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Created December 18, 2017 21:08
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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import initializers
slim = tf.contrib.slim
ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Based on the paper:
def prelu(x, scope, decoder=False):
Performs the parametric relu operation. This implementation is based on:
For the decoder portion, prelu becomes just a normal prelu
- x(Tensor): a 4D Tensor that undergoes prelu
- scope(str): the string to name your prelu operation's alpha variable.
- decoder(bool): if True, prelu becomes a normal relu.
- pos + neg / x (Tensor): gives prelu output only during training; otherwise, just return x.
#If decoder, then perform relu and just return the output
if decoder:
return tf.nn.relu(x, name=scope)
alpha= tf.expand_dims(tf.get_variable(scope + 'alpha', x.get_shape()[-1],
dtype=tf.float32), axis=0)
pos = tf.nn.relu(x)
# neg = alpha * (x - abs(x)) * 0.5
# neg = alpha* tf.cast(tf.greater(0.0, x), tf.float32) * x
# movidius list unsupported: tf. abs, log, pow, greater, elemwise division (realdiv), reciprocal, gather_nd,
# squared = x*x
# sqrted = squared*.25 + 1
# for i in range(10):
# sqrted = 0.5*(sqrted + tf.div(squared,sqrted))
# neg = alpha * (x-sqrted)*.5
neg = alpha * tf.nn.relu(tf.constant(-1.0)*x)
return pos + neg
def spatial_dropout(x, p, seed, scope, is_training=True):
Performs a 2D spatial dropout that drops layers instead of individual elements in an input feature map.
Note that p stands for the probability of dropping, but tf.nn.relu uses probability of keeping.
Technical Details
The noise shape must be of shape [batch_size, 1, 1, num_channels], with the height and width set to 1, because
it will represent either a 1 or 0 for each layer, and these 1 or 0 integers will be broadcasted to the entire
dimensions of each layer they interact with such that they can decide whether each layer should be entirely
'dropped'/set to zero or have its activations entirely kept.
- x(Tensor): a 4D Tensor of the input feature map.
- p(float): a float representing the probability of dropping a layer
- seed(int): an integer for random seeding the random_uniform distribution that runs under tf.nn.relu
- scope(str): the string name for naming the spatial_dropout
- is_training(bool): to turn on dropout only when training. Optional.
- output(Tensor): a 4D Tensor that is in exactly the same size as the input x,
with certain layers having their elements all set to 0 (i.e. dropped).
if is_training:
keep_prob = 1.0 - p
input_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
noise_shape = tf.constant(value=[input_shape[0], 1, 1, input_shape[3]])
output = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape, seed=seed, name=scope)
return output
return x
def unpool(updates, mask, k_size=[1, 2, 2, 1], output_shape=None, scope=''):
Unpooling function based on the implementation by Panaetius at
- inputs(Tensor): a 4D tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, num_channels] that represents the input block to be upsampled
- mask(Tensor): a 4D tensor that represents the argmax values/pooling indices of the previously max-pooled layer
- k_size(list): a list of values representing the dimensions of the unpooling filter.
- output_shape(list): a list of values to indicate what the final output shape should be after unpooling
- scope(str): the string name to name your scope
- ret(Tensor): the returned 4D tensor that has the shape of output_shape.
with tf.variable_scope(scope):
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)
input_shape = tf.shape(updates, out_type=tf.int32)
# calculation new shape
if output_shape is None:
output_shape = (input_shape[0], input_shape[1] * ksize[1], input_shape[2] * ksize[2], input_shape[3])
# calculation indices for batch, height, width and feature maps
one_like_mask = tf.ones_like(mask, dtype=tf.int32)
batch_shape = tf.concat([[input_shape[0]], [1], [1], [1]], 0)
batch_range = tf.reshape(tf.range(output_shape[0], dtype=tf.int32), shape=batch_shape)
b = one_like_mask * batch_range
y = mask // (output_shape[2] * output_shape[3])
x = (mask // output_shape[3]) % output_shape[2] #mask % (output_shape[2] * output_shape[3]) // output_shape[3]
feature_range = tf.range(output_shape[3], dtype=tf.int32)
f = one_like_mask * feature_range
# transpose indices & reshape update values to one dimension
updates_size = tf.size(updates)
indices = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.stack([b, y, x, f]), [4, updates_size]))
values = tf.reshape(updates, [updates_size])
ret = tf.scatter_nd(indices, values, output_shape)
return ret
def initial_block(inputs, is_training=True, scope='initial_block'):
The initial block for Enet has 2 branches: The convolution branch and Maxpool branch.
