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Last active October 26, 2018 17:58
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  • Save allanon/38620af49d250005acbf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save allanon/38620af49d250005acbf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Automatically create a pull request containing official server changes,
# extracted from the server's patch files.
# WARNING: This script will DELETE all local modifications to the git clone
# it uses. Please use a git directory which is only for this script
# to avoid loss of any changes you might have made.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::NFSLock;
my $configs = {
iro_renewal => {
branch => 'iro_update',
server => 'iRO Renewal',
allow_url => '',
list_url => '',
download_base_url => '',
git_root => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates",
git_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates/tables/iRO/official",
download_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/patches/iRO",
iro_classic => {
branch => 'iro_update',
server => 'iRO Classic',
allow_url => '',
list_url => '',
download_base_url => '',
git_root => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates",
git_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates/tables/iRO/Classic/official",
download_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/patches/iRO/Classic",
iro_restart => {
branch => 'iro_update',
allow_url => '',
list_url => '',
download_base_url => '',
git_root => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates",
git_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates/tables/iRO/Restart/official",
download_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/patches/iRO/Restart",
bro => {
branch => 'bro_update',
server => 'bRO',
allow_url => '', # TODO: What should this be?
list_url => '',
download_base_url => '',
git_root => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates",
git_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates/tables/bRO",
download_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/patches/bRO",
fro => {
branch => 'fro_update',
server => 'fRO',
allow_url => '',
list_url => '',
download_base_url => '',
git_root => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates",
git_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/git/openkore-updates/tables/fRO",
download_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/patches/fRO",
my $opt = get_options(
server => 'iro_renewal',
}, {
'force|f' => 'force download even if the allow-url says we are not allowed to',
'server|s=s' => "server config to use (available: @{[sort keys %$configs]})",
'skip_commit' => 'download updates, but do not commit changes to git',
'check_allow' => 'just check whether patching is allowed and exit',
my $config = $configs->{ $opt->{server} };
if ( $opt->{check_allow} && $config->{allow_url} ) {
my @cmd = (
'--allow-url' => $config->{allow_url},
'--check-allow' => 1,
push @cmd, '--force' if $opt->{force};
$cmd[0] = "$ENV{HOME}/bin/";
exec @cmd;
exit 1;
my $lock = setup_git_dir( $config->{git_root}, $config->{branch} );
# Make sure the target directory exists.
system "mkdir -p '$config->{git_dir}'" if !-d $config->{git_dir};
my @cmd = (
'--git-dir' => $config->{git_dir},
'--allow-url' => $config->{allow_url},
'--list-url' => $config->{list_url},
'--download-base-url' => $config->{download_base_url},
'--download-dir' => $config->{download_dir}
push @cmd, '--force' if $opt->{force};
$cmd[0] = "$ENV{HOME}/bin/";
system @cmd;
exit 1 if $?;
my $commit_message = "update $config->{server} files";
my $pullrq_message = "- [ ] QA Review\n\nThis pull request was auto-generated by";
commit( $config->{branch}, $commit_message, $pullrq_message ) if !$opt->{skip_commit};
sub setup_git_dir {
my ( $git_dir, $branch ) = @_;
my $lock = File::NFSLock->new( $git_dir, 'BLOCKING' );
if ( !-d $git_dir ) {
my $dirname = ( $git_dir =~ m{(.*)/} )[0];
system "mkdir -p '$dirname'" if $dirname;
system "git clone git\ '$git_dir'";
if ( !-d $git_dir ) {
print "Updates directory is missing and cannot be created: $!\n";
chdir $git_dir;
# Make sure we start out on master.
system 'git checkout master';
# Remove all untracked files.
system 'git clean -d -f';
# Fetch the latest code from github.
system 'git fetch --all';
