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Created June 18, 2019 02:34
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"reper"= "repr"
"stir"= "str"
"len"= "len"
"name"= "name"
"Unicode"= "unicode"
"size of"= "sizeof"
"dir"= "dir"
"int"= "int"
"add"= "add"
"subtract"= "sub"
"equal"= "eq"
"strict less"= "lt"
"strict greater" = "gt"
"less equal"= "le"
"greater equal"= "ge"
"exception"= "Exception"
"stop iteration"= "StopIteration"
"system exit"= "SystemExit"
"standard"= "StandardError"
"arithmetic"= "ArithmeticError"
"overflow"= "OverflowError"
"floating-point"= "FloatingPointError"
"zero division"= "ZeroDivisionError"
"assertion"= "AssertionError"
"EOF"= "EOFError"
"import"= "ImportError"
"keyboard interrupt"= "KeyboardInterrupt"
"lookup"= "LookupError"
"index"= "IndexError"
"key"= "KeyError"
"name"= "NameError"
"unbound local"= "UnboundLocalError"
"environment"= "EnvironmentError"
"IO"= "IOError"
"OS"= "OSError"
"syntax"= "SyntaxError"
"type"= "TypeError"
"value"= "ValueError"
"runtime"= "RuntimeError"
"not implemented"= "NotImplementedError"
"tab error"= "TabError"
"and"= "and"
"as"= "as"
"assert"= "assert"
"async"= "async"
"await"= "await"
"break"= "break"
"class"= "class"
"continue"= "continue"
"def"= "def"
"del"= "del"
"else if"= "elif"
"else"= "else"
"except"= "except"
"finally"= "finally"
"for"= "for"
"from"= "from"
"global"= "global"
"if"= "if"
"import"= "import"
"in"= "in"
"is"= "is"
"lambda"= "lambda"
"non local"= "nonlocal"
"not"= "not"
"or"= "or"
"pass"= "pass"
"raise"= "raise"
"return"= "return"
"try"= "try"
"while"= "while"
"with"= "with"
"yield"= "yield"
"build class"= "__build_class__"
"debug"= "__debug__"
"doc"= "__doc__"
"import"= "__import__"
"loader"= "__loader__"
"name"= "__name__"
"package"= "__package__"
"spec"= "__spec__"
"abs"= "abs"
"all"= "all"
"any"= "any"
"ascii"= "ascii"
"bin"= "bin"
"bool"= "bool"
"breakpoint"= "breakpoint"
"bytearray"= "bytearray"
"bytes"= "bytes"
"callable"= "callable"
"chr"= "chr"
"classmethod"= "classmethod"
"compile"= "compile"
"complex"= "complex"
"copyright"= "copyright"
"credits"= "credits"
"del atter"= "delattr"
"dict"= "dict"
"dir"= "dir"
"display"= "display"
"divmod"= "divmod"
"enumerate"= "enumerate"
"eval"= "eval"
"exec"= "exec"
"filter"= "filter"
"float"= "float"
"format"= "format"
"frozen set"= "frozenset"
"get ipython"= "get_ipython"
"get atter"= "getattr"
"globals"= "globals"
"has atter"= "hasattr"
"hash"= "hash"
"help"= "help"
"hex"= "hex"
"id"= "id"
"input"= "input"
"int"= "int"
"is instance"= "isinstance"
"is subclass"= "issubclass"
"iter"= "iter"
"len"= "len"
"license"= "license"
"list"= "list"
"locals"= "locals"
"map"= "map"
"max"= "max"
"memory view"= "memoryview"
"min"= "min"
"next"= "next"
"object"= "object"
# "oct"= "oct"
# "open"= "open"
# "ord"= "ord"
# "pow"= "pow"
"print"= "print"
"property"= "property"
"range"= "range"
"repr"= "repr"
"reversed"= "reversed"
"round"= "round"
"set"= "set"
"set atter"= "setattr"
"slice"= "slice"
"sorted"= "sorted"
"static method"= "staticmethod"
"stir"= "str"
"sum"= "sum"
"super"= "super"
"tuple"= "tuple"
"type"= "type"
"vars"= "vars"
"zip"= "zip"
"string"= "string"
"regex"= "re"
"diff lib"= "difflib"
"text wrap"= "textwrap"
"unicode data"= "unicodedata"
"struct"= "struct"
"codecs"= "codecs"
"date time"= "datetime"
"collections"= "collections"
"heap que"= "heapq"
# "bisect"= "bisect"
# "weak ref"= "weakref"
# "types"= "types"
# "copy"= "copy"
# "pretty print"= "pprint"
# "enum"= "enum"
# "numbers"= "numbers"
# "math"= "math"
# "decimal"= "decimal"
# "fractions"= "fractions"
# "itertools"= "itertools"
# "function tools"= "functools"
# "operator"= "operator"
# "path lib"= "pathlib"
# "temp file"= "tempfile"
# "glob"= "glob"
# "line cache"= "linecache"
# "shutil"= "shutil"
# "pickle"= "pickle"
# "sqlite 3"= "sqlite3"
# "zip file"= "zipfile"
# "tar file"= "tarfile"
# "CSV"= "csv"
# "config parser"= "configparser"
# "hash lib"= "hashlib"
# "secrets"= "secrets"
# "OS"= "os"
# "IO"= "io"
# "time"= "time"
# "arg parse"= "argparse"
# "logging"= "logging"
# "get pass"= "getpass"
# "platform"= "platform"
# "C types"= "ctypes"
# "threading"= "threading"
# "multiprocessing"= "multiprocessing"
# "concurrent"= "concurrent"
# "concurrent futures"= "concurrent.futures"
# "subprocess"= "subprocess"
# "queue"= "queue"
# "context vars"= "contextvars"
# "asyncio"= "asyncio"
# "json"= "json"
# "base64"= "base64"
# "bin ascky"= "binascii"
# "url lib parse"= "urllib.parse"
# "get text"= "gettext"
# "locale"= "locale"
# "shlex"= "shlex"
# "typing"= "typing"
# "unit test"= "unittest"
# "time it"= "timeit"
# "trace"= "trace"
# "dist utils"= "distutils"
# "zip app"= "zipapp"
# "sys"= "sys"
# "builtins"= "builtins"
# "warnings"= "warnings"
# "data classes"= "dataclasses"
# "context lib"= "contextlib"
# "ABC"= "abc"
# "atexit"= "atexit"
# "traceback"= "traceback"
# "future"= "__future__"
# "GC"= "gc"
# "inspect"= "inspect"
# "site"= "site"
# "import lib"= "importlib"
# "ast"= "ast"
# "token"= "token"
# "tokenize"= "tokenize"
"dis"= "dis"
"Requests"= "Requests"
"skappy"= "Scapy"
"w x Python"= "wxPython"
"Pillow"= "Pillow"
"SQL Alchemy"= "SQLAlchemy"
"beautiful soup"= "BeautifulSoup"
"Twisted"= "Twisted"
"num pie"= "NumPy"
"sigh pie"= "SciPy"
"mat plot lib"= "matplotlib"
"pie game"= "Pygame"
"Piglet"= "Pyglet"
"pie QT"= "pyQT"
"pandas"= "pandas"
"kivy"= "kivy"
"jango"= "Django"
"click"= "click"
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