autocomplete needed
raine / ramda
Last active May 4, 2020 12:14
Browse Ramda documentation in Terminal
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Browse Ramda documentation in Terminal
# Requires jq and a tool such as fzf or peco for interactive filtering
json=$(curl -s $LATEST)
functions=$(echo "$json" | jq -r '.[] | if .sig and (.sig | length > 0) then .name + " :: " + .sig else .name end')