var object = {};
_.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
var en = function(name){
console.log('hello '+name);
var es = function(name){
console.log('hola '+name);
object.on('hello', en);
object.on('hello', es);
console.log('both events');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');
var object = {};
_.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
var en = function(name){
console.log('hello '+name);
var es = function(name){
console.log('hola '+name);
object.on('hello', en);
object.on('hello', es);
console.log('both events');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');'hello', en);
console.log('off en event');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');
object.on('hello', en);'hello');
console.log('off all events');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');
var object = {};
_.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
var en = function(name){
console.log('hello '+name);
var es = function(name){
console.log('hola '+name);
object.once('hello', en);
object.on('hello', es);
console.log('both events');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');
console.log('only es event');
object.trigger('hello', 'Alex');
var book = {}, shelve = {};
_.extend(book, Backbone.Events);
_.extend(shelve, Backbone.Events);
var add = function(title) {
console.log('new book '+title+' added to shelve');
var newbook = function(title) {
console.log('new book '+title+' printed');
book.on('newbook', newbook);
shelve.listenTo(book, 'newbook', add);
book.trigger('newbook', 'LOTR');
var book = {}, shelve = {};
_.extend(book, Backbone.Events);
_.extend(shelve, Backbone.Events);
var add = function(title) {
console.log('new book '+title+' added to shelve');
var newbook = function(title) {
console.log('new book '+title+' printed');
book.on('newbook', newbook);
shelve.listenTo(book, 'newbook', add);
book.trigger('newbook', 'LOTR');
book.trigger('newbook', 'LOTR');
- "add" (model, collection, options) — when a model is added to a collection.
- "remove" (model, collection, options) — when a model is removed from a collection.
- "reset" (collection, options) — when the collection's entire contents have been replaced.
- "sort" (collection, options) — when the collection has been re-sorted.
- "change" (model, options) — when a model's attributes have changed.
- "change:[attribute]" (model, value, options) — when a specific attribute has been updated.
- "destroy" (model, collection, options) — when a model is destroyed.
- "sync" (model, resp, options) — triggers whenever a model has been successfully synced to the server.
- "error" (model, collection) — when a model's validation fails, or a save call fails on the server.
- "route:[name]" (router) — when one of a router's routes has matched.
- "all" — this special event fires for any triggered event, passing the event name as the first argument.
# Extending simple model
Sidebar = Backbone.Model.extend {}
console.log Sidebar
# extending a simple model
SidebarModel = Backbone.Model.extend {
initialize: ->
console.log 'initialized'
sidebar = new SidebarModel
# extending a model a la coffeescript
class SidebarModel extends Backbone.Model
initialize: ->
console.log 'initialized'
sidebar = new SidebarModel
Calling super
# extending a simple model
SidebarModel = Backbone.Model.extend {
initialize: ->
console.log 'initialized'
set: (attributes, options) ->
console.log 'calling set'
Backbone.Model.prototype.set.apply this, arguments
sidebar = new SidebarModel
sidebar.set 'color', 'blue'
# extending a simple model
SidebarModel = Backbone.Model.extend {
initialize: (options)->
console.log "options #{JSON.stringify(options)}"
# passing an object to the constructor
sidebar = new SidebarModel {
name: 'John'
age: 33
# extending a simple model
PersonModel = Backbone.Model.extend {
initialize: (options)->
console.log "options #{JSON.stringify(options)}"
person = new PersonModel {
name: 'John'
age: 33
person_name = person.get 'name'
person_age = person.get 'age'
console.log "my name is #{person_name} and I'm #{person_age} years old"
# extending a simple model
PersonModel = Backbone.Model.extend {
initialize: (options)->
console.log "options #{JSON.stringify(options)}"
person = new PersonModel {
name: 'John'
age: 33
print_age = (p) ->
age = p.get 'age'
console.log "I'm #{age} years old"
# print John age
print_age person
# change age to 34
person.set 'age', 34
# print it again
print_age person
Set also fires change event.
