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Last active February 28, 2019 05:25
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import toml
import io
from dragonfly import (Grammar, Context, AppContext, Dictation, Key, Text, Repeat,
Function, Choice, Mouse)
from castervoice.lib import context, navigation, alphanumeric, textformat, text_utils
from castervoice.lib import control
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.additions import IntegerRefST
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.merge.ccrmerger import CCRMerger
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.merge.mergerule import MergeRule
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.state.short import R
from castervoice.apps import utils
# formatting for latex symbols without curly braces and all Lyx codes
def format_without_braces(vocab_dict):
lyx_vocab_dict = {k:"\\{} ".format(vocab_dict[k]) for k in vocab_dict}
return lyx_vocab_dict
# formatting for LaTeX operators with curly braces only
# note that commands inputting latex symbols with curly braces must conclude
# by pressing the left arrow key.
def format_with_braces(vocab_dict):
latex_vocab_dict = {k:"\\{}{{}} ".format(vocab_dict[k]) for k in vocab_dict}
return latex_vocab_dict
def cap_symbol_letters(big, symbol):
if big:
symbol = symbol.title()
return symbol
# load the toml file
with"C:\NatLink\NatLink\MacroSystem\castervoice\lib\ccr\lyx\math_vocab.toml") as f:
math_vocab = toml.load(f)
# generate math vocabulary for symbols not requiring braces in latex
non_braces_math_vocab = {}
for category in math_vocab["non_braces"]:
for spec in math_vocab["non_braces"][category]:
non_braces_math_vocab[spec] = math_vocab["non_braces"][category][spec]
# generate math vocabulary for symbols requiring braces in latex
braces_math_vocab = {}
for category in math_vocab["braces"]:
for spec in math_vocab["braces"][category]:
braces_math_vocab[spec] = math_vocab["braces"][category][spec]
# generate full Lyx math vocabulary
full_lyx_math_vocab = non_braces_math_vocab.copy()
for spec in braces_math_vocab:
full_lyx_math_vocab[spec] = braces_math_vocab[spec]
class LyxRule(MergeRule):
# pronunciation =
mapping = {
"[<big>] <letter>":
R(Function(alphanumeric.letters2, extra={"big", "letter"}),
# "word number <wn>":
# R(Function(alphanumeric.word_numxber, extra="wn"), rdescript="Number As Word"),
"numb <wnKK>":
R(Function(alphanumeric.numbers2, extra="wnKK"),
# main math command
#"[<big>] <symbol_1>":
#R(utils.PositionalTexter(cap_symbol_letters, extra=["big", "symbol_1"])),
"dollz": R(Text("$$") + Key("left")),
"doubledill":R(Text("$$$$") + Key("left:2")),
# commented out because I was getting the Natlink error for overly complex grammar.
# "<index_operator> from <symbol_1> [<symbol_2>] to <symbol_3> [<symbol_4>]":
# R(Text("%(index_operator)s_") + Text("%(symbol_1)s") + Text("%(symbol_2)s") +
# Key("right, caret") + Text("%(symbols_3)s") + Text("%(symbols_4)s") +
# Key("right")),
# Lyx-specific commands
"smath": Key("c-m"),
"insert <environment>": R(Key("a-i,h") + Text("%(environment)s")),
"number that": R(Key("a-m, n")),
"<mode> [<my_words>]": R(Key("a-p, %(mode)s") + Text("%(my_words)s")),
"numbered <mode> [<my_words>]": R(Key("a-p, s-asterisk, %(mode)s") + Text("%(my_words)s")),
"matrix <m> by <n>": R(Key("a-x") + Text("math-matrix %(m)s %(n)s")) + Key("enter"),
