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import requests | |
import base64 | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
master_json_url = 'https://178skyfiregce-a.akamaihd.net/exp=1474107106~acl=%2F142089577%2F%2A~hmac=0d9becc441fc5385462d53bf59cf019c0184690862f49b414e9a2f1c5bafbe0d/142089577/video/426274424,426274425,426274423,426274422/master.json?base64_init=1' | |
base_url = master_json_url[:master_json_url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1] | |
resp = requests.get(master_json_url) | |
content = resp.json() | |
heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])] | |
idx, _ = max(heights, key=lambda (_, h): h) | |
video = content['video'][idx] | |
video_base_url = base_url + video['base_url'] | |
print 'base url:', video_base_url | |
filename = 'video_%d.mp4' % video['id'] | |
print 'saving to %s' % filename | |
video_file = open(filename, 'wb') | |
init_segment = base64.b64decode(video['init_segment']) | |
video_file.write(init_segment) | |
for segment in tqdm(video['segments']): | |
segment_url = video_base_url + segment['url'] | |
resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True) | |
if resp.status_code != 200: | |
print 'not 200!' | |
print resp | |
print segment_url | |
break | |
for chunk in resp: | |
video_file.write(chunk) | |
video_file.flush() | |
video_file.close() |
Got an issue on some videos, I've been downloading protected content using the method described in the quoted post for months, and it is still working today.
However, I've recently encountered an issue with some videos (very few) where the link structure, retrieved from the Network tab in the browser, differs and appears to be a playlist link instead, such as:
How am I supposed to download this? Or how can I retrieve the real link?
got an issue, been downloading a bunch of video for days and then suddenly the one that was downloading ended up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 22-10-23PERF.mp4 https://91vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699318792~acl=%2F222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa%2F%2A~hmac=5924a2ed3f6704c9aa9892d413bbbac8da8b7428ebafad976496229f310d7d8a/222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa/sep/video/2ed9800f,b18fccd0,cbccf898,e88838cd,effa0196/audio/2deec4db,8c92b620,fd7a357a/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Requesting header WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor. [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Extracting information [dashsegments] Total fragments: 1069 [download] Destination: 22-10-23PERF.fvideo-2ed9800f.mp4 [download] 8.9% of ~571.81MiB at 549.60KiB/s ETA 23:44 ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:600)>
then now when I try ANY video, even ones from the past that were successfully downloaded, I end up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=64987b83dd191c8ee0833181540fe12c44f6937f244256cc9fe42a15c4a4ede4/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 410: Gone (caused by <HTTPError 410: Gone>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
And yes, it is up to date:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -U Available version: stable@2023.10.13, Current version: stable@2023.10.13 yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2023.10.13)
Help please?solved:
this command was to try to resume a failed download from yesterday (while I was sleeping), so I re typed the exact same command to resume the download except that when I went on the video to compare the source, it has changed. Typing the same command with the fresh URL worked as usual.
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=75ad5d633886e2d01ef04535372fa4342bd0aa2da02b5d160c9702ea04ebea50/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] master: Extracting information [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): video-9886125d+audio-3de08f2b [dashsegments] Total fragments: 658 [download] Destination: 24-10-23.fvideo-9886125d.mp4 [download] 37.7% of ~ 458.35MiB at 434.71KiB/s ETA 09:58 (frag 248/658)
my guess is that Vimeo updates it's URL sources every x hours (these bastards)
Got an issue on some videos, I've been downloading protected content using the method described in the quoted post for months, and it is still working today. However, I've recently encountered an issue with some videos (very few) where the link structure, retrieved from the Network tab in the browser, differs and appears to be a playlist link instead, such as:
How am I supposed to download this? Or how can I retrieve the real link?
