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Created May 25, 2012 01:21
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# Stattr includes some basic functions that could be used in a Tabletop RPG application
# @author Alex Jarvis
module Stattr
# How many sides the most common die has - rewrite to fit your game.
# List of Stats
STATS = ["str", "con", "wis", "int", "cha", "dex"]
# Represents a single instance of the result of a dice roll
class DiceRoll
# @attribute sides [Integer] The number of sides the dice in this roll have.
# @attribute count [Integer] The number of die being rolled.
attr_accessor :sides, :count
# New instance of DiceRoll.
# @param [Integer] sides
# @param [Integer] count
# @return [Object] DiceRoll object
def initialize(sides=DICE_SIDES, count=1)
@sides = sides
@count = count
end #initialize
# Roll a new die.
# @param [Integer] sides
# @param [Integer] count
# @return [Object] DiceRoll object
def self.new_roll(sides = DICE_SIDES, count=1)
# make a new dice object, then roll it.
new(sides, count).roll
end #self.roll
# From 1 to count, that many [sides] sided die.
# @return [Integer] Gives each outcome to Roll.
def rolls
(1..count).map { |d| rand(sides) + 1 }
end #rolls
# Adds the rolls from rolls together.
# @return [Integer] combined rolls
def roll
rolls.inject(0) { |total, d| total += d }
end #roll
end #DiceRoll
# Represents the list of Statistics that a player has.
class StatList
# Creates an attr_accessor for each stat in STAT
attr_accessor *STATS
# Creates a new StatList object. each stat in STAT is an attribute, with the result of makestat assigned to it
def initialize
STATS.each { |s| instance_variable_set("@#{s}", make_stat) }
def set_stat(stat, val)
send "#{stat}=", val
# @return [Array] modlist. [0] is the stat, [1] is the modifier.
def modstat(r)
modr = ((r-10)/2).to_int
modlist = [r, modr]
end #modstat
# makes a Stat/mod combination
# @return [Array]
def make_stat
modstat(DiceRoll.new_roll(DICE_SIDES, 3))
end #make_stat
end #StatList
# CharacterSheet of a given PlayerCharacter.
class CharacterSheet
# @attribute stats [Object] A StatList object
# @attribute name [String] The Player Character's name
attr_accessor :stats, :name
# new instance of CharacterSheet
# @param [String] name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
# creates StatList object with '10' as a default for each.
@stats =
end #initialize
# This is how you roll a brand new random character.
# @param [String] name
# @return [Object] New Charactersheet
def self.roll_char(name)
char =
char.stats =
end # self.roll_char
end #CharacterSheet
# Player class represents a human, who may have multiple character sheets.
class Player
# @attribute fname [String] The First Name of the Player
# @attribute lname [String] The last Name of the Player
# @attribute characters [Array] An array containing Charactersheet objects
attr_accessor :fname, :lname, :characters
# Create new Player object
# @param [String] fname
# @param [String] lname
def initialize(fname, lname)
@fname = fname
@lname = lname
@characters = []
end #initialize
# Creates a new randomly generated character associated with Player
# @param [String] name
def new_char(name)
new_char = CharacterSheet.roll_char(name)
self.characters << new_char
end #roll_char
end #Player
end #Stattr
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