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  • Save alequetzalli/d008953df8cc35618f4a943e1e34d143 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Specific information on monitored repository

Specific information on each monitored repository according to some of its maintainers:


Repository needs:

  • Redesign or at least improve the existing one a bit.
  • It would be necessary to split the React component into several and make a component library instead. Maybe even rename it to asyncapi/ui or asyncapi/documentation-ui.
  • We'd have to check what's there because I think not everything you show is correct. Trying to fix all the bugs people have reported would already be a good start.
  • Make sure it works in the most popular frameworks.

Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • Frontend: JS, HTML, CSS, React, etc.
  • Doesn't really need a lot of experience. Just someone with a bit of good taste in design.


Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • Much endurance because discussions of changes can take up to 6 months.
  • Having software architect skills like: explaining problem to others, general communication skills, conflict resolution, creative thinking.
  • A good understanding of messaging at all. I would advise at least 3 years of experience with messaging.
  • Being in contact with at least 3 messaging solutions to get an understanding of what is solution specific and what are repeating patterns.


Maintainer responsibilities:

  • Positively represent asyncapi/cli.
  • Hang out in the #04_tooling Slack channel.
  • Participate in formal decision making in terms of the project.
  • Need to use the following command Structure and Patterns verb + noun and namespace + noun + [verb] pattern for making our commands and arguments. For example asyncapi validate <spec-file-path> and asyncapi config context add <context-name> <spec-file-path>.


Maintainer responsibilities:

  • Positively represent asyncapi/glee.
  • Hang out in the #04_tooling Slack channel.
  • Participate in formal decision-making in terms of the project.

Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • Typescript
  • Node.js (Specially how events work in Node.js).
  • Familiarity with the following protocols: KAFKA, HTTP, WS, MQTT.


Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • Feeling that the tool is your own.

Information of interest about the repository:


Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • To be a maintainer of a parser.


Needs of the repository:

  • The maintainers' job is to enable developers to interact with an AsyncAPI document.




Knowledge and requirements to become a maintainer:

  • Zustand
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Turborepo
  • Storybook
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