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Created October 17, 2015 15:47
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Control Sphero BB-8 from Linux.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# BB-8 Python driver by Alistair Buxton <>
from bluepy import btle
import time
class BB8(btle.DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self, deviceAddress):
# Address type must be "random" or it won't connect.
self.peripheral = btle.Peripheral(deviceAddress, btle.ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM)
self.seq = 0
# Attribute UUIDs are identical to Ollie.
self.antidos = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bbd')
self.wakecpu = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bbf')
self.txpower = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bb2')
self.roll = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2ba1')
self.notify = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2ba6')
# This startup sequence is also identical to the one for Ollie.
# It even uses the same unlock code.
print 'Sending antidos'
self.antidos.write('011i3', withResponse=True)
print 'Sending txpower'
self.txpower.write('\x0007', withResponse=True)
print 'Sending wakecpu'
self.wakecpu.write('\x01', withResponse=True)
def getSpheroCharacteristic(self, fragment):
return self.peripheral.getCharacteristics(uuid='22bb746f'+fragment+'75542d6f726568705327')[0]
def dumpCharacteristics(self):
for s in self.peripheral.getServices():
print s
for c in s.getCharacteristics():
print c, hex(c.handle)
def cmd(self, did, cid, data=[], answer=True, resetTimeout=True):
# Commands are as specified in Sphero API 1.50 PDF.
seq = (self.seq&255)
self.seq += 1
sop2 = 0xfc
sop2 |= 1 if answer else 0
sop2 |= 2 if resetTimeout else 0
dlen = len(data)+1
chk = (sum(data)+did+cid+seq+dlen)&255
chk ^= 255
msg = [0xff, sop2, did, cid, seq, dlen] + data + [chk]
print 'cmd:', ' '.join([chr(c).encode('hex') for c in msg])
# Note: withResponse is very important. Most commands won't work without it.
self.roll.write(''.join([chr(c) for c in msg]), withResponse=True)
def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data):
print 'Notification:', cHandle, data.encode('hex')
def waitForNotifications(self, time):
def disconnect(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Connect by address. Use "sudo hcitool lescan" to find address.
bb = BB8('EE:D7:9A:A7:79:77')
# Dump all GATT stuff.
# Request some sensor stream.
bb.cmd(0x02, 0x11, [0, 80, 0, 1, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0])
for i in range(255):
# Set RGB LED colour.
bb.cmd(0x02, 0x20, [254, i, 2, 0])
# Wait for streamed data.
# Must manually disconnect or you won't be able to reconnect.
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crvogt commented Dec 30, 2015

Yeah, I'm having a similar issue of the phone not reconnecting afterwards. Does anyone know of a definite way of disconnecting at the end of the program such that the phone can connect later?

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redhowe commented Jan 6, 2016

Hi all, unfortunately I am having the same issue as others where the BB8 will not allow a phone connection after connecting with the python driver. Advice please as allowing it to 'sleep' didn't do the trick here.

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Hello, did you try to press the small reset button on the base when bb8 is charging ? I did not yet test the python driver, but with this reset button i was able to pair/unpair different phones/tablets on my bb8. Hope this helps.

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redhowe commented Jan 7, 2016

NickLeBoeuf - thanks! I had completely forgotten about that button which did the trick. Any idea what is causing the issue with switching back to other apps?

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WasylF commented Sep 16, 2016

Hello Ali! Thanks for your code!!!
Does it work for ollie too?

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ghost commented Oct 18, 2017

good evening,

Congratulations on the code, I need to get information from the BB8 as the data of your sensors, IMU, accelerometer, gyroscope, can you do something like this?

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Thank you so much for the code!
I have an issue whenever I run the Here is the output that comes up on my terminal. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

"File "", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/Projects/SpheroBB8-python/", line 259, in connect = BTInterface(self.deviceAddress)
  File "/home/pi/Projects/SpheroBB8-python/", line 138, in __init__
    self.peripheral = btle.Peripheral(deviceAddress, btle.ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bluepy/", line 391, in __init__
    self._connect(deviceAddr, addrType, iface)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bluepy/", line 439, in _connect
    raise BTLEDisconnectError("Failed to connect to peripheral %s, addr type: %s" % (addr, addrType), rsp)
bluepy.btle.BTLEDisconnectError: Failed to connect to peripheral D7:74:05:73:09:55, addr type: random

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