# extending a simple model
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel {
name: 'John'
age: 33
person.on 'change', ->
console.log "something changed"
# change age to 34
person.set 'age', 34
Set doesn't fire the event when {silent: true}
is passed as an option
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel {
name: 'John'
age: 33
person.on 'change:age', (model, age) ->
console.log "new age #{age}"
# changing age with event fired
person.set {
age: 34
# changing age without event fired
person.set {
age: 35
}, {
silent: true
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
label: 'console.log(\'xss\')'
console.log person.get ('label')
it returns true if the attribute is set to non-null or non-undefined value
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
console.log 'it has age' if person.has 'age'
console.log 'it doesn\' have sex' unless person.has 'sex'
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
has_age = (p) ->
console.log if person.has('age') then 'person has age' else 'person has not age'
has_age person
person.unset 'age'
has_age person
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Radisson st 45'
has_attr = (p, attr) ->
console.log if person.has(attr) then "person has #{attr}" else "person has not #{attr}"
# getting the list of attributes cache
attributes = for k, val of person.attributes
k # it returns k on every iteration
# print has_attr for every attribute
has_attr person, k for k in attributes
# clear attributes (we have to call the function with parenthesis)
# print again has_attr to validate if attributes are still there
has_attr person, k for k in attributes
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
id: 1
person2 = new PersonModel
name: 'Michael'
age: 35
sex: 'M'
address: 'Hilly Blv No 22'
id: 2
console.log "person 1 id: #{}"
console.log "person 2 id: #{}"
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
idAttribute: "_id"
person = new PersonModel
_id: 1
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
person2 = new PersonModel
_id: 2
name: 'Michael'
age: 35
sex: 'M'
address: 'Hilly Blv No 22'
console.log "person id is #{}"
console.log "person 2 id is #{}"
Automatic id generated by backbone
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
idAttribute: "_id"
person = new PersonModel
_id: 1
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
person2 = new PersonModel
_id: 2
name: 'Michael'
age: 35
sex: 'M'
address: 'Hilly Blv No 22'
console.log "person id is #{}"
console.log "person 2 id is #{}"
console.log "person cid is #{person.cid}"
console.log "person 2 cid is #{person2.cid}"
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
# walking through attributes
console.log "#{key} value is #{val}" for key, val of person.attributes
It has a hash of the recently changed objects
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
# change something
person.set 'age', 34
# print changed
console.log person.changed
# change something else
person.set {address: 'Hollywood', name: 'John Malkovich'}
# print changed again
console.log person.changed
when defining a model, you can specify default values with this hash
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
name: "no name"
age: 18
sex: null
address: "unknown"
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
dummy = new PersonModel
# a function to print attributes values
print_attr = (p) ->
console.log "#{key} value is #{val}" for key, val of p.attributes
# print person attributes
print_attr person
# print dummy attributes
print_attr dummy
Exports the data into a JSON object (Note, this is not a string, but a javascript object)
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
# a function to print attributes values
print_hash = (hash) ->
console.log "#{key} value is #{val}" for key, val of hash
# print person attributes
print_hash person.attributes
# print person.toJSON hash
print_hash person.toJSON()
Fires an AJAX request to the server.
The model must have urlRoot
configured in order to know where to fetch data from.
The model will expect the response to deliver data within the body root and not within metadata.
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
urlRoot: '/echo/json'
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
# a function to print attributes values
print_hash = (hash) ->
console.log "#{key} value is #{val}" for key, val of hash
success: (data) ->
console.log 'hey, there was data', data
error: (err) ->
console.log 'error: ', err
It saves data to the server It does a POST if the model isNew It does a PUT if the model already exists
class PersonModel extends Backbone.Model
urlRoot: '/echo/json'
person = new PersonModel
name: 'John'
age: 33
sex: 'M'
address: 'Central Park No 34'
# a function to print attributes values
print_hash = (hash) ->
console.log "#{key} value is #{val}" for key, val of hash
# changing some data
person.set 'age', 34
# save changes
# save partial changes {
name: 'John Snow'
age: 35
patch: true