"delim <delimiter>": R(Key("a-x") + Text("math-delim %(delimiter)s") + Key("enter")),
"toter": R(Key("right, caret")),
"<fraction_type> that": R(Key("c-x") + Text("%(fraction_type)s"))
+ Key("c-v, down"),
"inverse": R(Text("^-1") + Key("right")),
"squared": R(Text("^2") + Key("right")),
"cubed": R(Text("^3") + Key("right")),
"one half": R(Text("\\frac 1") + Key("down, 2, right")),
"<number> <denominator>": R(Text("\\frac %(number)d") + Key("down")
+ Text("%(denominator)s") + Key("right")),
"[one] <denominator_single>": R(Text("\\frac 1") + Key("down")
+ Text("%(denominator_single)s") + Key("right")),
"<mathbb_symbol>": R(Text("\mathbb %(mathbb_symbol)s") + Key("right")),
"<accent> [<big>] <symbol_1>": R(Text("%(accent)s") +
utils.PositionalTexter(cap_symbol_letters, extra=["big", "symbol_1"]) +
"<accent> [<big>] <letter>": R(Text("%(accent)s") +
Function(alphanumeric.letters2, extra={"big", "letter"}) +
"add line": R(Key("c-enter")),
extras = [
Choice("big", {
"big": True,
Choice("big_2", {
"big": True,
IntegerRefST("m", 0, 10),
IntegerRefST("n", 0, 10),
IntegerRefST("number", 2, 100),
IntegerRefST("wn", 0, 10),
IntegerRefST("wnKK", 0, 1000000),
Choice("denominator", {
"halves": "2",
"thirds": "3",
"fourths": "4",
"fifths": "5",
"sixths": "6",
"sevenths": "7",
"eighths": "8",
"ninths": "9",
"tenths": "10",
"elevenths": "11",
"twelfths": "12",
"thirteenths": "13",
"fourteenths": "14",
"fifteenths": "15",
"sixteenths": "16",
"seventeens": "17",
"eighteenths": "18",
"nineteenths": "19",
"twentieths": "20",
Choice("denominator_single", {
"half": "2",
"third": "3",
"fourth": "4",
"fifth": "5",
"sixth": "6",
"seventh": "7",
"eighth": "8",
"ninth": "9",
"tenth": "10",
"eleventh": "11",
"twelfth": "12",
"thirteenth": "13",
"fourteenth": "14",
"fifteenth": "15",
"sixteenth": "16",
"seventeen": "17",
"eighteenth": "18",
"nineteenth": "19",
"twentieth": "20",
"fraction_type", format_without_braces(math_vocab["braces"]["fractions"])),
"accent", format_without_braces(math_vocab["braces"]["accents"])),
Choice("delimiter", {"paren": "(", "bracket": "[]"}),
"mathbb_symbol", {
"reals": "R",
"complex": "C",
"integers": "Z",
"rationals": "Q",
"naturals": "N",
Choice("symbol_1", format_without_braces(full_lyx_math_vocab)),
Choice("environment", {
"(in line formula | in line)": "i",
"(numbered formula | numbered)": "n",
"(display formula | display)": "d",
"equation array": "e",
"(AMS align environment | AMS align)": "a",
"AMS align at": "t",
"AMS flalign": "f",
"AMS gathered": "g",
"AMS multline": "m",
"array ": "y",
"(cases | piecewise)": "c",
"aligned": "l",
"aligned at": "v",
"gathered": "h",
"split": "s",
"delimiters": "r",
"matrix": "x",
"macro": "o",
Choice("mode", {
"standard": "s",
"(itemize | bullets)": "b",
"(enumerate | numbering)": "e",
"description": "d",
"part": "0",
"section": "2",
"subsection": "3",
"subsubsection": "4",
"paragraph": "5",
"subparagraph": "6",
"title": "t",
"author": "s-a",
"date": "s-d",
"abstract": "a",
"address": "a-a",
"(bibliography | biblio)": "s-b",
"quotation": "a-q",
# i'm not sure what the differences between quotation and quote
"quote": "q",
"verse": "v",
defaults = {
"big": False,
"symbol_1": "",
"my_words": "",
"dictation": "",
"my_words": "",
"n": "1",
# "symbol_2": "",
# "symbol_3": "",
# "symbol_4": "",
# "symbol_5": "",
# "symbol_6": "",
# "symbol_7": "",
# "symbol_8": "",
# "symbol_9": "",
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