got an issue, been downloading a bunch of video for days and then suddenly the one that was downloading ended up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 22-10-23PERF.mp4 https://91vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699318792~acl=%2F222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa%2F%2A~hmac=5924a2ed3f6704c9aa9892d413bbbac8da8b7428ebafad976496229f310d7d8a/222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa/sep/video/2ed9800f,b18fccd0,cbccf898,e88838cd,effa0196/audio/2deec4db,8c92b620,fd7a357a/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Requesting header WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor. [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Extracting information [dashsegments] Total fragments: 1069 [download] Destination: 22-10-23PERF.fvideo-2ed9800f.mp4 [download] 8.9% of ~571.81MiB at 549.60KiB/s ETA 23:44 ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:600)>
then now when I try ANY video, even ones from the past that were successfully downloaded, I end up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=64987b83dd191c8ee0833181540fe12c44f6937f244256cc9fe42a15c4a4ede4/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 410: Gone (caused by <HTTPError 410: Gone>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
And yes, it is up to date:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -U Available version: stable@2023.10.13, Current version: stable@2023.10.13 yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2023.10.13)
Help please?solved:
this command was to try to resume a failed download from yesterday (while I was sleeping), so I re typed the exact same command to resume the download except that when I went on the video to compare the source, it has changed. Typing the same command with the fresh URL worked as usual.
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=75ad5d633886e2d01ef04535372fa4342bd0aa2da02b5d160c9702ea04ebea50/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] master: Extracting information [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): video-9886125d+audio-3de08f2b [dashsegments] Total fragments: 658 [download] Destination: 24-10-23.fvideo-9886125d.mp4 [download] 37.7% of ~ 458.35MiB at 434.71KiB/s ETA 09:58 (frag 248/658)
my guess is that Vimeo updates it's URL sources every x hours (these bastards)
Here modified (python3) script for download both playlist.json and master.json link types.
import os
import sys
import base64
import requests
import subprocess
from tqdm import tqdm
from moviepy.editor import *
url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ')
name = input('enter output name: ')
if 'master.json' in url:
url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1'
url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd')
subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name])
def download(what, to, base):
print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to)
with open(to, 'wb') as file:
init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment'])
for segment in tqdm(what['segments']):
segment_url = base + segment['url']
resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True)
if resp.status_code != 200:
print('not 200!')
for chunk in resp:
name += '.mp4'
base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1]
content = requests.get(url).json()
vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])]
vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1])
audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])]
audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1])
video = content['video'][vid_idx]
audio = content['audio'][audio_idx]
base_url = base_url + content['base_url']
video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4'
audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4'
download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url'])
download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url'])
video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_tmp_file)
audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_tmp_file)
video_clip_with_audio = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)
Got an issue on some videos, I've been downloading protected content using the method described in the quoted post for months, and it is still working today. However, I've recently encountered an issue with some videos (very few) where the link structure, retrieved from the Network tab in the browser, differs and appears to be a playlist link instead, such as:
How am I supposed to download this? Or how can I retrieve the real link?got an issue, been downloading a bunch of video for days and then suddenly the one that was downloading ended up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 22-10-23PERF.mp4 https://91vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699318792~acl=%2F222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa%2F%2A~hmac=5924a2ed3f6704c9aa9892d413bbbac8da8b7428ebafad976496229f310d7d8a/222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa/sep/video/2ed9800f,b18fccd0,cbccf898,e88838cd,effa0196/audio/2deec4db,8c92b620,fd7a357a/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Requesting header WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor. [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Extracting information [dashsegments] Total fragments: 1069 [download] Destination: 22-10-23PERF.fvideo-2ed9800f.mp4 [download] 8.9% of ~571.81MiB at 549.60KiB/s ETA 23:44 ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:600)>
then now when I try ANY video, even ones from the past that were successfully downloaded, I end up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=64987b83dd191c8ee0833181540fe12c44f6937f244256cc9fe42a15c4a4ede4/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 410: Gone (caused by <HTTPError 410: Gone>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
And yes, it is up to date:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -U Available version: stable@2023.10.13, Current version: stable@2023.10.13 yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2023.10.13)
Help please?solved:
this command was to try to resume a failed download from yesterday (while I was sleeping), so I re typed the exact same command to resume the download except that when I went on the video to compare the source, it has changed. Typing the same command with the fresh URL worked as usual.