The conv branch has 13 layers, while the maxpool branch gives 3 layers corresponding to the RGB channels.
Both output layers are then concatenated to give an output of 16 layers.
NOTE: Does not need to store pooling indices since it won't be used later for the final upsampling.
- inputs(Tensor): A 4D tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]
- net_concatenated(Tensor): a 4D Tensor that contains the
#Convolutional branch
net_conv = slim.conv2d(inputs, 13, [3,3], stride=2, activation_fn=None, scope=scope+'_conv')
net_conv = slim.batch_norm(net_conv, is_training=is_training, fused=False, scope=scope+'_batchnorm')
net_conv = prelu(net_conv, scope=scope+'_prelu')
#Max pool branch
net_pool = slim.max_pool2d(inputs, [2,2], stride=2, scope=scope+'_max_pool')
#Concatenated output - does it matter max pool comes first or conv comes first? probably not.
net_concatenated = tf.concat([net_conv, net_pool], axis=3, name=scope+'_concat')
return net_concatenated
def bottleneck(inputs,
The bottleneck module has three different kinds of variants:
1. A regular convolution which you can decide whether or not to downsample.
2. A dilated convolution, which requires you to have a dilation factor.
3. An asymmetric convolution that has a decomposed filter size of 5x1 and 1x5 separately.
- inputs(Tensor): a 4D Tensor of the previous convolutional block of shape [batch_size, height, width, num_channels].
- output_depth(int): an integer indicating the output depth of the output convolutional block.
- filter_size(int): an integer that gives the height and width of the filter size to use for a regular/dilated convolution.
- regularizer_prob(float): the float p that represents the prob of dropping a layer for spatial dropout regularization.
- projection_ratio(int): the amount of depth to reduce for initial 1x1 projection. Depth is divided by projection ratio. Default is 4.
- seed(int): an integer for the random seed used in the random normal distribution within dropout.
- is_training(bool): a boolean value to indicate whether or not is training. Decides batch_norm and prelu activity.
- downsampling(bool): if True, a max-pool2D layer is added to downsample the spatial sizes.
- upsampling(bool): if True, the upsampling bottleneck is activated but requires pooling indices to upsample.
- pooling_indices(Tensor): the argmax values that are obtained after performing tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax.
- output_shape(list): A list of integers indicating the output shape of the unpooling layer.
- dilated(bool): if True, then dilated convolution is done, but requires a dilation rate to be given.
- dilation_rate(int): the dilation factor for performing atrous convolution/dilated convolution.
- asymmetric(bool): if True, then asymmetric convolution is done, and the only filter size used here is 5.
- decoder(bool): if True, then all the prelus become relus according to ENet author.
- scope(str): a string name that names your bottleneck.
- net(Tensor): The convolution block output after a bottleneck
- pooling_indices(Tensor): If downsample, then this tensor is produced for use in upooling later.
- inputs_shape(list): The shape of the input to the downsampling conv block. For use in unpooling later.
