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Writing OSS Docs

Quetzalli alequetzalli

Writing OSS Docs
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Introduce Heiko and stream topic

Welcome Heiko and explain to audience that he wrote the request/reply feature.

Introduce request/reply feature

Explain request/reply top use cases to me like I'm a 5 year old.

  1. Broker-based Messaging with Response Topic + "correlationId":

Kafka Message Validation Guide for AsyncAPI Applications


Kafka, a distributed streaming platform, is pivotal in handling real-time data streams in modern applications. With the increasing adoption of asynchronous APIs, ensuring the correctness, consistency, and validity of messages is crucial. This guide provides an overview of message validation in Kafka, focusing on the role of the Schema Registry, and will introduce you to some popular Schema Registry implementations.

Schema Registry usage in validation

A Schema Registry is a centralized store of schemas that Kafka producers and consumers use to ensure that the data they send and receive is of the correct format. Here’s why it’s essential:

AsyncAPI Documentation Report - Q1 2023

As a core OSS contributor for AsyncAPI Docs, I (Alejandra Quetzalli) volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem. The goal is to let the community know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been collaborating with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative.


During Q1 2023, AsyncAPI Docs had 26,875 sessions and 13,506 unique users.

AsyncAPI docs sessions and unique user visits data

Docs sessions by content bucket:

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (November 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽

📢 2022 Season of Docs Case Study: AsyncAPI

November brings the official close to 2022 GSoD! It also meant wrapping up our results, identifying left-over items to do, and writing the required Case Study for Google.

Please find below a copy of the public 2022 GSoD: AsynAPI Case Study submitted to Google. (All organization administrators must subm

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (October 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽

📢 AsyncAPI GSoD 2022: UPDATE

Let's talk about what our GSoD interns have been up to this month! ✨✨✨

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (September 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽

📢 AsyncAPI GSoD 2022: UPDATE

Let's talk about what our GSoD interns have been up to this month! ✨✨✨

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (August 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽

📢 AsyncAPI GSoD 2022: UPDATE

Let's talk about what our GSoD interns have been up to this month! ✨✨✨

Please accept my apologies for a delay in getting the last 2 Docs Gists out for the community! At a personal level, GSoD onboarding accidentally became my full focus and I lost sight of this Gist updates. Thank you for bearing with me and I am excited to make it up to you by publishing both the June Gist update and a this July Gist update today. Thank you for your time!

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (July 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽

Please accept my apologies for a delay in getting the last 2 Docs Gists out for the community! At a personal level, GSoD onboarding accidentally became my full focus and I lost sight of this Gist updates. Thank you for bearing with me and I am excited to make it up to you by publishing both this June Gist update and a following July Gist update right after. Thank you for your time!

📄 AsyncAPI Docs update (June 2022)

As an Open-Source (OSS) contributor, I volunteer to write periodic updates about the AsyncAPI Docs ecosystem.

🦄 This is Ale's personal summary

I want to note that this is not an official AsyncAPI Initiative update, but a personal summary I'm volunteering to write up for the OSS community. The goal is to let you know what's going on in the Docs area and how the Docs area has been teaming with other areas within the AsyncAPI Initiative. 😀👍🏽