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Created July 30, 2019 12:08
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__version__ = "$Revision: 105 $, $Date: 2008-12-04 12:47:13 +0100 (do, 04 dec 2008) $, $Author: quintijn $"
# Python Macro Language for Dragon NaturallySpeaking
# (c) Copyright 1999 by Joel Gould
# Portions (c) Copyright 1999 by Dragon Systems, Inc.
# This code simulates the basic text formatting from NatSpeak.
# code written by Joel Gould, posted on the natpython discussion list on Wed, 28 Aug 2002
# inserted in the unimacro package june 2006
# adapted for Dragon 11, oct 2011, Quintijn
import string, types, copy
import natlink
import natlinkmain
flag_useradded = 0
flag_varadded = 1
flag_custompron = 2
flag_nodelete = 3
flag_passive_cap_next = 4
flag_active_cap_next = 5
flag_uppercase_next = 6
flag_lowercase_next = 7
flag_no_space_next = 8
flag_two_spaces_next = 9
flag_cond_no_space = 10
flag_cap_all = 11
flag_uppercase_all = 12
flag_lowercase_all = 13
flag_no_space_all = 14
flag_reset_no_space = 15
flag_swallow_period = 16
flag_is_period = 17
flag_no_formatting = 18
flag_no_space_change = 19
flag_no_cap_change = 20
flag_no_space_before = 21
flag_reset_uc_lc_caps = 22
flag_new_line = 23
flag_new_paragraph = 24
flag_title_mode = 25
flag_beginning_title_mode = 26
flag_space_bar = 27
flag_not_in_dictation = 28
flag_guessedpron = 29
flag_topicadded = 30
flagNames = {}
name = ''
for name in globals():
if name.startswith('flag_') and type(globals()[name]) == types.IntType and 0 < globals()[name] < 32:
flagNames[globals()[name]] = name
flags_like_period = (9, 4, 21, 17) # flag_two_spaces_next = 9, flag_passive_cap_next = 4, flag_no_space_before = 21
flags_like_comma = (21, ) # flag_no_space_before = 21 (flag_nodelete = 3 we just ignore here, so leave out)
flags_like_number = (10,)
flags_like_point = (8, 10, 21) # no spacing (combination with numbers seems
# obsolete (cond_no_space = 10)
flags_like_hyphen = (8, 21) # no spacing before and after
flags_like_open_quote = (8, 20) # no space next and no cap change
flags_like_close_quote = (21, 20, 19) # no space before, no cap change and no space change (??)
# word flags from properties part of the word:
# Dragon 11...
propDict = {}
propDict['space-bar'] = (flag_space_bar, flag_no_space_next, flag_no_formatting,
flag_no_cap_change, flag_no_space_before) # (8, 18, 20, 21, 27)
propDict['period'] = flags_like_period
propDict['point'] = flags_like_point
propDict['dot'] = flags_like_point
propDict['comma'] = flags_like_comma
propDict['cap'] = (19, 18, flag_active_cap_next)
propDict['caps-on'] = (19, 18, flag_cap_all)
propDict['caps-off'] = (19, 18, flag_reset_uc_lc_caps)
propDict['all-caps'] = (19, 18, flag_uppercase_next)
propDict['all-caps-on'] = (19, 18, flag_uppercase_all)
propDict['all-caps-off'] = (19, 18, flag_reset_uc_lc_caps)
propDict['no-caps'] = (19, 18, flag_lowercase_next)
propDict['no-caps-on'] = (19, 18, flag_lowercase_all)
propDict['no-caps-off'] = (19, 18, flag_reset_uc_lc_caps)
propDict['no-space'] = (18, 20, flag_no_space_next)
propDict['no-space-on'] = (18, 20, flag_no_space_all)
propDict['no-space-off'] = (18, 20, flag_reset_no_space)
propDict['left-double-quote'] = flags_like_open_quote
propDict['right-double-quote'] = flags_like_close_quote
# left- as left-double-quote
# right- as right-double-quote
propDict['question-mark'] = flags_like_period
propDict['exclamation-mark'] = flags_like_period
propDict['hyphen'] = flags_like_hyphen
propDict['at-sign'] = flags_like_hyphen
propDict['colon'] = flags_like_comma
propDict['semicolon'] = flags_like_comma
propDict['apostrophe-ess'] = flags_like_comma
propDict['new-line'] = (flag_no_formatting, flag_no_space_next, flag_no_cap_change, flag_new_line)
propDict['new-paragraph'] = (flag_no_formatting, flag_no_space_next, flag_passive_cap_next, flag_new_paragraph)
# spelling props:
propDict['spelling-cap'] = propDict['cap']
propDict['letter'] = (flag_no_space_next,) # lowercase is hardcoded in below.
propDict['uppercase-letter'] = (flag_no_space_next,)
# This is the main formatting entry point. It takes the old format state and
# a list of words and returns the new formatting state and the formatted
# string.
# If you already have the wordInfo for each word, you can pass in a list of
# tuples of (wordName,wordInfo) instead of just the list of words.
def formatWords(wordList,state=None):
global flags_like_period
language = 'enx'
if language != 'enx':
flags_like_period = (4, 21, 17) # one space after period.