#Calculate the depth reduction based on the projection ratio used in 1x1 convolution.
reduced_depth = int(inputs.get_shape().as_list()[3] / projection_ratio)
with slim.arg_scope([prelu], decoder=decoder):
#=============DOWNSAMPLING BOTTLENECK====================
if downsampling:
#=============MAIN BRANCH=============
#Just perform a max pooling
net_main = tf.nn.max_pool(inputs,
input_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
mask_shape = [input_shape[0], input_shape [1]/2,input_shape[2]/2, input_shape[3]]
pooling_indices = tf.ones(mask_shape, dtype=tf.int64)
# pooling_indices = tf.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=tf.int64)
# for n in range(mask_shape[0]):
# for i in range(mask_shape[1]):
# for j in range(mask_shape[2]):
# in_indices = [ [n, w, h] for w in range(i*2, i*2+2) for h in range(j*2, j*2+2)]
# slice = tf.gather_nd(inputs, in_indices)
# argmax = tf.argmax(slice, axis=0)
# indices_location = [[n, i, j, d] for d in range(input_shape[3])]
# sparse_indices = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices_location, values=argmax, dense_shape=mask_shape)
# pooling_indices = tf.sparse_add(pooling_indices, sparse_indices)
# net_main, pooling_indices = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(inputs,
# ksize=[1,2,2,1],
# strides=[1,2,2,1],
# padding='SAME',
# name=scope+'_main_max_pool')
#First get the difference in depth to pad, then pad with zeros only on the last dimension.
inputs_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
depth_to_pad = abs(inputs_shape[3] - output_depth)
paddings = tf.convert_to_tensor([[0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0, depth_to_pad]])
net_main = tf.pad(net_main, paddings=paddings, name=scope+'_main_padding')
#=============SUB BRANCH==============
#First projection that has a 2x2 kernel and stride 2
net = slim.conv2d(inputs, reduced_depth, [2,2], stride=2, scope=scope+'_conv1')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm1')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu1')
#Second conv block
net = slim.conv2d(net, reduced_depth, [filter_size, filter_size], scope=scope+'_conv2')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm2')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu2')
#Final projection with 1x1 kernel
net = slim.conv2d(net, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv3')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm3')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu3')
net = spatial_dropout(net, p=regularizer_prob, seed=seed, scope=scope+'_spatial_dropout')
#Finally, combine the two branches together via an element-wise addition
net = tf.add(net, net_main, name=scope+'_add')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_last_prelu')
#also return inputs shape for convenience later
return net, pooling_indices, inputs_shape
#============DILATION CONVOLUTION BOTTLENECK====================
#Everything is the same as a regular bottleneck except for the dilation rate argument
elif dilated:
#Check if dilation rate is given
if not dilation_rate:
raise ValueError('Dilation rate is not given.')
#Save the main branch for addition later
net_main = inputs
#First projection with 1x1 kernel (dimensionality reduction)
net = slim.conv2d(inputs, reduced_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv1')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm1')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu1')
#Second conv block --- apply dilated convolution here
net = slim.conv2d(net, reduced_depth, [filter_size, filter_size], rate=dilation_rate, scope=scope+'_dilated_conv2')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm2')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu2')
#Final projection with 1x1 kernel (Expansion)
net = slim.conv2d(net, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv3')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm3')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu3')
net = spatial_dropout(net, p=regularizer_prob, seed=seed, scope=scope+'_spatial_dropout')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu4')
#Add the main branch
net = tf.add(net_main, net, name=scope+'_add_dilated')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_last_prelu')
return net
#Everything is the same as a regular bottleneck except for a [5,5] kernel decomposed into two [5,1] then [1,5]
elif asymmetric:
#Save the main branch for addition later
net_main = inputs
#First projection with 1x1 kernel (dimensionality reduction)
net = slim.conv2d(inputs, reduced_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv1')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm1')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu1')
#Second conv block --- apply asymmetric conv here
net = slim.conv2d(net, reduced_depth, [filter_size, 1], scope=scope+'_asymmetric_conv2a')
net = slim.conv2d(net, reduced_depth, [1, filter_size], scope=scope+'_asymmetric_conv2b')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm2')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu2')
#Final projection with 1x1 kernel
net = slim.conv2d(net, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv3')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm3')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu3')
net = spatial_dropout(net, p=regularizer_prob, seed=seed, scope=scope+'_spatial_dropout')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu4')
#Add the main branch
net = tf.add(net_main, net, name=scope+'_add_asymmetric')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_last_prelu')
return net
#============UPSAMPLING BOTTLENECK================
#Everything is the same as a regular one, except convolution becomes transposed.
elif upsampling:
#Check if pooling indices is given
if pooling_indices == None:
raise ValueError('Pooling indices are not given.')