# Remove remote-tracking references that have been removed upstream. (Eg, the branch was merged and deleted.)
system 'git fetch --prune origin';
# Revert all locally modified files.
system 'git reset --hard origin/master';
my $remote_branches = [ map { s{^\s+|origin/|\s+$}{}gs;$_; } split /\n/, `git branch -r` ];
my $local_branches = [ map { s/^[\s*]+|\s+$//gs;$_; } split /\n/, `git branch` ];
# If we have a local branch, always delete it. We'll re-generate it anyway,
# and it's probably not in sync with the origin (if the origin has it too).
if ( grep { $_ eq $branch } @$local_branches ) {
system "git branch -D $branch";
my $remote_exists = grep { $_ eq $branch } @$remote_branches;
if ( $remote_exists ) {
system "git checkout $branch";
system "git clean -d -f";
system "git reset --hard origin/$branch";
sub commit {
my ( $branch, $commit_message, $pullrq_message ) = @_;
my $out = `git ls-files -m`;
if ( !$out || $out =~ /^\s+$/s ) {
print "No changes!\n";
my $remote_branches = [ map { s{^\s+|origin/|\s+$}{}gs;$_; } split /\n/, `git branch -r` ];
my $remote_exists = grep { $_ eq $branch } @$remote_branches;
system "git checkout -b $branch" if !$remote_exists;
system "git commit -a -m '$commit_message'";
system "git push -u origin $branch";
# This will fail if there's already an open pull for this branch. And that is good.
system "hub pull-request -b master -h $branch -m '$commit_message\n\n$pullrq_message'";
sub get_options {
my ( $opt_def, $opt_str ) = @_;
# Add some default options.
$opt_str = {
'help|h' => 'this help',
# Auto-convert underscored long names to dashed long names.
foreach ( keys %$opt_str ) {
my ( $name, $type ) = split '=';
my @opts = split /\|/, $name;
my ( $underscored ) = grep {/_/} @opts;
my ( $dashed ) = grep {/-/} @opts;
if ( $underscored && !$dashed ) {
$dashed = $underscored;
$dashed =~ s/_/-/g;
splice @opts, ( length( $opts[-1] ) == 1 ? $#opts : @opts ), 0, $dashed;
my $key = join '|', @opts;
$key .= "=$type" if $type;
$opt_str->{$key} = $opt_str->{$_};
delete $opt_str->{$_};
my $opt = {%$opt_def};
my $success = GetOptions( $opt, keys %$opt_str );
usage( $opt_def, $opt_str ) if $opt->{help} || !$success;
sub usage {
my ( $opt_def, $opt_str ) = @_;
my $maxlen = 0;
my $opt = {};
foreach ( keys %$opt_str ) {
my ( $name, $type ) = split '=';
my ( $var ) = split /\|/, $name;
my ( $long ) = reverse grep { length $_ != 1 } split /\|/, $name;
my ( $short ) = grep { length $_ == 1 } split /\|/, $name;
$maxlen = length $long if $long && $maxlen < length $long;
$opt->{ $long || $short || '' } = {
short => $short,
long => $long,
desc => $opt_str->{$_},
default => $opt_def->{$var}
print "Usage: $0 [options]\n";
foreach ( map { $opt->{$_} } sort keys %$opt ) {
printf " %2s %-*s %s%s\n", #
$_->{short} ? "-$_->{short}" : '', $maxlen + 2, $_->{long} ? "--$_->{long}" : '', $_->{desc}, $_->{default} ? " (default: $_->{default})" : "";
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allanon commented Oct 27, 2017

If you really want to use this to patch, please figure out how to run it on your own. It'll require a copy of Perl. I run it on Linux; I make no guarantees that it can or will run on Windows.

This script uses the script in the openkore repository to do the patch file management:

The primary function of this script is to create pull requests automatically, which is likely not what you want. If you only want to patch your own copy of openkore faster than my pull requests, you can just use instead of this. (I make no guarantees that will run on Windows either - in fact, it probably won't completely work, even if it works partially.)

If your goal is to extract the latest recvpackets.txt, shuffle.txt, sync.txt, and/or crypt keys, this script does not do that. In addition, also does not do that. This script and are only for updating database files like items.txt.

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guchanz commented Aug 18, 2018

hi @allanon if i pulled it straight away.. or update it manually when i am using windows... will that work ?

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Hi,How to use please.

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excuse me how can i use this file for update iro openkore today ?

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vagetablee commented Oct 26, 2018

What did I do wrong? Please give me advice concerning what to do.



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