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Created September 23, 2012 07:50
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How to install Tweet Nest with OAuth for a protected account


Unfortunately, I don't think you can set up multiple accounts in the same Tweet Nest install at the moment. You'll have to have two different directories with the Tweet Nest software, but they can reference the same database as long as you enter a different table name prefix during setup.

Obviously, for your private account, you'll want to password protect the directory it's in. On Apache this is fairly easy, not sure about others.


Download the code and put it somewhere accessible on your web server.

$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'tweetnest'...
remote: Counting objects: 255, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (155/155), done.
remote: Total 255 (delta 142), reused 184 (delta 91)
Receiving objects: 100% (255/255), 124.53 KiB | 158 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (142/142), done.
$ cd tweetnest
$ git checkout -b oauth-integration origin/oauth-integration
Branch oauth-integration set up to track remote branch oauth-integration from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'oauth-integration'
$ git branch
* oauth-integration

Rename the RENAME-ME.htaccess file to .htaccess. And there's one in the maintenance directory too.

Visit http://your.url/directory/to/tweetnest/setup.php and it'll guide you through most of the instructions. inc/config.php needs to be temporarily writeable (chmod 777 config.php). Make sure the user that your web server runs as can write to that directory.

Work through the setup.php form. You need to make a Twitter application on The callback URL is the absolute address including domain e.g.

You need a database set up with no tables, and a username and password to access the database. If you've done WordPress before, this is fairly similar.

Submit the setup form, and it should all have worked.

Then follow the instructions to sign in with Twitter using OAuth (the app should send you to a proper sign in with Twitter page), and then run the loadtweets.php in your browser or from the command line. Voila, you should have tweets!

You'll need to set something up e.g. cron to run the loadtweets.php file periodically. I do it once in the morning and once in the evening on the assumption I don't really care about losing half a day's tweets.

$ crontab -l
# m   h      dom mon dow  command
10  10,22  *   *   *    php /var/www/tweetnest/maintenance/loadtweets.php

Change the permissions on inc/config.php back to 755.

Let me know if anything doesn't make sense!

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