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Created July 16, 2019 01:11
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from castervoice.lib.imports import *
def fix_dragon_double(nexus):
lr = nexus.history[len(nexus.history) - 1]
lu = " ".join(lr)
Key("left/5:" + str(len(lu)) + ", del").execute()
except Exception:
def cap_dictation(dictation):
input_list = str(dictation).split(" ")
output_list = []
for i in range(len(input_list)):
if input_list[i] == "cap":
input_list[i + 1] = input_list[i + 1].title()
Text(" ".join(output_list)).execute()
# extras are common to both classes in this file
extras_for_whole_file = [
IntegerRefST("n10", 1, 10),
Choice("first_second_third", {
"first": 0,
"second": 1,
"third": 2,
"fourth": 3,
"fifth": 4,
"six": 5,
"seventh": 6
defaults_for_whole_file = {
"n10": 1,
"text": "",
class DragonRule(MergeRule):
pronunciation = "dragon"
mapping = {
"format <text>": Function(cap_dictation, extra={"text"}),
'(lock Dragon | deactivate)':
R(Playback([(["go", "to", "sleep"], 0.0)])),
'(number|numbers) mode':
R(Playback([(["numbers", "mode", "on"], 0.0)])),
'spell mode':
R(Playback([(["spell", "mode", "on"], 0.0)])),
'dictation mode':
R(Playback([(["dictation", "mode", "on"], 0.0)])),
'normal mode':
R(Playback([(["normal", "mode", "on"], 0.0)])),
'(command mode | command on | com on)':
R(Playback([(["command", "mode", "on"], 0.0)])),
'(command off | com off)':
R(Playback([(["command", "mode", "off"], 0.0)])),
"reboot dragon":
"fix dragon double":
R(Function(fix_dragon_double, nexus=_NEXUS)),
"left point":
R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["four", "four"], 0.1),
(["click"], 0.0)])),
"right point":
R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["six", "six"], 0.1), (["click"], 0.0)])),
"center point":
R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["click"], 0.0)]),
rdescript="Mouse: Center Point"),
"show windows": R(Mimic("list", "all", "windows"),
rdescript="Dragon: emulate Dragon command for listing windows"),
"cory <text>":
R(Mimic("correct", extra="text") + WaitWindow(title="spelling window") + Mimic("choose", "one"),
rdescript="Dragon: brings up the correction menu for the phrase spoken in the command and chooses the 1st choice"),
"cory that":
R(Mimic("correct", "that") + WaitWindow(title="spelling window") + Mimic("choose", "one"),
rdescript="Dragon: brings up the correction menu for the previously spoken phrase and chooses the first choice"),
"make that <text>": R(Mimic("scratch", "that") + Mimic(extra="text"),
rdescript="Dragon: deletes the dictation generated by the previous utterance and replaces it with what you say next"),
"scratch [<n10>]": R(Playback([(["scratch", "that"], 0.03)]),
rdescript="Dragon: delete dictation from previous n utterances") * Repeat(extra="n10"),
# Users may want to adjust the wait time on the next few commands
"train word": R(Mimic("train", "that") + Pause("75") + Key("a-r/250, s"),
rdescript="Dragon: quickly train word when you have it selected in a Dragon friendly text field"),
"word train": R(Key("c-c/20") + Mimic("edit", "vocabulary") +
Key("c-v/5, tab, down, up, a-t/50, enter/50, a-r/250, s/50, escape"),
rdescript="train word quickly once you have it selected in non-full text control application"),
"(add train | train from add word)": R(Key("a-a/2, enter/300, a-s"),
rdescript="Dragon: quickly train word from the add word dialogbox"),
"(train from vocab | cab train)": R(Key("a-t/50, enter/50, a-r/250, s"),
rdescript="Dragon: quickly train word from Vocabulary Editor"),
"(train from vocab | cab train)": R(Key("a-t/50, enter/50, a-r/250, s"),
rdescript="Dragon: quickly train word from Vocabulary Editor"),
"remove from vocab":
R(Key("c-c/5") + Mimic("edit", "vocabulary") + Pause("20") +
Key("c-v/10, tab, down, up/5, a-d, y, escape/30, right"),
rdescript="Dragon: remove selected word from vocabulary"),
"(add to vocab | vocab that)":
R(Key("c-c/5") + Mimic("add", "word") + Pause("20") +
Key("c-v, a-a/2, enter/300, a-s/30, right"),
rdescript="Dragon: add selected word to vocabulary and train it"),
"recognition history":
R(Playback([(["view", "recognition", "history"], 0.03)]),
rdescript="Dragon: open Dragon recognition history"),
"peak [recognition] history":
R(Playback([(["view", "recognition", "history"], 0.03)])
+ Pause("300") + Key("escape"),
rdescript="Dragon: open Dragon recognition history then close it"),
"[dictation] sources": R(Mimic("manage", "dictation", "sources"),
rdescript="Dragon: manage dictation sources"),
# A Natlink Command
"clear caster log":
# see above
extras = extras_for_whole_file
defaults = defaults_for_whole_file
class SpellingWindowRule(MergeRule):
mapping = {
# todo: make these CCR
"<first_second_third> word":
R(Key("home, c-right:%(first_second_third)d, cs-right"),
rdescript="Dragon: select the first second or third etc. word"),
"last [word]": R(Key("right, cs-left"), rdescript="Dragon: select the last word"),
"second [to] last word": R(Key("right, c-left:1, cs-left"), rdescript="Dragon: select the second to last word"),
"<n10>": R(Mimic("choose", extra="n10"), rdescript="Dragon: e.g. instead of having to say 'choose two' you can just say 'two'"),
# consider making the above command global so that it works when you say something like
# "insert before 'hello'" where there are multiple instances of 'hello'
# personally I think it's better just to have the setting where Dragon choose is the closest instance
# see above
extras = extras_for_whole_file
defaults = defaults_for_whole_file
if not settings.WSR:
context = AppContext(executable="natspeak")
control.non_ccr_app_rule(SpellingWindowRule(), context=context)
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