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Last active January 15, 2019 00:27
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# non_braces
# does not require curly braces in latex
alpha = "alpha"
beater = "beta"
gamma = "gamma"
delta = "delta"
epsilon = "epsilon"
zita = "zeta"
eater = "eta"
theta = "theta"
iota = "iota"
kappa = "kappa"
lambda = "lambda"
mu = "mu"
new = "nu"
zee = "xi"
cherry = "pi"
row = "rho"
sigma = "sigma"
tau = "tau"
upsilon = "upsilon"
phi = "phi"
chi = "chi"
sigh = "psi"
omega = "omega"
# does not require curly braces in latex.
times = "times"
divide = "div"
stop = "cdot"
union = "cup"
intersect = "cap"
"(direct sum)" = "oplus"
"(direct product )" = "otimes"
"plus or minus" = "pm"
"myplus" = "mp"
"astar" = "ast"
"starboard" = "star"
"cirky" = "circ"
"bullet" = "bullet"
"applis" = "uplus"
"set minus" = "setminus"
# does not require curly braces in latex
arccoase = "arccos"
arcsine = "arcsin"
arctan = "arctan"
argument = "arg"
beemod = "bmod"
coase = "cos"
kosh = "cosh"
"hyperbolic tangent" = "cot"
"hyperbolic cotangent" = "coth"
colecant = "csc"
degree = "deg"
determinant = "det"
dimension = "dim"
exponential = "exp"
GCD = "gcd"
"cat hom" = "hom"
infimum = "inf"
kernel = "ker"
limit = "lim"
liminf = "liminf"
LN = "ln"
log = "log"
max = "max"
min = "min"
secant = "sec"
sine = "sin"
sinch = "sinh"
supremum = "sup"
tangent = "tan"
tanch = "tanh"
prob = "Pr"
# does not require curly braces in latex
subset = "subset"
superset = "supset"
"strict subset" = "subsetneq"
"strict superset" = "supsetneq"
preck = "prec"
"preck equals" = "preceq"
suck = "succ"
"suck equals" = "succeq"
"indifferent" = "sim"
approximate = "approx"
proportional = "propto"
"not equal" = "neq"
equivalent = "equiv"
geequal = "geq"
leaqual = "leq"
"much greater" = "gg"
"much less" = "ll"
"perp" = "perp"
"(member|in)" = "in"
"not member" = "notin"
"back member" = "ni"
# does not require curly races in latex
"(land|logic and)" = "land"
"logic or" = "lor"
primmer = "prime"
"logic not" = "lnot"
"for all" = "forall"
"there exists" = "exists"
"proves" = "vdash"
models = "models"
"negation" = "neg"
# does not require curly braces in latex
"left arrow" = "leftarrow"
"right arrow" = "rightarrow"
"up arrow" = "uparrow"
"down arrow" = "downarrow"
"left right arrow" = "leftrightarrow"
"mapsta" = "mapsto"
"longmapsta" = "longmapsto"
dots = "dots"
longdots = "ldots"
"middle dots" = "cdots"
"vertical dots" = "vdots"
"diagonal dots" = "ddots"
partial = "partial"
infinity = "infty"
aleph = "aleph"
imagine = "imath"
box = "Box"
diamond = "Diamond"
triangle = "triangle"
blash = "backslash"
truthy = "top"
falsy = "bot"
gradient = "nabla"
text = "text"
# braces
# requires curly braces in latex
"(beebee|blackboard bold)" = "mathbb"
roman = "mathrm"
bold = "mathbf"
"bold symbol" = "boldsymbol"
"sans serif" = "mathsf"
italic = "mathit"
typewriter = "matttt"
blackboard = "mathbb"
fraktur = "mathfrak"
calligraphic = "mathcal"
"formal script" = "mathscr"
"normal text mode" = "textrm"
# requires curly braces in latex.
frac = "frac"
"(nice frack | nice fraction)" = "nicefrac"
unit = "unitone"
"unit two" = "unittwo"
"unit fraction " = "unitfrac"
"text fraction" = "tfrac"
"display fraction" = "dfrac"
"continued fraction" = "cfrac"
"continued fraction (left)" = "cfracleft"
"continued fraction (right)" = "cfracright"
binomial = "binom"
"text binomial" = "tbinom"
"display binomial" = "dbinom"
# requires curly braces in latex.
sum = "sum"
"(large direct sum | large oh plus)" = "bigoplus"
integ = "int"
"double integ" = "iint"
"triple integ" = "iiint"
"line integral" = "oint"
"tall intersect" = "cap"
"tall union" = "cup"
product = "prod"
hat = "hat"
bar = "bar"
dotter = "dot"
acute = "acute"
breve = "breve"
check = "check"
grave = "grave"
vector = "vector"
tilde = "tilde"
overline = "overline"
"over right arrow" = "overrightarrow"
# requires curly braces in latex.
"root" = "sqrt"
"generic root" = "root"
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