#Check output_shape given or not
if output_shape == None:
raise ValueError('Output depth is not given')
#=======MAIN BRANCH=======
#Main branch to upsample. output shape must match with the shape of the layer that was pooled initially, in order
#for the pooling indices to work correctly. However, the initial pooled layer was padded, so need to reduce dimension
#before unpooling. In the paper, padding is replaced with convolution for this purpose of reducing the depth!
net_unpool = slim.conv2d(inputs, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_main_conv1')
net_unpool = slim.batch_norm(net_unpool, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'batch_norm1')
net_unpool = unpool(net_unpool, pooling_indices, output_shape=output_shape, scope='unpool')
#======SUB BRANCH=======
#First 1x1 projection to reduce depth
net = slim.conv2d(inputs, reduced_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv1')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm2')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu1')
#Second conv block -----------------------------> NOTE: using tf.nn.conv2d_transpose for variable input shape.
net_unpool_shape = net_unpool.get_shape().as_list()
output_shape = [net_unpool_shape[0], net_unpool_shape[1], net_unpool_shape[2], reduced_depth]
output_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(output_shape)
filter_size = [filter_size, filter_size, reduced_depth, reduced_depth]
filters = tf.get_variable(shape=filter_size, initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), dtype=tf.float32, name=scope+'_transposed_conv2_filters')
# net = slim.conv2d_transpose(net, reduced_depth, [filter_size, filter_size], stride=2, scope=scope+'_transposed_conv2')
net = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(net, filter=filters, strides=[1,2,2,1], output_shape=output_shape, name=scope+'_transposed_conv2')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm3')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu2')
#Final projection with 1x1 kernel
net = slim.conv2d(net, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv3')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm4')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu3')
net = spatial_dropout(net, p=regularizer_prob, seed=seed, scope=scope+'_spatial_dropout')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu4')
#Finally, add the unpooling layer and the sub branch together
net = tf.add(net, net_unpool, name=scope+'_add_upsample')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_last_prelu')
return net
#OTHERWISE, just perform a regular bottleneck!
#==============REGULAR BOTTLENECK==================
#Save the main branch for addition later
net_main = inputs
#First projection with 1x1 kernel
net = slim.conv2d(inputs, reduced_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv1')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm1')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu1')
#Second conv block
net = slim.conv2d(net, reduced_depth, [filter_size, filter_size], scope=scope+'_conv2')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm2')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu2')
#Final projection with 1x1 kernel
net = slim.conv2d(net, output_depth, [1,1], scope=scope+'_conv3')
net = slim.batch_norm(net, is_training=is_training, scope=scope+'_batch_norm3')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu3')
net = spatial_dropout(net, p=regularizer_prob, seed=seed, scope=scope+'_spatial_dropout')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_prelu4')
#Add the main branch
net = tf.add(net_main, net, name=scope+'_add_regular')
net = prelu(net, scope=scope+'_last_prelu')
return net
#Now actually start building the network
def ENet(inputs,
The ENet model for real-time semantic segmentation!
- inputs(Tensor): a 4D Tensor of shape [batch_size, image_height, image_width, num_channels] that represents one batch of preprocessed images.
- num_classes(int): an integer for the number of classes to predict. This will determine the final output channels as the answer.
- batch_size(int): the batch size to explictly set the shape of the inputs in order for operations to work properly.
- num_initial_blocks(int): the number of times to repeat the initial block.
- stage_two_repeat(int): the number of times to repeat stage two in order to make the network deeper.
- skip_connections(bool): if True, add the corresponding encoder feature maps to the decoder. They are of exact same shapes.
- reuse(bool): Whether or not to reuse the variables for evaluation.
- is_training(bool): if True, switch on batch_norm and prelu only during training, otherwise they are turned off.
- scope(str): a string that represents the scope name for the variables.
