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Last active July 23, 2020 16:37
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NASA Earth Imagery, download tool - node.js
// * Download a tile/thumbnail from the LandSat 8 dataset.
// Create directory called 'images'
// npm install request path async
// node GetNasaEarth lat lon
// * How program works
// First find all passes by date of the satellite, then request a thumbnail from the API
// Follow API through and download the images in batches of 5.
// Timing is to off-set throttling on the data-API.
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');
var path=require('path');
var async = require("async");
// The larger the number, the smaller the zoom level
var tileDimension = 0.145;
//tileDimension=0.025; // default for API
// Sometimes the API returns error 500, so we try again and then it's OK.
var apiRetryCount = 25;
var max_queue_download_size = 5;
// Ceará
//var lat=-3.72168;
//var lon=-38.519932;
// Cathedral
// var lat=52.572484;
// var lon=-0.23921;
// Chalk man
//var lat=50.8135003;
//var lon=-2.4754754;
// TM
//var lat=31.778116;
//var lon=35.235993;
// Rain forest
//var lat=-10.141932;
//var lon=-75.27832;
// Chernobyl reactor
//var lat=51.389636;
//var lon=30.099033;
// Plane grave-yard
//var lat=32.1499889;
//var lon=-110.8358417;
// Solar installation in desert.
var lat = 44.525049;
var lon= -110.83819;
if(process.argv.length==4) {
var parts = process.argv.slice(2);
lat = parts[0].replace(',','').trim();
lon = parts[1].replace(',','').trim();
// cap images to save API key usage.
var cap = 500;
var begin = "2010-01-01";
var key="DEMO_KEY";
var findFlybys= function(lat,lon,begin, callback) {
var flyUrl = ""+lon+"&lat="+lat+"&begin="+begin+"&api_key="+key;
request(flyUrl, function (error, response, body) {
var remaining = response.caseless.dict['x-ratelimit-remaining'];
var limit = response.caseless.dict['x-ratelimit-limit'];
console.log(flyUrl+ ", " + response.statusCode);
console.log("API request limit - (" + remaining + "/" + limit+") - " + ((remaining/limit)*100).toFixed(2) + "% available" );
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var json = JSON.parse(body);
else {
console.log("Server error getting flybys.");
var requestApiAndImages = function(urls){
var download = function(uri, filename, callback){
request.head(uri, function(err, res, body){
var r = request(uri).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path.join("images", filename)));
r.on('close', callback);
console.log("API request URLs: " + urls.length);
var requestAndReturn = function (imageUrls,apiUrl, callback, retries) {
request(apiUrl, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var json = JSON.parse(body);
var imageUrl=json["url"];
console.log("Response: " + apiUrl+ ", " + response.statusCode + " " + retries+"/"+apiRetryCount +" [got " + imageUrls.length + " / " + urls.length+"]");
console.log("Bad response: " + apiUrl+ ", " + response.statusCode + " " + retries+"/"+apiRetryCount +" [got " + imageUrls.length + " / " + urls.length+"]");
if(error) {
console.log("Error" + error);
if(response.statusCode==429) {
console.log("NASA says no, error code 429, out of API usage limits.");
else if(response.statusCode==500) {
console.log("Unknown server error, trying again.");
console.log("Retried, but giving up now.");
else {
var timeSalt = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1300) + 300);
setTimeout(function(){ requestAndReturn(imageUrls, apiUrl, callback,retries+1)},1+timeSalt);
var downloadEachImage = function(urls) {
var imageUrls=[];
function(apiUrl,callback) {
requestAndReturn(imageUrls, apiUrl, callback, 0);
,function(err) {
console.log("Queuing "+imageUrls.length+" thumbnails for download in batches of: " +max_queue_download_size+".");
var queue = async.queue(function(task, callback) {
var imageUrl= task.imageUrl;
var startString="thumbid=";
var start=imageUrl.indexOf("thumbid=")+startString.length;
var end = imageUrl.indexOf("&");
var fileName=imageUrl.substring(start, end).trim() + ".jpg";
console.log(fileName + " requested.");
download(imageUrl, fileName, function() {
console.log(fileName +" downloaded.");
}, max_queue_download_size);
imageUrls.forEach(function(imageUrl) {
queue.push( { imageUrl : imageUrl }, function(err) {
console.log("Error in queue: "+err);
} );
findFlybys(lat, lon, begin, function(flybyJson) {
var flybys=flybyJson;
var urls=[];
var url = ""+key
if(urls.length<=cap) {
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