# get the getWordsInfo function, now returning a tuple of properties
DNSVersion = natlinkmain.DNSVersion
if DNSVersion >= 11:
gwi = getWordInfo11
gwi = getWordInfo10
output = ''
emptySet = set( () )
for entry in wordList:
if DNSVersion >= 11 and entry == 'space':
entry = r'\space-bar\space-bar'
if type(entry)==type(()):
assert( len(entry)==2 )
wordName = entry[0]
wordInfo = entry[1]
if entry.find('\\letter\\') > 0:
entry = entry.lower() # letters lowercase...
wordName = entry
wordInfo = gwi(wordName)
if wordInfo is None:
wordInfo = set()
if type(wordInfo) != type(emptySet):
wordInfo = wordInfoToFlags(wordInfo)
# init state to a set:
if state == 0:
state = set([])
elif state == -1:
#print "no space next at start"
state = set([flag_no_space_next])
elif state is None:
state = set([flag_no_space_next, flag_active_cap_next])
elif type(state) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
state = set(state)
elif type(state) != type(emptySet):
state = wordInfoToFlags(state)
#print 'formatWords starting with: %s'% state
newText, state = formatWord(wordName,wordInfo,state)
output = output + newText
return output, state
countDict= dict(one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4, five=5, six=6, seven=7, eight=8, nine=9,
een=1, twee=2, drie=3, vier=4, vijf=5, zes=6, zeven=7, acht=8, negen=9)
def formatPassword(wordList):
"""format the words, no spaces capping each word, getting the numbers and repeating the @ etc
>>> formatPassword(['small', 'bird', 'three', '@'])
nextRepeat = 0
outList = []
for w in wordList:
if nextRepeat:
while nextRepeat:
nextRepeat -= 1
elif w in countDict:
nextRepeat = countDict[w]
return ''.join(outList)
def formatLetters(wordList):
"""this is more tricks, formats dngletters input
do as input the flag_no_space_all!
return only the resulting string!!
obsolete with Dragon 11...
result = []
inputState = (flag_no_space_all,)
res, state = formatWords(wordList, inputState)
return res
# This is the formatting subroutine. It handles the formatting for a single
# word using the standard Dragon NaturallySpeaking state machine.
# This code was adapted from shared\resobj.cpp
def formatWord(wordName,wordInfo=None,stateFlags=None, gwi=None):
##adapted: wordInfo and stateFlags are now sets of state flags
emptySet = set()
if gwi is None:
# get the proper getWordInfo function
DNSVersion = natlinkmain.DNSVersion
if DNSVersion >= 11:
gwi = getWordInfo11
gwi = getWordInfo10
# Preparation
# assume wordInfo is a set already
if type(wordInfo) == type(emptySet):
wordFlags = wordInfo
# should not come here:
wordFlags = gwi(wordName)
if wordFlags == set(flags_like_open_quote):
# for faster lookup in Python, we convert the bit arrays am array of
# bits that are set:
# uncomment when more info is wanted:
#print 'wordFlags of |%s| are: %s (%s)'% (wordName, `wordFlags`, `showStateFlags(wordFlags)`)
if type(stateFlags) == type(emptySet):
# for testing only, this function should not be called direct, but this is
# done from the testing routines
state = copy.copy(stateFlags)
if state == 0:
state = set()
elif state == -1:
state = set(flag_no_space_next)
elif state is None:
state = set([flag_no_space_next, flag_active_cap_next])
elif type(state) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
state = set(state)
raise ValueError("formatWord, invalid stateFlags: %s"% repr(stateFlags))
stateFlags = copy.copy(state)
# get the written form
if wordName[:2] == '\\\\':
wordName = '\\'
wordName = wordName.split('\\')[0]
# Compute the output string
output = ''
# compute the number of CRLF's
if flag_new_line in wordFlags:
output = output + '\r\n'
elif flag_new_paragraph in wordFlags:
output = output + '\r\n\r\n'
elif flag_space_bar in wordFlags: # fix QH, oct 2011
output = output + ' '
# compute the leading spacing
if ( flag_no_formatting in wordFlags or
flag_no_space_next in stateFlags or
flag_no_space_all in stateFlags or
flag_no_space_before in wordFlags or
flag_cond_no_space in stateFlags and flag_cond_no_space in wordFlags ):
# no leading space
elif flag_two_spaces_next in stateFlags:
output = output + ' '
output = output + ' '
# the no space all flag is used so we can remove the spaces from a phase
# which may have imbeded spaces
if not flag_no_formatting in wordFlags and flag_no_space_all in stateFlags:
wordName = ''.join(wordName.split())
# compute the capitalization by looking at the long term flags; this
# effects all the words in the phrase
if flag_no_formatting in wordFlags:
# no capitalization change
elif flag_lowercase_all in stateFlags:
wordName = wordName.lower()
elif flag_uppercase_all in stateFlags:
wordName = wordName.upper()
elif flag_cap_all in stateFlags and not flag_title_mode in wordFlags:
words = string.split(wordName)
words = [w.capitalize() for w in wordName.split()]
wordName = ' '.join(words)
elif flag_passive_cap_next in stateFlags:
wordName = wordName.capitalize()
# compute the capitalization for the first word in the phrase which
# overrides the long term capitalization state
if flag_no_formatting in wordFlags:
# no capitalization change
elif flag_lowercase_next in stateFlags:
words = wordName.split()
words[0] = words[0].lower()
wordName= ' '.join(words)
elif flag_uppercase_next in stateFlags:
words = wordName.split()
words[0] = words[0].upper()
wordName= ' '.join(words)
elif flag_active_cap_next in stateFlags:
wordName = wordName.capitalize()
elif flag_beginning_title_mode in stateFlags:
wordName = wordName.capitalize()
output = output + wordName
# compute the new state flags
# clear out the capitalization
if not flag_no_cap_change in wordFlags:
# reset the state flags
if not flag_no_space_change in wordFlags:
# comment, experiment QH
elif not flag_no_formatting in wordFlags:
# comment, experiment QH
# try to keep numbers and point together with this flag (QH):
# see if we need to reset the cap flags
if flag_reset_uc_lc_caps in wordFlags:
# see if we need to reset the no space flags
if flag_reset_no_space in wordFlags:
if flag_cap_all in wordFlags:
# these flags just get copied
copyList = [ flag_active_cap_next, flag_passive_cap_next,
flag_uppercase_next, flag_lowercase_next, flag_no_space_next,
flag_two_spaces_next, flag_cond_no_space, flag_cap_all,
flag_uppercase_all, flag_lowercase_all, flag_no_space_all,
flag_swallow_period, flag_beginning_title_mode ]
for i in copyList:
if i in wordFlags:
if flag_new_paragraph in wordFlags and flag_is_period in wordFlags:
return output, stateFlags
def getWordInfo11(word):
"""new getWordInfo function, extracts the word flags from
the middle word like .\period\period
return the resulting tuple of flags
if word.find('\\') == -1:
return set() # no flags
wList = word.split('\\')
if len(wList) == 3:
prop = wList[1]
if not prop:
return set()
if prop in propDict:
return set(propDict[prop])
elif prop.startswith('left-'):
return set(propDict['left-double-quote'])
elif prop.startswith('right-'):
return set(propDict['right-double-quote'])
print 'getWordInfo11, unknown word property: "%s" ("%s")'% (prop, word)
return set() # empty tuple
# should not come here
return set()
def getWordInfo10(word):
"""old getWordInfo function, extracts the word flags from
the word properties and convert to a tuple of values
wordInfo = natlink.getWordInfo(word)
wordFlags = wordInfoToFlags(wordInfo)
#print 'wordFlags of %s: %s'% (word, wordFlags)
return wordFlags
def initializeStateFlags(*args):
"""return an initial state, built up by one or more state flags
example from natspeak_spell:
state = nsformat.initializeStateFlags(nsformat.flag_no_space_next)
return set(args)
def wordInfoToFlags(wordInfo):
"""convert wordInfo number into a set of flags
emptySet = set(())
if wordInfo == None:
return emptySet
elif wordInfo == 0:
return emptySet
wordFlags = set()
if type(wordInfo) == types.IntType:
if wordInfo:
for i in range(32):
if wordInfo & (1<<i):
pass # wordInfo == 0
elif type(wordInfo) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
wordFlags = set(wordInfo)
elif type(wordInfo) == type(emptySet):
wordFlags = copy.copy(wordInfo)
return wordFlags
def showStateFlags(state):
"""returns an array of the state flags, that are set (3,5)
return tuple([flagNames[num] for num in state])
def testSubroutine(state,input,output):
words = string.split(input)
for i in range(len(words)):
words[i] = string.replace(words[i],'_',' ')
actual,state = formatWords(words,state)
if actual != output:
print 'Expected "%s"'%output
print 'Actually "%s"'%actual
raise 'TestError'
return state
def testFormatting10():
state = None
r'this is a test sentence .\period',
'This is a test sentence.')
r'\Caps-On as you can see ,\comma this yours_truly seems to work \Caps-Off well',
' As You Can See, This Yours Truly Seems to Work well')
r'an "\open-quote example of testing .\period "\close-quote hello',
' an "example of testing." Hello')
print 'Example Formatting tests passed, more in unittestNsformat (in PyTest directory)'
def testFormatting11():
# assume english, two spaces after .:
# note _ is converted into a space, inside a word ()
r'first .\period\period next',
'First. Next')
# continuing the previous:
r'this is a second sentence .\period\period',
' this is a second sentence.')
r'\caps-on\Caps-On as you can see ,\comma\comma this yours_truly works \caps-off\caps_off well',
' As You Can See, This Yours Truly Works well')
print 'Example Formatting tests (11) passed, more in unittestNsformat (in PyTest directory)'
if __name__=='__main__':
import doctest
# natlink.natConnect()
# try:
# if natlinkmain.DNSVersion >= 11:
# testFormatting11()
# else:
# testFormatting10()
# natlink.natDisconnect()
# except:
# natlink.natDisconnect()
# raise
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