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=75ad5d633886e2d01ef04535372fa4342bd0aa2da02b5d160c9702ea04ebea50/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] master: Extracting information [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): video-9886125d+audio-3de08f2b [dashsegments] Total fragments: 658 [download] Destination: 24-10-23.fvideo-9886125d.mp4 [download] 37.7% of ~ 458.35MiB at 434.71KiB/s ETA 09:58 (frag 248/658)
my guess is that Vimeo updates it's URL sources every x hours (these bastards)Here modified (python3) script for download both playlist.json and master.json link types.
import os import sys import base64 import requests import subprocess from tqdm import tqdm from moviepy.editor import * url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ') name = input('enter output name: ') if 'master.json' in url: url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1' url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd') print(url) subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name]) sys.exit(0) def download(what, to, base): print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to) with open(to, 'wb') as file: init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment']) file.write(init_segment) for segment in tqdm(what['segments']): segment_url = base + segment['url'] resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: print('not 200!') print(segment_url) break for chunk in resp: file.write(chunk) print('done') name += '.mp4' base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1] content = requests.get(url).json() vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])] vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])] audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) video = content['video'][vid_idx] audio = content['audio'][audio_idx] base_url = base_url + content['base_url'] video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4' audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4' download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url']) download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url']) video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_tmp_file) audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_tmp_file) video_clip_with_audio = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip) video_clip_with_audio.write_videofile(name) os.remove(video_tmp_file) os.remove(audio_tmp_file)
sorry for my n00bism but how do I compile and then use this?
install python to your system, then in command line run
python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy
save code above to vimeo.py file, then run
python vimeo.py
install python to your system, then in command line run
python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy
save code above to vimeo.py file, then run
python vimeo.py
**Thanks a lot man!
By any chance is there a possibility to create a script in which we paste a bunch of original Vimeo URLs and it goes and retrieves the playlist.json and master.json link types for us and then proceeds to download them with a predefined mp4 output? (I have tons of videos to download, I'm tired boss...)**
install python to your system, then in command line run
python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy
save code above to vimeo.py file, then run
python vimeo.py
**Thanks a lot man!
By any chance is there a possibility to create a script in which we paste a bunch of original Vimeo URLs and it goes and retrieves the playlist.json and master.json link types for us and then proceeds to download them with a predefined mp4 output? (I have tons of videos to download, I'm tired boss...)**
I wrote something like this quite a while back..i have no idea fi it is still working though. if it isnt pretty sure if you are famaliar with python it is just a liitle modiifcation that would be required. https://github.com/plutack1/vimeo-audio-video
I also have a problem with the new format of the vimeo vids. I usually use youtube-dl-web vercell online site and when the code is “master.json”, i just replace json with mpd and it works perfectly. But new one is “playlist.json?omit……” and it does not work at all. Is there any simple method using replacement as it was before? Thx!
I also have a problem with the new format of the vimeo vids. I usually use youtube-dl-web vercell online site and when the code is “master.json”, i just replace json with mpd and it works perfectly. But new one is “playlist.json?omit……” and it does not work at all. Is there any simple method using replacement as it was before? Thx!
Use the script posted above by @kbabanov
You need to install Python on your system tho, ChatGPT is your friend to compile it.
merging the streams with moviepy is slow because it does unnecessary conversions. You can use ffmpeg to just assemble an mp4 file copying the streams without conversion
subprocess.run(['ffmpeg', '-i', 'video.mp4', '-i', 'audio.mp4', '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'copy', name])
then you can delete these lines
video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_tmp_file)
audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_tmp_file)
video_clip_with_audio = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)
Of course it does create a dependency to an external command but it is worth the time saving.
Also, I've just noticed that downloading a master.json type stream (the one that just offloads the download to youtube-dl, generates a video file without audio =(.
install python to your system, then in command line run
python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy
save code above to vimeo.py file, then run
python vimeo.py
Thank you. It works like a charm!
