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aleung / montreal-fsa-polygons.geojson
Created December 30, 2024 03:19 — forked from sabatale/montreal-fsa-polygons.geojson
Geojson with postal codes FSA polygons for Montréal, QC, Canada.
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aleung /
Created December 7, 2022 16:02 — forked from phlinhng/
Clash as transparent proxy gateway via TPROXY


  1. If your local network use public IP ranges instead of private ones, make sure to add respecive RETURN rules to iptables to prevent looping issue
  2. Set clash as DHCP's only DNS server to allow domain-based filter (shunting) rules work
  3. Use lsof -i udp:53 to check if clash's DNS module work fine, otherwise you may have to kill systemd-resolved and any other processes occupying the UDP 53 port
  4. The given scripts will NOT hangle the traffic of gateway itself since it is not recommend to do so. If you want to redirect the egress traffic of the gateway, the following material may be useful


* ES5
* ES6
* CoffeeScript