Hey. Crazy kids. This probably needs to be that one event where you sort of realize: "Oh. Shit. Other people...like...use this & stuff. We need a damn road map and a release schedule. Stop smoking dabs all day, breh."
Now is also a great time to learn how to think about the potential ramifications a production push will have prior to making said production push. And, if your change might impact some or perhaps even all of the other people who use your technology, then some degree of coordination - perhaps an email? - would be nice. It's one of those things that will help make you look professional. I suck at professionalism. You have no idea. But, even I know this much.
Because, right now, I sort of feel like I'm asking some very rightfully fearful people to consider entrusting perhaps their actual career into the development of technology they need to succeed and thrive. And, I just started recommending Node.js - with a caveat - that npm basically sucks. I hate having to do that and it needs to stop.