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Last active January 17, 2024 15:36
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New Mac Guidelines

New Mac Guidelines


  • Install Dropbox
    • Used for syncing configs between several computers
    • Make available offline
      • Finder > Dropbox > Settings
  • Install VS Code and VS Code Insiders
    • Turn on Settings Sync for VS Code
    • Command Palette - Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
    • Set as default editor for Git
      • git config --global core.editor "code -n --wait"
  • Preferences
    • Appearance - Dark
    • Accessibility
      • Pointer Control > Trackpad Options - Enable Dragging with three finger drag
    • Keyboard
      • Key Repeat - Fast
      • Delay Until Repeat - Short
      • Press Globe key to - Do nothing
      • Shortcuts
        • Input Sources
          • Uncheck "Previous" (blocks Intellisense hotkey in IDE's)
          • Update "Next" to be Alt + CMD + Space
        • Services
          • Disable what's not needed
          • Files and Folders
            • Update hotkeys for Beyond Compare (after installing it)
              • Compare Files - Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + ]
              • Compare Folders - Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + [
              • Select Left File for Compare - Ctrl + Cmd + ]
              • Select Left Folder for Compare - Ctrl + Cmd + [
        • Spotlight
        • App Shortcuts
            • Open - CMD + DownArrow
      • Text Input - Edit
        • Uncheck Add period with double-space
    • Trackpad
      • Point & Click - Turn on "Tap to click"
      • More Gestures
        • Swipe between full screen apps - Use four fingers
        • App Expose - Turn on with Four Fingers
    • Displays
      • Setup Night Shift
    • Lock Screen
      • Set Turn display off and Screen Saver to Never
  • Hacks
  • Install Karabiner-Elements (download from the site)
    • Map CMD + § to CMD + ` (Controls and symbols - non_us_backslash > grave_accent_and_tilde)
    • Misc - Disable show icon in menu bar
  • Finder
    • Go through the settings (e.g. Folders on Top)
    • Show hidden files - CMD + Shift + Dot
  • Install Rectangle (Windows management tool)
    • Import setting (or go through the settings)
  • Install iTerm
    • General > Preferences
      • Check "Load preferences from a custom folder" (load from Dropbox)
      • Save changes - Automatically
  • Install Homebrew
  • Install Fira Code font
  • Setup ~/.zshrc and ~/.profile
  • Setup computer name (e.g. MacbookAlex)
  • Install duti (default apps for file types)
    • brew install duti
    • duti ~/.duti
  • Install command line tools
    • scm_breeze - Git shortcuts
    • rnr - Batch rename files and directories
    • fx - JSON viewer & processor
    • exa - Better ls
    • bat - Like cat but with syntax highlighting
    • sd - Better sed
    • fd - Needed for fzf below
    • fzf
      • brew install fzf
      • $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
  • Install Node.js
    • mkdir ~/.fnm
    • Install fnm
      • curl -fsSL | bash -s -- --install-dir "./.fnm" --skip-shell
  • Install Python


  • Alfred - Much better than Spotlight
  • Chrome, Chrome Canary, FireFox
  • Google Drive
  • iTerm 2 - Nice terminal
  • Karabiner-Elements - Keys settings
  • 1Password
  • Keka - 7z/Archive app
  • Kap - Screen recording (GIF, WebM, MP$)
  • HandBrake (video converter)
  • Node.js
  • Shortcat - GUI accessibility with the keyboard
  • Sip - Color picker
  • Slack
  • Rectangle - Windows management tool
    • Legacy alternative - Slate - Low level with code
  • SourceTree - Git client
  • VS Code
  • qBittorrent
  • VLC
  • CheatSheet
  • Clipboard History
    • If you buy the Alfred PowerPack, it already has best in class Clipboard History
    • Script Kit has a free Clipboard History
    • Flycut
  • muzzle - Turns on Do-not-Disturb when screen-sharing in Zoom, etc.
  • hidden - Menu bar management

Paid Applications

  • PowerPack for Alfred - Productivity (Paid)
    • Clipboard History, Snippets, Workflows, Finder File Actions and much more
  • Beyond Compare - Files comparison (Paid)
    • Install the Command Line Tools from the app menu
    • alfred-beyondcompare4
    • macOS Preferences
      • Extensions - Enable "Finder Extensions"
  • MacPaw CleanMyMac 3 (paid) and Gemini 2 - Mac maintenance

System Preferences Extensions

  • RCDefaultApp - Set default apps files and more

Alfred Workflows (requires PowerPack)

Installed via npm

  • alfred-npms
  • alfred-fkill
  • Setup
    • In multi comp setup, can't install globally as it updates the symlinks in ~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Settings/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows
    • Run the "Setup App Settings Symlinks" workflow, and then:
      • cd ~/.config/alfred-npm-workflows
      • yarn --force
    • Or manually for the first time:
      • mkdir ~/.config/alfred-npm-workflows
      • cd ~/.config/alfred-npm-workflows
      • yarn add [workflow] (not --global)

Need to test


Other Stuff

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