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Last active July 16, 2020 09:27
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Insiders Update 6th Oct 2019 - FaaS for Rubyists, Managed k3s, GitHub Actions, and PLONK Stack intro

Welcome to this week's Insiders Update! Insiders gain exclusive access to early previews, updates, news, and events on my OSS work.

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Insiders Update 6th Oct 2019 - FaaS for Rubyists, Managed k3s, GitHub Actions, and PLONK Stack intro

This week's Insiders Update is a bumper edition with two weeks' worth of content, so make a hot drink and get settled in.

There have been lots of updates to the OpenFaaS README on GitHub, so go and read up and star the project if you haven't.


PLONK Stack intro

I spoke at The Cloud Native London Conference about the PLONK Stack, which combines:

  • Prometheus
  • Linkerd (optional)
  • OpenFaaS
  • NATS
  • Kubernetes

Find out why PLONK can be easier than working directly with Kubernetes.

Video: Getting Started with the PLONK Stack and Serverless 2.0

Managed k3s from Civo

Civo, a Gold homepage sponsor of launched the first managed k3s service we've seen to date.

Learn how I helped them build and shape their offering and what my first impressions were as a I walked through the platform.

Blog post: The World's First Managed k3s

Sign up for early access: Join #kube100

inlets-operator [new!]

The inlets-operator is a new Open Source project that I released on Friday. It integrates inlets directly into the Kubernetes API through the use of a CRD and Kubernetes controller.

  • What does it do?

    It automates the provisioning of your inlets exit-node server and client (running as a Pod) and then updates any LoadBalancers found with a public IP.

  • What does it mean?

    It means that if you expose a Service as type LoadBalancer in Kubernetes, you'll now get a public IP address. You can then share your APIs and websites with others, just like you would with a cloud LoadBalancer. A public IP is also great for receiving webhooks or for communicating with third-party services.

  • What are people saying?

    Darren Shepherd, creator of k3s: "This really slick, it auto-deploys a tunnel in the cloud to your laptop or wherever you are running k8s."

    Ángel Barrera, co-founder K8spin: "This is a game changer operator. Deploy a low cost load balancer to your kubernetes cluster"

    Utsav Anand, student and OSS contributor: "I'm impressed!! Literally took less than 5 mins (including creating a minikube k8s cluster) to get the inlets-operator running for my cluster to give a service of type LoadBalancer! Those forever <pending> placeholders are gone!"

The inlets-operator will also work for your Raspberry Pi cluster whether you're running Kubernetes or k3s.


FaaS for Rubyists

The interest in FaaS and Serverless is still building moment within the Ruby community. A popular service called faastRuby announced that it was shutting down permanently.

Paulo, the author recommends that developers move to OpenFaaS and he's collated a number of resources to help his 800+ users move across, if they wish to do so.

I also wanted to do my bit, so I wrote a new tutorial for Ruby programmers.

Tutorial: FaaS for the Rubyist

Lambda-NIC: Interactive Serverless Compute on Programmable SmartNICs

A team of researchers wanted to apply Serverless to SmartNICs, and they decided to use OpenFaaS to build that.

"We built λ-NIC as an extension to our baseline framework, inheriting all of OpenFaaS’s core features with additional support for running lambdas on P4-enabled Netronome SmartNICs."

Read the paper lead by Sean Choi of Stanford: Lambda-NIC: Interactive Serverless Compute on Programmable SmartNICs

Getting started with OpenFaaS / Community Cluster and Go

GitHub Actions for OpenFaaS

Wrapping up

Thank you for being my sponsor 👏

SWAG still available

Here I am with Josh and Carla in London for The Cloud Native London Conference

SWAG is still available, email with your name, full address and What you would like to purchase for a free quote.

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