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Last active November 27, 2023 22:54
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What I learned from gaining personal control over my viewing data, implementing my own ghetto version of
# File at root level included by each channel's specific Makefile..PHONY: all ingest pull render help .latest index.rss
# Base configuration: file naming scheme.
options := -o '%(upload_date)s--%(id)s--%(title)s--%(resolution)s.%(ext)s'
# Global Transfer Options
options += --progress
options += --concurrent-fragments 3
options += --continue
options += --ignore-errors
options += --restrict-filenames
options += --no-overwrites
options += --no-playlist
options += --xattr-set-filesize
options += --write-info-json
# Rate Limiting
# options += --max-downloads 20
# options += --limit-rate 1M
# options += --sleep-interval 15 --max-sleep-interval 45
# Download, Tracking & Privacy
options += --paths temp:/tmp/cast
options += --download-archive /Volumes/Podcasts/·\ Workspace/_archive.ids
options += --no-call-home
options += --no-mark-watched
# Content
options += --format '137+258/137+140/700+140/699+140/299+140/bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]'
# Processing
options += --merge-output-format mp4
options += --embed-subs
options += --embed-metadata
options += --embed-thumbnail
options += --sub-format best
options += --sub-langs all,-live_chat
# Common Filters
options += --reject-title "(Elden Ring|Stranger Things|Sims 4|Persona)"
# options += --dateafter today-90day
# options += --dateafter 20210101
# options += --match-filter 'duration < 3600'
# options += --reject-title ""
ingestopts := --dateafter 20210101
# Phony productions for ease of end-user use.
all: .latest index.rss ## Pull the latest changes and render the feed.
help: ## Show this help message and exit.
@echo "Usage: make <command>\n\033[36m\033[0m"
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf "\033[36m%-18s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort
ingest: ## Perform initial channel content ingest.
@mkdir -p /tmp/cast
-yt-dlp $(options) $(ingestopts) $(uri)
@touch .latest
pull: ## Perform a periodic poll for newer content.
@mkdir -p /tmp/cast
-yt-dlp $(options) --playlist-end 20 $(uri)
@touch .latest
render: index.rss ## Render the RSS feed if needed.
# Actual productions.
.latest: pull
index.rss: . # Possibility- use calculated (known) files, and current directory to catch additions?
@(test \! -e index.rss || find . -iname \*.json -newer index.rss -print -quit | grep -q .) && . || echo "Up-to-date."
# Top-level Makefile, in directory containing subdirectories per channel or playlist.
.PHONY: pull render active missing help
## Basic operations.
# Adjust the -j value to the number of CPU cores you have, and/or what your internet connection is capable of handling.
# The list of active subdirectories, to poll and update, must be stored one per line in a file named .active
pull: .active ## Pull the latest episodes of all active podcasts.
@time cat .active | parallel -j 8 --progress --eta --shuf --line-buffer 'make -C {}' || true
@touch .latest
render: .active ## Render all active podcasts, as needed.
@time cat .active | parallel -j 8 --progress --bar --eta --shuf 'make -C {} render > /dev/null'
#render-all: # Render all active RSS feeds.
# @for i in $(cat .active); do (echo -e "\n$$i"; cd "$$i"; make render); done
## Podcast metadata.
active: .active ## Discover active podcasts.
@for i in */Makefile; do echo "$(dirname $i)"; done | tee .active
missing: .missing ## Discover podcasts requiring configuration.
@find . -depth 1 -type d -not -name .\* -not -name ·\* '!' -exec test -e "{}/Makefile" ';' -exec basename {} \; | tee .missing
help: ## Show this help message and exit.
@echo "Usage: \033[1mmake\033[0m \033[4mcommand\033[0m\n\033[36m\033[0m"
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf "\033[36m%-10s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
# A Makefile placed within each channel or playlist directory.
# May extend or override the variables used by the actual command invocations.
include ../
uri := ""
options += --match-filter "duration < 3600" # E.g. restrict to video shorter than one hour.
ingestopts := --dateafter today-90day # E.g. when performing initial ingest, limit to the most recent 90 days.
# This is the old approach.
# For the current one, please reference the above Makefiles.
# Automate the execution of youtube-dl with appropriate options for archival and data necessary to construct a
# podcast feed, with variations on exact criteria and limits, and moderate parallelization.
# Usage:
# ./
# That's it. ;^P Okay, well, you're also going to want to customize this file to choose your own channels and
# playlists to pull in; the pattern in the indented block should be readily apparent. Then you're going to want to
# serve the content from the location you run this script in, for which I recommend Nginx.
# (Don't forget to set up SSL. ;)
# brew install nginx-full --with-accept-language-module --with-brotli-module --with-gzip-static --with-http2 --with-nchan-module