Got an issue on some videos, I've been downloading protected content using the method described in the quoted post for months, and it is still working today. However, I've recently encountered an issue with some videos (very few) where the link structure, retrieved from the Network tab in the browser, differs and appears to be a playlist link instead, such as:
How am I supposed to download this? Or how can I retrieve the real link?got an issue, been downloading a bunch of video for days and then suddenly the one that was downloading ended up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 22-10-23PERF.mp4 https://91vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699318792~acl=%2F222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa%2F%2A~hmac=5924a2ed3f6704c9aa9892d413bbbac8da8b7428ebafad976496229f310d7d8a/222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa/sep/video/2ed9800f,b18fccd0,cbccf898,e88838cd,effa0196/audio/2deec4db,8c92b620,fd7a357a/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Requesting header WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor. [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Extracting information [dashsegments] Total fragments: 1069 [download] Destination: 22-10-23PERF.fvideo-2ed9800f.mp4 [download] 8.9% of ~571.81MiB at 549.60KiB/s ETA 23:44 ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:600)>
then now when I try ANY video, even ones from the past that were successfully downloaded, I end up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=64987b83dd191c8ee0833181540fe12c44f6937f244256cc9fe42a15c4a4ede4/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 410: Gone (caused by <HTTPError 410: Gone>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
And yes, it is up to date:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -U Available version: stable@2023.10.13, Current version: stable@2023.10.13 yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2023.10.13)
Help please?solved:
this command was to try to resume a failed download from yesterday (while I was sleeping), so I re typed the exact same command to resume the download except that when I went on the video to compare the source, it has changed. Typing the same command with the fresh URL worked as usual.
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=75ad5d633886e2d01ef04535372fa4342bd0aa2da02b5d160c9702ea04ebea50/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] master: Extracting information [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): video-9886125d+audio-3de08f2b [dashsegments] Total fragments: 658 [download] Destination: 24-10-23.fvideo-9886125d.mp4 [download] 37.7% of ~ 458.35MiB at 434.71KiB/s ETA 09:58 (frag 248/658)
my guess is that Vimeo updates it's URL sources every x hours (these bastards)Here modified (python3) script for download both playlist.json and master.json link types.
import os import sys import base64 import requests import subprocess from tqdm import tqdm from moviepy.editor import * url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ') name = input('enter output name: ') if 'master.json' in url: url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1' url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd') print(url) subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name]) sys.exit(0) def download(what, to, base): print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to) with open(to, 'wb') as file: init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment']) file.write(init_segment) for segment in tqdm(what['segments']): segment_url = base + segment['url'] resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: print('not 200!') print(segment_url) break for chunk in resp: file.write(chunk) print('done') name += '.mp4' base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1] content = requests.get(url).json() vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])] vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])] audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) video = content['video'][vid_idx] audio = content['audio'][audio_idx] base_url = base_url + content['base_url'] video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4' audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4' download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url']) download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url']) video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_tmp_file) audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_tmp_file) video_clip_with_audio = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip) video_clip_with_audio.write_videofile(name) os.remove(video_tmp_file) os.remove(audio_tmp_file)
To who ever made this:
Thank you so much for fixing all my problems, you are an absolute legend!! Can stress enough how great the script is, Thanks!!
But how to download when I have only playlist.m3u8
and no playlist.json
(or master.json
as it used to be)?

UPDATE. Got a solution with ffmpeg
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i
-c copy video.mp4
That's how I was able to download the videos I wanted.
Got an issue on some videos, I've been downloading protected content using the method described in the quoted post for months, and it is still working today. However, I've recently encountered an issue with some videos (very few) where the link structure, retrieved from the Network tab in the browser, differs and appears to be a playlist link instead, such as:
How am I supposed to download this? Or how can I retrieve the real link?got an issue, been downloading a bunch of video for days and then suddenly the one that was downloading ended up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 22-10-23PERF.mp4 https://91vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699318792~acl=%2F222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa%2F%2A~hmac=5924a2ed3f6704c9aa9892d413bbbac8da8b7428ebafad976496229f310d7d8a/222d9b05-2ac9-4bf1-a98e-c821e509c8fa/sep/video/2ed9800f,b18fccd0,cbccf898,e88838cd,effa0196/audio/2deec4db,8c92b620,fd7a357a/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Requesting header WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor. [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Extracting information [dashsegments] Total fragments: 1069 [download] Destination: 22-10-23PERF.fvideo-2ed9800f.mp4 [download] 8.9% of ~571.81MiB at 549.60KiB/s ETA 23:44 ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:600)>
then now when I try ANY video, even ones from the past that were successfully downloaded, I end up with this error:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=64987b83dd191c8ee0833181540fe12c44f6937f244256cc9fe42a15c4a4ede4/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699310038~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 410: Gone (caused by <HTTPError 410: Gone>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
And yes, it is up to date:
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -U Available version: stable@2023.10.13, Current version: stable@2023.10.13 yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2023.10.13)
Help please?solved:
this command was to try to resume a failed download from yesterday (while I was sleeping), so I re typed the exact same command to resume the download except that when I went on the video to compare the source, it has changed. Typing the same command with the fresh URL worked as usual.
