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Alan MacDougall amacdougall

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amacdougall /
Created April 21, 2024 21:21
Manhattan in 3000 years

(answer from GPT-4)

If humanity were to disappear today, the transformation of Manhattan over three thousand years would be dramatic. The process of nature reclaiming the land would be both fascinating and complex. Here’s a speculative look at what might occur:

Immediate to Short-Term Changes (1-100 years):

  • Power Outages: Without humans to maintain systems, electricity would fail almost immediately due to fuel depletion at power plants. This would lead to the cessation of pumps that currently keep the subway system and other low-lying areas dry.
  • Water Infiltration: The absence of active maintenance and pumping systems would result in water flooding the subway tunnels within days or weeks. Buildings and infrastructure would begin to suffer water damage, especially in their foundations.
  • Plant and Animal Colonization: Very quickly, plants would start to sprout in less dense areas such as parks, abandoned lots, and any crevices where soil and seeds could accumulate. Animals, including bird
amacdougall /
Last active February 25, 2024 18:17
The Forbidden Continent

Core Concept

The game concept is driven by Aldea, the Forbidden Continent. Once home to an advanced human civilization, Aldea is rich in fertile land and natural resources. Ruined cities are common, and often full of technological and magical marvels. But Aldea is dangerous. War robots and immortal magical monsters still patrol the ruins, attacking anything that comes too near.

The other continents are home to civilizations loosely modeled on our world circa 1800. For the last fifty years, Aldea has been settled by colonists from


The game centers on Aldea, the Forbidden Continent. Once home to an advanced human civilization, Aldea is rich in fertile land and natural resources. Ruined cities are common, and often full of technological and magical marvels. But Aldea is dangerous. War robots and immortal magical monsters still patrol the ruins, attacking anything that comes too near.

The Europe-like cultures come from Broadland, a continent whose many rivers and mountain ranges—and variety of bickering gods—supported sharp distinctions

# Character Info

Name: Thessalus
Epithets: late-sleeping, rock-heaving, stave-crafty, praise-shy
Race: Argan
City: Almina

Description: Third son of Erasistratus the Olive-Grower, Thessalus is gifted yet
lazy. If his birth order were not enough to see him practically disinherited,
amacdougall / spread_shot.lua
Created October 16, 2021 00:42
Function which returns a shot-pattern thunk
-- fires bullets in a spread, with an optional delay between shots;
-- this can produce anything from shotgun blasts to elegant spirals
-- shot_options:
-- n: number of shots
-- arc: {from, to}, as ratios where 0.0 is up and 0.5 is down; can be > 1.0
-- interval: frames between shots
spread_shot = function(npc, create_bullet, interval, options)
-- TODO: this cooldown stuff begs to be refactored
local cooldown = interval
amacdougall / beat_sync.lua
Created September 11, 2021 22:32
Simple beat sync mechanism for PICO-8
sync = (function()
local speed = 16 -- can be hardcoded for this project
local prev_elapsed = 0 -- ticks elapsed in current note
function execute(f) f() end
local callbacks = {
[32] = {}, [16] = {}, [8] = {}, [4] = {}, [2] = {}, [1] = {}
amacdougall / song_sequencer.lua
Last active September 12, 2021 01:03
Simple song player utility for PICO-8
songs = (function()
local music_address = 0x3100 -- in cartridge ram
local music_data = {} -- store original music ram bytes
for offset = 0, 255 do
music_data[offset] = peek(music_address + offset)
function set_control_bit(byte, value)
return value > 0 and byte | 0b10000000 or byte & 0b01111111
amacdougall /
Last active April 11, 2021 16:27 contract analysis

The Matrix and The Matrix

In the title story of Burning Chrome, William Gibson envisioned a virtual reality cast in liquid metallic polygons and textured lightfields. It was the first story to use the word "cyberspace", but Tron came to theaters the same year Burning Chrome first appeared in print. The sleek and unearthly world of cyberspace was literally rendered for the public imagination by Tron, Lawnmower Man, and the inexplicable Mind's Eye series. Cyberspace became a fundamental pillar of cyberpunk. In Shadowrun, it is named "The Matrix"; and in Shadowrun, it exists, exactly as Gibson described it.

The Art and Science of Magic

Magic is the essence of the fantasy genre. Perhaps it spends half its time in the deep background, as in Conan the Barbarian or Game of Thrones. Perhaps it is the entire point, as in Harry Potter or Doctor Strange. Perhaps the world is magical, but nobody has magical powers, as in The Neverending Story. Or perhaps the world is mundane, but some lucky few do have magic, as in The Uncanny X-Men, or Star Wars. There are very few worlds where magic is ubiquitous, because then what exactly is so magical about it?