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Created August 17, 2018 16:39
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reflow debug
2018/08/17 19:35:27 reflow version 0.6.8 (go1.10)
2018/08/17 19:35:27 reflowlet image grailbio/reflowlet:1534363366
2018/08/17 19:35:27 run ID: 1187b865
2018/08/17 19:35:30 evaluating program /home/user/tmp/workflow-pipelines/reflow/hello.rf
(no params)
(no arguments)
2018/08/17 19:35:31 ec2cluster: pending{}
2018/08/17 19:35:31 ec2cluster: allocate {mem:1.0GiB cpu:1 disk:1.0GiB}
2018/08/17 19:35:31 ec2cluster: pending{} waiter0{mem:1.0GiB cpu:1 disk:1.0GiB}
2018/08/17 19:35:31 ec2cluster: launch t2.small{mem:1.9GiB cpu:1 disk:250.0GiB} pending{mem:1.9GiB cpu:1 disk:250.0GiB}
2018/08/17 19:35:32 ec2cluster: EC2RunInstances {
BlockDeviceMappings: [{
DeviceName: "/dev/xvda",
Ebs: {
DeleteOnTermination: true,
VolumeSize: 200,
VolumeType: "gp2"
DeviceName: "/dev/xvdb",
Ebs: {
DeleteOnTermination: true,
VolumeSize: 250,
VolumeType: "gp2"
ClientToken: "--removed--",
DisableApiTermination: false,
DryRun: false,
EbsOptimized: false,
IamInstanceProfile: {
Arn: ""
ImageId: "ami-4296ec3a",
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: "terminate",
InstanceType: "t2.small",
MaxCount: 1,
MinCount: 1,
Monitoring: {
Enabled: true
SecurityGroupIds: ["sg-0277fa55877b50092"],
UserData: "....."
2018/08/17 19:35:34 ec2cluster: launched instance i-0aa735f1924bc728e: t2.small{mem:1.9GiB cpu:1 disk:250.0GiB}
ec2cluster: 0 instances: (<=$0.0/hr), total{}, waiting{mem:1.0GiB cpu:1 disk:1.0GiB}, pending{mem:1.9GiB cpu:1 disk:250.0GiB}
allocate {mem:1.0GiB cpu:1 disk:1.0GiB}: provisioning new instance 3m6s
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