- net(Tensor): a 4D Tensor output of shape [batch_size, image_height, image_width, num_classes], where each pixel has a one-hot encoded vector
determining the label of the pixel.
#Set the shape of the inputs first to get the batch_size information
inputs_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
inputs.set_shape(shape=(batch_size, inputs_shape[1], inputs_shape[2], inputs_shape[3]))
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
#Set the primary arg scopes. Fused batch_norm is faster than normal batch norm.
with slim.arg_scope([initial_block, bottleneck], is_training=is_training),\
slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm], fused=False), \
slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.conv2d_transpose], activation_fn=None):
#=================INITIAL BLOCK=================
net = initial_block(inputs, scope='initial_block_1')
for i in xrange(2, max(num_initial_blocks, 1) + 1):
net = initial_block(net, scope='initial_block_' + str(i))
#Save for skip connection later
if skip_connections:
net_one = net
#===================STAGE ONE=======================
net, pooling_indices_1, inputs_shape_1 = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, regularizer_prob=0.01, downsampling=True, scope='bottleneck1_0')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, regularizer_prob=0.01, scope='bottleneck1_1')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, regularizer_prob=0.01, scope='bottleneck1_2')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, regularizer_prob=0.01, scope='bottleneck1_3')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, regularizer_prob=0.01, scope='bottleneck1_4')
#Save for skip connection later
if skip_connections:
net_two = net
#regularization prob is 0.1 from bottleneck 2.0 onwards
with slim.arg_scope([bottleneck], regularizer_prob=0.1):
net, pooling_indices_2, inputs_shape_2 = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, downsampling=True, scope='bottleneck2_0')
#Repeat the stage two at least twice to get stage 2 and 3:
for i in xrange(2, max(stage_two_repeat, 2) + 2):
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_1')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, dilated=True, dilation_rate=2, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_2')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=5, asymmetric=True, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_3')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, dilated=True, dilation_rate=4, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_4')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_5')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, dilated=True, dilation_rate=8, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_6')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=5, asymmetric=True, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_7')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=128, filter_size=3, dilated=True, dilation_rate=16, scope='bottleneck'+str(i)+'_8')
with slim.arg_scope([bottleneck], regularizer_prob=0.1, decoder=True):
#===================STAGE FOUR========================
bottleneck_scope_name = "bottleneck" + str(i + 1)
#The decoder section, so start to upsample.
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, upsampling=True,
pooling_indices=pooling_indices_2, output_shape=inputs_shape_2, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_0')
#Perform skip connections here
if skip_connections:
net = tf.add(net, net_two, name=bottleneck_scope_name+'_skip_connection')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_1')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=64, filter_size=3, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_2')
#===================STAGE FIVE========================
bottleneck_scope_name = "bottleneck" + str(i + 2)
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=16, filter_size=3, upsampling=True,
pooling_indices=pooling_indices_1, output_shape=inputs_shape_1, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_0')
#perform skip connections here
if skip_connections:
net = tf.add(net, net_one, name=bottleneck_scope_name+'_skip_connection')
net = bottleneck(net, output_depth=16, filter_size=3, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_1')
#=============FINAL CONVOLUTION=============
logits = slim.conv2d_transpose(net, num_classes, [2,2], stride=2, scope='fullconv')
probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='logits_to_softmax')
return logits, probabilities
def ENet_arg_scope(weight_decay=2e-4,
The arg scope for enet model. The weight decay is 2e-4 as seen in the paper.
Batch_norm decay is 0.1 (momentum 0.1) according to official implementation.
- weight_decay(float): the weight decay for weights variables in conv2d and separable conv2d
- batch_norm_decay(float): decay for the moving average of batch_norm momentums.
- batch_norm_epsilon(float): small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero.
- scope(arg_scope): a tf-slim arg_scope with the parameters needed for xception.
# Set weight_decay for weights in conv2d and separable_conv2d layers.
with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d],
# Set parameters for batch_norm.
with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm],
epsilon=batch_norm_epsilon) as scope:
return scope
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