F:\ffmpeg>youtube-dl.exe -o 24-10-23.mp4 https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%2F%2A~hmac=75ad5d633886e2d01ef04535372fa4342bd0aa2da02b5d160c9702ea04ebea50/b852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101/sep/video/4ea580af,58650cf4,9886125d,a4f6fd04,ad9e4799/audio/3de08f2b,a69e0c39,c8ff288c/master.mpd?query_string_ranges=1 [generic] Extracting URL: https://194vod-adaptive.akamaized.net/exp=1699353551~acl=%2Fb852eef9-3848-48a9-81af-a6bb0c3bb101%...uery_string_ranges=1 [generic] master: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] master: Extracting information [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): video-9886125d+audio-3de08f2b [dashsegments] Total fragments: 658 [download] Destination: 24-10-23.fvideo-9886125d.mp4 [download] 37.7% of ~ 458.35MiB at 434.71KiB/s ETA 09:58 (frag 248/658)
my guess is that Vimeo updates it's URL sources every x hours (these bastards)Here modified (python3) script for download both playlist.json and master.json link types.
import os import sys import base64 import requests import subprocess from tqdm import tqdm from moviepy.editor import * url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ') name = input('enter output name: ') if 'master.json' in url: url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1' url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd') print(url) subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name]) sys.exit(0) def download(what, to, base): print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to) with open(to, 'wb') as file: init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment']) file.write(init_segment) for segment in tqdm(what['segments']): segment_url = base + segment['url'] resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: print('not 200!') print(segment_url) break for chunk in resp: file.write(chunk) print('done') name += '.mp4' base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1] content = requests.get(url).json() vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])] vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])] audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) video = content['video'][vid_idx] audio = content['audio'][audio_idx] base_url = base_url + content['base_url'] video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4' audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4' download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url']) download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url']) video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_tmp_file) audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_tmp_file) video_clip_with_audio = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip) video_clip_with_audio.write_videofile(name) os.remove(video_tmp_file) os.remove(audio_tmp_file)
This re-encodes the video - is there a way to avoid doing that? I thought ffmpeg can just combine the two video + audio files - wouldn't that be easier/more efficient?
Also how would I change it so that I can set the quality I'd want to download? i.e. instead of max quality
This re-encodes the video - is there a way to avoid doing that?
see my previous comment
so I skidded modifications from comments and added a bit of multi threading. It downloads video and audio, accepts playlist.json and master.json (mainly for playlist.json).
import os
import sys
import base64
import requests
import subprocess
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from tqdm import tqdm
from moviepy.editor import *
import ffmpeg
url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ')
name = input('enter output name: ')
if 'master.json' in url:
url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1'
url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd')
subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name])
def download_segment(segment_url, segment_path):
resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True)
if resp.status_code != 200:
print('not 200!')
