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Forked from ujentus/RIOServer_sm9.cpp
Last active September 21, 2023 10:55
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Windows Registered I/O (RIO) Sample Code (Echo Server)
* Windows Registered I/O (RIO) Sample Code (Echo Server)
* Minimum requirement: Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
* Author: @sm9kr
* Notice
* 몇몇 코드 조각들은 (에서 가져옴.
* 그런데 여기도 제대로 완성된 코드가 있었던 것은 아니라서 상당 부분 기능을 추가하여 동작하도록 함.
* RIO의 사용법을 보여주기 위한 코드라 최대한 간단하게 필요한 부분만 넣었음.
* 그래서, 버그가 있을 수 있음...
* UDP형태로 만든 이유는 귀찮아서...TCP로 하면 세션 관리를 따로 해야되고 버퍼 재조립도 해야되는 관계로..
* RIO를 쓰는 방식은 똑같기 때문에 아래 코드를 보고 TCP에 적용 시키는 것도 어렵지 않음.
#define NOMINMAX
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <MSWsock.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <process.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
using std::cout ;
using std::endl ;
using std::deque ;
RIO_CQ g_completionQueue = 0 ;
RIO_RQ g_requestQueue = 0 ;
SOCKET g_socket ;
CRITICAL_SECTION g_criticalSection ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_sendBufferId ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_recvBufferId ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_addrBufferId ;
char* g_sendBufferPointer = NULL ;
char* g_recvBufferPointer = NULL ;
char* g_addrBufferPointer = NULL ;
typedef std::deque<HANDLE> Threads ;
Threads g_threads ;
static const unsigned short PORTNUM = 5050 ;
static const DWORD RIO_PENDING_RECVS = 100000 ;
static const DWORD RIO_PENDING_SENDS = 10000 ;
static const DWORD RECV_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 ;
static const DWORD SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 ;
static const DWORD ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 ;
static const DWORD NUM_IOCP_THREADS = 4 ;
static const DWORD RIO_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 ;
CK_STOP = 0,
OP_NONE = 0,
OP_RECV = 1,
} ;
struct EXTENDED_RIO_BUF : public RIO_BUF
OPERATION_TYPE operation ;
} ;
/// SEND용 RIO_BUF는 순환큐형태로 만들어 놓고 돌려 쓰자.
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* g_sendRioBufs = NULL ;
DWORD g_sendRioBufTotalCount = 0 ;
__int64 g_sendRioBufIndex = 0 ;
/// ADDR용 RIO_BUF pointer
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* g_addrRioBufs = NULL ;
DWORD g_addrRioBufTotalCount = 0 ;
__int64 g_addrRioBufIndex = 0 ;
/// RIO에서 Registering할 버퍼 할당함수
char *AllocateBufferSpace(const DWORD bufSize, const DWORD bufCount, DWORD& totalBufferSize, DWORD& totalBufferCount) ;
unsigned int __stdcall IOThread(void *pV) ;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
WSADATA data ;
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_criticalSection, 4000) ;
if ( 0 != ::WSAStartup(0x202, &data) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSAStartup Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO 소켓 생성
if (g_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSASocket Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// port binding
sockaddr_in addr ;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET ;
addr.sin_port = htons(PORTNUM) ;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ;
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == ::bind(g_socket, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr *>(&addr), sizeof(addr)) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "Bind Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO 함수 테이블 가져오기
DWORD dwBytes = 0 ;
if ( NULL != WSAIoctl(g_socket, SIO_GET_MULTIPLE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &functionTableId, sizeof(GUID),
(void**)&g_rio, sizeof(g_rio), &dwBytes, NULL, NULL) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSAIoctl Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// rio의 completion 방식은 iocp를 사용.
g_hIOCP = ::CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0) ;
if (NULL == g_hIOCP)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "CreateIoCompletionPort Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
OVERLAPPED overlapped ;
completionType.Type = RIO_IOCP_COMPLETION ;
completionType.Iocp.IocpHandle = g_hIOCP ;
completionType.Iocp.CompletionKey = (void*) CK_START ;
completionType.Iocp.Overlapped = &overlapped ;
/// RIO CQ 생성 (RQ 사이즈보다 크거나 같아야 함)
g_completionQueue = g_rio.RIOCreateCompletionQueue(RIO_PENDING_RECVS+RIO_PENDING_SENDS, &completionType) ;
if (g_completionQueue == RIO_INVALID_CQ)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOCreateCompletionQueue Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO RQ 생성
/// SEND CQ와 RECV CQ를 같이 씀.. (따로 만들어 써도 됨)
g_requestQueue = g_rio.RIOCreateRequestQueue(g_socket, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, 1, RIO_PENDING_SENDS, 1, g_completionQueue, g_completionQueue, NULL) ;
if (g_requestQueue == RIO_INVALID_RQ)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOCreateRequestQueue Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// SEND용 RIO 버퍼 등록
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_sendBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_SENDS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_sendBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_sendBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_sendBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
g_sendRioBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
g_sendRioBufTotalCount = totalBufferCount ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_sendRioBufTotalCount; ++i)
/// RIO operation에 맞도록 할당된 버퍼를 쪼개기
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = g_sendRioBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_SEND ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_sendBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// ADDR용 (RECV시 담겨오는 주소용) RIO 버퍼 등록
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_addrBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_addrBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_addrBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_addrBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
g_addrRioBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
g_addrRioBufTotalCount = totalBufferCount ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < totalBufferCount; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = g_addrRioBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_NONE ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_addrBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// RECV용 RIO 버퍼 등록 및 RECV 미리 걸어놓기
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_recvBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_recvBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_recvBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_recvBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < totalBufferCount; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = pBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_RECV ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_recvBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// 미리 RECV 많이 걸어 놓는다.
