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Created January 7, 2014 14:34
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Save albertnetymk/8300148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef struct {
uint red:5;
uint green:6;
uint blue:5;
} f_pixel;
typedef struct {
uint red:8;
uint green:8;
uint blue:8;
uint alpha:8;
} m_pixel;
static uint alpha_blend(uint fg, uint bg, uint alpha)
return (alpha * fg + (255-alpha) * bg)/255;
void overlay_mouse_pointer(f_pixel *frame_buffer, m_pixel *mouse_pointer_buffer, int x_coordinate, int y_coordinate)
int y_max = MIN(y_coordinate+32, 480);
int x_max = MIN(x_coordinate+32, 640);
uint fg, bg;
uint alpha;
for (int i=y_coordinate; i<y_max; ++i) {
for (int j=x_coordinate; j<x_max; ++j) {
// normalize to 255
bg = frame_buffer[i*640+j].red << (8-5);
fg = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].red;
alpha = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].alpha;
frame_buffer[i*640+j].red = alpha_blend(fg, bg, alpha) >> (8-5);
bg = frame_buffer[i*640+j].green << (8-6);
fg = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].green;
alpha = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].alpha;
frame_buffer[i*640+j].green = alpha_blend(fg, bg, alpha) >> (8-6);
bg = frame_buffer[i*640+j].blue << (8-5);
fg = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].blue;
alpha = mouse_pointer_buffer[(i-y_coordinate)*32+(j-x_coordinate)].alpha;
frame_buffer[i*640+j].blue = alpha_blend(fg, bg, alpha) >> (8-5);
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