with open(segment_path, 'wb') as segment_file:
for chunk in resp:
def download(what, to, base):
print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to)
init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment'])
segment_urls = [base + segment['url'] for segment in what['segments']]
segment_paths = [f"segment_{i}.tmp" for i in range(len(segment_urls))]
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=15) as executor:
list(tqdm(executor.map(download_segment, segment_urls, segment_paths), total=len(segment_urls)))
with open(to, 'wb') as file:
for segment_path in segment_paths:
with open(segment_path, 'rb') as segment_file:
name += '.mp4'
base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1]
content = requests.get(url).json()
vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])]
vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1])
audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])]
audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1])
video = content['video'][vid_idx]
audio = content['audio'][audio_idx]
base_url = base_url + content['base_url']
video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4'
audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4'
download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url'])
download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url'])
def combine_video_audio(video_file, audio_file, output_file):
video_stream = ffmpeg.input(video_file)
audio_stream = ffmpeg.input(audio_file)
ffmpeg.output(video_stream, audio_stream, output_file, vcodec='copy', acodec='copy').run(overwrite_output=True)
print(f"Archivo combinado guardado como {output_file}")
except ffmpeg.Error as e:
print(f"Error al combinar archivos: {e.stderr.decode()}")
combine_video_audio('video.mp4', 'audio.mp4', name)
so I skidded modifications from comments and added a bit of multi threading. It downloads video and audio, accepts playlist.json and master.json (mainly for playlist.json).
This definitely rocks!
IMHO it is worth a dedicated docker image such as
FROM python
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
youtube-dl \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/yt-dlp /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy ffmpeg-python
COPY video.py /video.py
VOLUME /downloads
WORKDIR /downloads
ENTRYPOINT ["python"]
CMD ["/video.py"]
possibly checking also for env vars, hence asking user input just as a fallback
url = os.getenv("SRC_URL") or input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ')
name = os.getenv("OUT_FILE") or input('enter output name: ')
so that it is portable and launched by
docker build -t vimeo-dl .
docker run \
-e 'SRC_URL=https://...' \
-e 'OUT_FILE=/downloads/video.mp4' \
-v $(pwd)/out:/downloads \
--rm -it vimeo-dl
or with docker compose
context: .
- ./out:/downloads
I also made a portable version (for windows) with some improvements, now it asks the number of workers in case the computer or network is not so powerful (default 5 and max 15, we do not want vimeo to notice someone is opening 30 connections to their server lol)
It is just the .py compiled to exe with this tool: auto_py_to_exe
It includes the ffmpeg.exe, since the ffmpeg library still needs the executable
(I did not include youtube-dl, it is used for master.json but my script was mainly created for Playlist. If you want to add youtube-dl, you can see in the code it should be in the root folder)
I also made a portable version (for windows) with some improvements, now it asks the number of workers
Great! I could contribute the linux docker image based on your script, i.e. on a dedicated GH repo.
Here you go: https://github.com/davidecavestro/vimeo-dl
I consider it a mere starting point, so if you or anyone else wants to fork and maintain it, I'll be happy to pass it along.
so I skidded modifications from comments and added a bit of multi threading. It downloads video and audio, accepts playlist.json and master.json (mainly for playlist.json).
import os import sys import base64 import requests import subprocess from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from tqdm import tqdm from moviepy.editor import * import ffmpeg url = input('enter [master|playlist].json url: ') name = input('enter output name: ') if 'master.json' in url: url = url[:url.find('?')] + '?query_string_ranges=1' url = url.replace('master.json', 'master.mpd') print(url) subprocess.run(['youtube-dl', url, '-o', name]) sys.exit(0) def download_segment(segment_url, segment_path): resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: print('not 200!') print(segment_url) return with open(segment_path, 'wb') as segment_file: for chunk in resp: segment_file.write(chunk) def download(what, to, base): print('saving', what['mime_type'], 'to', to) init_segment = base64.b64decode(what['init_segment']) segment_urls = [base + segment['url'] for segment in what['segments']] segment_paths = [f"segment_{i}.tmp" for i in range(len(segment_urls))] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=15) as executor: list(tqdm(executor.map(download_segment, segment_urls, segment_paths), total=len(segment_urls))) with open(to, 'wb') as file: file.write(init_segment) for segment_path in segment_paths: with open(segment_path, 'rb') as segment_file: file.write(segment_file.read()) os.remove(segment_path) print('done') name += '.mp4' base_url = url[:url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1] content = requests.get(url).json() vid_heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])] vid_idx, _ = max(vid_heights, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) audio_quality = [(i, d['bitrate']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['audio'])] audio_idx, _ = max(audio_quality, key=lambda _h: _h[1]) video = content['video'][vid_idx] audio = content['audio'][audio_idx] base_url = base_url + content['base_url'] video_tmp_file = 'video.mp4' audio_tmp_file = 'audio.mp4' download(video, video_tmp_file, base_url + video['base_url']) download(audio, audio_tmp_file, base_url + audio['base_url']) def combine_video_audio(video_file, audio_file, output_file): try: video_stream = ffmpeg.input(video_file) audio_stream = ffmpeg.input(audio_file) ffmpeg.output(video_stream, audio_stream, output_file, vcodec='copy', acodec='copy').run(overwrite_output=True) print(f"Archivo combinado guardado como {output_file}") except ffmpeg.Error as e: print(f"Error al combinar archivos: {e.stderr.decode()}") combine_video_audio('video.mp4', 'audio.mp4', name) os.remove(video_tmp_file) os.remove(audio_tmp_file)
I'm a complete noob. I only know how to download vimeo videos with yt-dlp in the way that I open cmd and type
yt-dlp --format options--
But recently, that didn't work anymore for quite a few videos. I also found the playlist.json link, but I don't know at all how to install python, let alone how to use this script. Would you be so kind to explain me in detail how to install and use this (what I have to type in cmd), maybe with an example? Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You can use the portable version here
But if you still want to use the script, here are the steps:
- To install python, type "python" in CMD, if it is not installed, it will get you install it. If it was installed, CMD will change to a ">>" symbol, you can close it.
- The script needs youtube-dl for master.json and ffmpeg for playlist.json. (Idk how youtube-dl works, I guess it can be installed and doesn't matter where do you put it, but ffmpeg.exe needs to be in the same folder as the script. Youtube-dl should have a ffmpeg.exe, but If not, you can find it in the portable version of my script)
- run the script. With python installed, you can open a cmd in the script folder and just type "python filename.py".
Note: the portable version does not have youtube-dl, as I said, I was mainly focused in playlist.json
I guess docker can be installed on windows so you may be able to use davidecavestro's portable version too: https://github.com/davidecavestro/vimeo-dl
Regarding the portable version, a virus is detected. Windows marks it as "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml"! Why's that?
Regarding your point 2.: I already got yt-dlp and ffmpeg. Does the script work with yt-dlp as well, or only youtube-dl?
Do I still need to run the command "python -m pip install requests tqdm moviepy" to install those packages?
Yes, for running the script you need to install it's packages, and nope, I think it needs youtube-dl since the subprocess command is "youtube-dl".
About the flag from defender, I don't really know, it's the same script just compiled with auto-py-to-exe:
Nothing malicious from my side, and I don't think pypi.org would allow any malicious package, so I would say it is a false positive (defender is a bit stressful sometimes, that's why I passed to kaspersky free which is still 4 times better)
Yes, for running the script you need to install it's packages, and nope, I think it needs youtube-dl since the subprocess command is "youtube-dl".
About the flag from defender, I don't really know, it's the same script just compiled with auto-py-to-exe: https://pypi.org/project/auto-py-to-exe/2.5.0/
Nothing malicious from my side, and I don't think pypi.org would allow any malicious package, so I would say it is a false positive (defender is a bit stressful sometimes, that's why I passed to kaspersky free which is still 4 times better)
I installed all the packages (requests, tqdm, moviepy) and saved the code of the script to vimeo_script.py. When I try to run it with python vimeo_script.py
, I get the following Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Nico\Desktop\Vimeo Videos\vimeo_script.py", line 9, in <module>
from moviepy.editor import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'moviepy.editor'
I deinstalled moviepy and installed it again, but no change. I also tested it in a virtual environment, no change. Can you help me with that? Thanks in advance!
If it gives problems try to remove the moviepy import.
I think I'm not actually using it anywhere
moviepy.editor suppression and simplified importation
Before v2.0, it was advised to import from moviepy.editor whenever you needed to do some sort of manual operations, such as previewing or hand editing, because the editor package handled a lot of magic and initialization, making your life easier, at the cost of initializing some complex modules like pygame.
With version 2.0, the moviepy.editor namespace simply no longer exists. You simply import everything from moviepy like this:
from moviepy import * # Simple and nice, the all is set in moviepy so only useful things will be loaded
from moviepy import VideoFileClip # You can also import only the things you really need
this way works! thank you!!!