if (!g_rio.RIOReceiveEx(g_requestQueue, pBuffer, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex++], NULL, 0, 0, pBuffer))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOReceive Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
cout << totalBufferCount << " total receives pending" << endl ;
/// IO 쓰레드 생성
for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_IOCP_THREADS ; ++i)
unsigned int notUsed ;
const uintptr_t result = ::_beginthreadex(0, 0, IOThread, (void*)i, 0, &notUsed) ;
if (result == 0)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "_beginthreadex Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
g_threads.push_back(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(result)) ;
/// Completion이 준비되었음을 알린다
INT notifyResult = g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue) ;
if (notifyResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIONotify Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// 아무키나 받으면 자원 반환하고 끝내기 -.- ;
cout << "Press Any Key to Stop" << endl ;
getchar() ;
/// 컴플리션키를 CK_STOP으로 쓰면 쓰레드 멈춰라는 명령으로 사용
for (Threads::const_iterator it = g_threads.begin(), end = g_threads.end(); it != end; ++it)
if (0 == ::PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP, 0, CK_STOP, 0))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "PostQueuedCompletionStatus Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// 쓰레드 조인
for (Threads::const_iterator it = g_threads.begin(), end = g_threads.end(); it != end; ++it)
HANDLE hThread = *it;
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != ::WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WaitForSingleObject (thread join) Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == ::closesocket(g_socket) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "closesocket Error: " << gle << endl ;
g_rio.RIOCloseCompletionQueue(g_completionQueue) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_sendBufferId) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_recvBufferId) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_addrBufferId) ;
DeleteCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
return 0;
unsigned int __stdcall IOThread(void *pV)
DWORD numberOfBytes = 0;
ULONG_PTR completionKey = 0;
OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped = 0;
while ( true )
if (!::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP, &numberOfBytes, &completionKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "GetQueuedCompletionStatus Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// ck로 0이 넘어오면 끝낸다
if ( completionKey == CK_STOP )
break ;
memset(results, 0, sizeof(results)) ;
ULONG numResults = g_rio.RIODequeueCompletion(g_completionQueue, results, RIO_MAX_RESULTS) ;
if (0 == numResults || RIO_CORRUPT_CQ == numResults)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIODequeueCompletion Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// Dequeue 한 다음에는 다음 컴플리션이 가능하도록 알린다.
INT notifyResult = g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue) ;
if (notifyResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIONotify Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < numResults; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<EXTENDED_RIO_BUF*>(results[i].RequestContext) ;
if ( OP_RECV == pBuffer->operation )
/// UDP니까 송신자측에서 보낸 데이터가 전부 안오는 경우는 에러
if (results[i].BytesTransferred != RECV_BUFFER_SIZE)
break ;
const char* offset = g_recvBufferPointer + pBuffer->Offset ;
/// RQ는 thread-safe하지 않기 때문에 보호해줘야 한다. (최적화를 하지는 않았음. 대충 LOCK...)
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* sendBuf = &(g_sendRioBufs[g_sendRioBufIndex++ % g_sendRioBufTotalCount]) ;
char* sendOffset = g_sendBufferPointer + sendBuf->Offset ;
memcpy_s(sendOffset, RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, offset, pBuffer->Length) ;
cout << strlen(sendOffset) << " " ;
if (!g_rio.RIOSendEx(g_requestQueue, sendBuf, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex % g_addrRioBufTotalCount], NULL, NULL, 0, sendBuf))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOSend Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;;
::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
else if ( OP_SEND == pBuffer->operation )
/// 마찬가지로 RQ 보호
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
if (!g_rio.RIOReceiveEx(g_requestQueue, pBuffer, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex % g_addrRioBufTotalCount], NULL, 0, 0, pBuffer))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOReceive Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;;
g_addrRioBufIndex++ ;
::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
break ;
return 0 ;
template <typename TV, typename TM>
inline TV RoundDown(TV Value, TM Multiple)
return((Value / Multiple) * Multiple);
template <typename TV, typename TM>
inline TV RoundUp(TV Value, TM Multiple)
return(RoundDown(Value, Multiple) + (((Value % Multiple) > 0) ? Multiple : 0));
char *AllocateBufferSpace(const DWORD bufSize, const DWORD bufCount, DWORD& totalBufferSize, DWORD& totalBufferCount)
SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo ;
::GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo) ;
const unsigned __int64 granularity = systemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity ;
const unsigned __int64 desiredSize = bufSize * bufCount ;
unsigned __int64 actualSize = RoundUp(desiredSize, granularity) ;
if (actualSize > std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max())
actualSize = (std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max() / granularity) * granularity ;
totalBufferCount = std::min<DWORD>(bufCount, static_cast<DWORD>(actualSize / bufSize)) ;
totalBufferSize = static_cast<DWORD>(actualSize) ;
char *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<char *>(VirtualAllocEx(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, totalBufferSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE)) ;
if (pBuffer == 0)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "VirtualAllocEx Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
return pBuffer;
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