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Andrew amacfie

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nazgob / ctags.setup
Created January 6, 2012 13:44
ctags setup on mac
# you have ctags but it does not work...
$ ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=log *
ctags: illegal option -- R
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
#you need to get new ctags, i recommend homebrew but anything will work
$ brew install ctags
#alias ctags if you used homebrew
$ alias ctags="`brew --prefix`/bin/ctags"
mattratleph /
Last active July 18, 2024 15:03 — forked from roothybrid7/
vimdiff cheat sheet

vimdiff cheat sheet

##git mergetool

In the middle file (future merged file), you can navigate between conflicts with ]c and [c.

Choose which version you want to keep with :diffget //2 or :diffget //3 (the //2 and //3 are unique identifiers for the target/master copy and the merge/branch copy file names).

:diffupdate (to remove leftover spacing issues)

:only (once you’re done reviewing all conflicts, this shows only the middle/merged file)

mcnemesis /
Created December 28, 2012 18:55
A Bash One-liner to visualize one's command-usage based on frequencies in one's Bash History.
history | awk '{ print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 30 | sed -n '{s/^[ \t]*//};p' | gnuplot -p -e 'set xtics rotate out;set style data histogram;set style fill solid 1.0 border -1;plot "-" u 1:xtic(2) notitle'
christianp / id_mathjax_plugin.js
Created August 29, 2013 10:44
IntenseDebate MathJax plugin. Paste it into There's a bug in IntenseDebate at the moment - backslashes are stripped out of newly-posted comments, which knacks TeX thoroughly. Reloading the page gets you the correct text, slashes included.
var id_mathjax_plugin;
(function() {
var mjp = id_mathjax_plugin = {
load_mathjax: function() {
function e(e){var t='.MathJax .mn {background: inherit;} .MathJax .mi {color: inherit;} .MathJax .mo {background: inherit;}',n=e.createElement('style');n.innerText=t;try{n.textContent=t}catch(r){}e.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(n);var i=e.createElement('script'),s;i.src='',i.type='text/javascript',s='MathJax.Hub.Config({skipStartupTypeset:true,tex2jax:{inlineMath:[[\'$\',\'$\']],displayMath:[[\'\\\\[\',\'\\\\]\']],processEscapes:true}});MathJax.Hub.Startup.onload();',window.opera?i.innerHTML=s:i.text=s,e.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(i)}function t(t){t.MathJax===undefined?e(t.document):t.MathJax.Hub.Queue(new t.Array('Typeset',t.MathJax.Hub))}var n=document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),r,i;t(window);for(r=0;r<n.length;r++)i=n[r].contentWindow||n[r].contentDocument,i.document||(i=i.parentN
LunaCodeGirl /
Created September 25, 2013 23:39
Figlet how to and examples
figlet "I've got something to say"
figlet -f thick "Make Tech ASCIIer"
date | figlet -f basic
mlocati / color-scale.js
Last active May 1, 2024 10:55
Javascript color scale from 0% to 100%, rendering it from red to yellow to green
// License: MIT -
// Author: Michele Locati <>
// Source:
function perc2color(perc) {
var r, g, b = 0;
if(perc < 50) {
r = 255;
g = Math.round(5.1 * perc);
else {
evanscottgray /
Last active November 7, 2023 03:40
kill all docker containers at once...
docker ps | awk {' print $1 '} | tail -n+2 > tmp.txt; for line in $(cat tmp.txt); do docker kill $line; done; rm tmp.txt
max-mapper /
Last active March 16, 2023 15:18
Video stabilization using VidStab and FFMPEG (Mac OS X)

Video stabilization using VidStab and FFMPEG

Examples here use the default settings, see the VidStab readme on GitHub for more advanced instructions.

Here's an example video I made

Install ffmpeg with the vidstab plugin from homebrew

brew install ffmpeg --with-libvidstab
fmasuhr / gist:4fd661b884f157590613
Last active June 27, 2022 03:25
Associate a Vagrant project directory with an existing VirtualBox VM
  1. Run the following command and copy the ID of your VM
VBoxManage list vms
=> "virtualMachine" {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
  1. Go to the Vagrant project configuration folder
lamarmarshall /
Created January 17, 2018 02:47
python multiprocess run in background
import multiprocessing
from time import sleep
def func():
name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
print("starting of process named: ", name)
print("exiting process")
if __name__ == '__main__':