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Albert Tomanek albert-tomanek

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albert-tomanek / gist:8573491140c658056ce08041144151b5
Created May 4, 2019 10:02
Všechny potencionální stavy jsou si velmi podobné
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.env:DEBUG - 1 1
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.eval:INFO - step 320
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - current: [17.202475 18.212318 -0.5556414 -0.9398047]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [17.050493 18.055265 -0.5556436 -0.9303565] sim: [0.8685524] reward: [0.12643588]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [16.901426 17.899555 -0.55058944 -0.9223738 ] sim: [0.8312735] reward: [0.12471759]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [16.75602 17.74771 -0.54565835 -0.91458505] sim: [0.83439255] reward: [0.12303001]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [16.614193 17.599596 -0.5408489 -0.90698844] sim: [0.8765686] reward: [0.12138652]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [16.721779 17.712797 -0.54447633 -0.91270465] sim: [0.86182415] reward: [0.12239017]
2019-05-04 09:46:06:obst.agent:DEBUG - repr: [16.829363 17.826002 -0.5481038 -0.918421 ] sim: [0.90998864] reward: [0.12339233]
~> valgrind /opt/utopia/messenger/Utopia --help
==6161== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==6161== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==6161== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==6161== Command: /opt/utopia/messenger/Utopia --help
==6161== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==6161== at 0x5F851D: ??? (in /opt/utopia/messenger/Utopia)
==6161== by 0x5FB49A: ??? (in /opt/utopia/messenger/Utopia)
==6161== by 0x5FFB12: ??? (in /opt/utopia/messenger/Utopia)
// Compile: valac ex.vala --pkg gstreamer-1.0
// From VAPI:
// [ SimpleType ]
// public struct ClockTime : uint64
// {
// }
// From gstclock.h:
albert-tomanek / gist:dcecc1620c5e99a3a25fbba3d0a9e96d
Created August 12, 2020 14:06
def faces_datagen():
import urllib.request, io
while True:
batch = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, *imgdims))
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
data = urllib.request.urlopen(
headers={'User-Agent':'Your user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0'}
albert-tomanek /
Last active February 15, 2021 18:37
Conway's Game of Life and Death for Casio fx-CG50
# screen size: 21x7; Albert Tomanek (8B) 2021-02-15
import random
def screen(ls):ls=ls.split('|');[print(' '*(10-len(l)//2)+l) for l in ls];[print() for l in range(6-len(ls))];return input();
ltoi= lambda l:[int(x)for x in l]
screen("|Conway's Game|of Life and Death|By Albert Tomanek||Press ENT")
screen("|For instructions|visit: || ")
screen("Enter coordinates| to toggle a cell,|or blank to run a|cycle. '*' starts|randomly. Use 'x'|to quit. ")
board = [[' ']*20 for q in range(6)]
toggle={'#':' ',' ':'#'}
20210624000000 20210624185000 testovaci obdobi
20210803000000 20210803235959 belarus activist suicide
20210805120000 20210805235959 slovensko tornado
albert-tomanek / legit news
Last active September 23, 2021 08:07
Trivial news marked as breaking
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Exception occured during loading of
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current articles: [Covid pas prezidenta…, Macronův covid pas…]
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closest theme in history: [Covid pas prezidenta…, Macronův covid pas…]
distance: 0.00037027595468548875
current articles: [Hamáček se v…, Hamáček se v…]
tar czvf bomb.tgz .
echo "#!/bin/sh" >> bomb
chmod +x bomb
echo -n "echo " >> bomb
base64 -w 0 bomb.tgz >> bomb
echo " | base64 -d | tar zxf -" >> bomb
{"nodes":[{"id":"spotify:track:1flhASyCuxRKzLA1dn0VQw","x":-151.19946432113647,"y":71.1520004272461},{"id":"spotify:track:4VX9EvbyPYgSGKqnKaxtxa","x":143.3934097290039,"y":139,"note":"Výstaviště"},{"id":"spotify:track:35MRd8ShKOIqbfklIgeaSb","x":218.22872924804688,"y":392.3872375488281},{"id":"spotify:track:0ednT1GsG9o2IGo0bS3FME","x":-138.96660232543945,"y":-196.32159805297852,"note":""},{"id":"spotify:track:5ZFslOkcftI1FCs88L99qn","x":48.17840576171875,"y":-319.4967803955078,"note":"COVID melancholy in Košíře"},{"id":"spotify:track:7vudKlxsBVvFgyQeXh4ymn","x":209.57012939453125,"y":499.6021423339844},{"id":"spotify:track:5465onzVgsFEbvIylMC0Cc","x":-79.68438911437988,"y":239.1029052734375,"note":"Výstaviště, Bubny. Learning piano classics in one of those old drafty houses, looking out onto greenery of the park."},{"id":"spotify:track:0Ez0HcZneugrMqIYjlmBFR","x":-333.47078704833984,"y":307.3156433105469},{"id":"spotify:track:61RlktJeYy38pu1vY70pgU","x":552.89404296875,"y":313.0097351074219},{"id":"spotify:tr