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Last active June 3, 2016 04:23
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D3 Demo
"name": "Contractors",
"children": [{
"name": "First Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child",
"size": 9330
"name": "Child",
"size": 1000
}, {
"name": "Kid",
"size": 20995
}, {
"name": "Second Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child PRODUCTIONS",
"size": 2000
}, {
"name": "Child.",
"size": 9904
}, {
"name": "Third Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Alfonzo Child",
"size": 8000
}, {
"name": "Child Network",
"size": 695
}, {
"name": "Child Spotlight",
"size": 30593
}, {
"name": "Kid",
"size": 5000
}, {
"name": "Fourth Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Beacon Child",
"size": 30319
}, {
"name": "Fifth Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child Consulting",
"size": 9994
"name": "Sixth parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child and Child",
"size": 50000
}, {
"name": "Some Kid",
"size": 180000
}, {
"name": "Seventh Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Hotbed Child",
"size": 22916
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"name": "Child & Associates With A Super Long Name",
"size": 93000
}, {
"name": "Child",
"size": 316904
}, {
"name": "Child",
"size": 3330351
}, {
"name": "Child ",
"size": 15156
}, {
"name": "Eighth Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child Inc",
"size": 676250
}, {
"name": "Ninth Parent",
"children": [{
"name": "Child Foo LLC",
"size": 16422
}, {
"name": "Child Bar LLC",
"size": 87625
station field_a field_b field_c field_d field_e field_f
Q3-07 1570 5 0 9815 270 0
Q4-07 1619 118 0 10200 1119 0
Q1-08 3997 241 0 22121 2315 0
Q2-08 1818 378 0 10644 1703 0
Q3-08 1678 419 0 11011 717 0
Q4-08 1619 806 0 11052 6892 0
Q1-09 3371 2940 0 22727 4363 0
Q2-09 1665 1521 0 11013 3793 0
Q3-09 1492 1689 0 10215 5208 0
Q4-09 1563 4606 0 10177 7367 0
Q1-10 3391 5578 0 20970 8737 0
Q2-10 1861 5445 0 10885 8752 0
Q3-10 1545 5334 2166 9406 8398 3270
Q4-10 1477 8822 2792 9051 14102 4188
Q1-11 3425 10468 4608 19446 16235 7331
Q2-11 1600 12298 2836 9017 18647 4694
Q3-11 1325 13311 6046 7535 20338 9246
district candidate votes
Dist 1 Leticia Putte 3580
Dist 2 David Barron 1620
Dist 2 John Higginson 339
Dist 2 Walter Bannister 2866
Dist 3 Jose Castillo 8839
Dist 3 Juan Salas 727
Dist 3 Monica Garcia 6110
Dist 3 Roberto Soriano 9358
Dist 3 Monica Ratliff 9412
Dist 3 Mark Reed 4633
Dist 4 Jaime Lazo 4341
Dist 4 Karo Torossian 2375
Dist 4 Jackie David 1896
Dist 4 Ivy Taylor 1929
Dist 4 Carlos Lara 1921
Dist 4 Jaime Herrera 3192
Dist 5 Louie Mendoza 6699
Dist 5 Sean Buffington 4697
Dist 5 Carl Petersen 4936
Dist 5 Jorge Nuno 2679
Dist 5 Ricardo Benitez 1697
Dist 6 Venessa Martinez 4839
Dist 6 Bonnie Corwin 1807
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