# Example configuration: (generally goes in /etc/nginx/servers/<yourserver>.conf)
# server {
# listen 80;
# server_name;
# location / {
# index index.rss;
# root /path/to/your/download/location;
# }
# }
# NOTE: patch applied ("break" added) to line 291 or so, to prevent pulling multiple pages of videos.
# NOTE: patch applied ("sys.exit(0)" added) upon encountering the first video rejected due to date-before criteria.
# The last because the playlists come in chronological order, newest to oldest. Hit one that's too old,
# every subseuqent one will be older than that and fail, too. No need to waste HTTP requests pulling details in.
# If you've followed the instructions in, you can find the path to the file to patch by running:
# python3 -me
BASEOPTS="--no-call-home --ignore-errors --continue --no-overwrites --download-archive _archive.ids --cache-dir Cache --no-mark-watched --yes-playlist --restrict-filenames --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --embed-thumbnail --write-sub --embed-subs --merge-output-format mp4 --sub-format best --add-metadata --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --xattr-set-filesize -o '%(playlist)s/%(upload_date)s--%(id)s--%(title)s--%(resolution)s.%(ext)s'"
# BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --proxy \"socks5://\"" # If you end up getting rate limited.
# BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --limit-rate 2M"
# BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --sleep-interval 5 --max-sleep-interval 90"
# Generally we request 1080p H.264 M4V + M4A audio.
# Certain channels don't do 1080p, so we fall back on the best available.
BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --format '137+140/bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]'"
# Variations.
# Unrestricted.
# In general, I only care about videos uploaded within the last quarter.
BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --dateafter today-3month"
# We also don't care to download too many videos from one channel at a time.
# Some playlists/channels are added for the purpose of bulk archival, though.
BULK="$BASEOPTS --max-downloads 50"
BASEOPTS="$BASEOPTS --max-downloads 25"
parallel --line-buffer -j 3 --shuf <<VIDEOS
# Newsy Type Things and Stuff
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
# ...
# Educational
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
# ...
# Gaming
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS} --reject-title "(off topic|between the games|ready set show|let's roll|AHWU)"
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
# ...
# Entertainment
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BULK}
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS} # Spaaaaace...
# Music
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${BASEOPTS}
youtube-dl ${UNLIMITED}
# Generate RSS feeds from the videos on-disk.
find . -type d -depth 1 | parallel --bar --progress "./ {} > /dev/null"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Transform a directory of youtube-dl downloads into a Podcast.
At a fundamental level, all of the data is sitting there in '.info.json' files, it just needs to be collected
together and formatted as an appropriately populated RSS feed.
Requires Python 3.7. Recommend installation within a virtual environment (python3 -m venv).
Requires one additional library, the template engine, youtube-dl, of course, and e is very handy. Run:
pip3 install youtube-dl cinje e
Make sure you also mark these files as executable:
chmod +x
The reason for the use of str() repeatedly in the template is that bare use of URL objects will generate an actual
<a href=""> link. We naively assume the first video in the set is demonstrative of the whole, i.e. one directory,
one creator.
from datetime import datetime
from sys import argv, exit
from pathlib import Path
from uri import URI
from json import loads
from math import floor
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from cinje import flatten
from tmpl import rss
BASE = URI("")
def dur(point: int) -> str:
"""Generate a textual duration (minutes:seconds) from an integer number of seconds."""
minutes = floor(point / 60)
seconds = point - (minutes * 60)
return f"{minutes:d}:{seconds:02d}"
class Episode:
"""Metadata representation."""
identifier: str
channel: str
channel_url: URI
title: str
description: str
duration: str
size: int
uploaded: datetime
link: URI
video: URI
thumbnail: URI
data: dict
def __repr__(self):
return f'Episode({self.identifier}, "{self.title}", from="{}")'
def from_json(Episode, path: Path, base: URI = BASE):
info = loads(path.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
return Episode(
identifier = info['id'],
channel = info['uploader'],
channel_url = URI(info['channel_url']),
title = info['title'],
description = info['description'],
duration = dur(info['duration']),
size = Path(info['_filename']).stat().st_size,
uploaded = datetime.strptime(info['upload_date'], "%Y%m%d"),
link = URI(info['webpage_url']),
video = base / info['_filename'],
thumbnail = base / info['_filename'].replace('.mp4', '.jpg'),
data = info
def discover(path: Path, base: URI = BASE):
infos = set(path.glob('*.info.json'))
videos = {video.with_suffix('.info.json') for video in path.glob('*.mp4')}
matched = infos & videos # We only care about matched pairs.
for episode in sorted(matched):
video = Episode.from_json(episode, base)
print("Collected:", video)
yield video
def process(path: Path):
print("Processing:", path)
now: datetime = datetime.utcnow()
base: Path = Path(path)
episodes = list(discover(path))
playlist: bool = 'Uploads_from_' not in str(path)
if not episodes:
print("Skipping:", path)
channel = episodes[0]
recency: datetime = max(i.uploaded for i in episodes)
with (path / 'index.rss').open('w', encoding='utf-8') as writer:
print(f"Rendering: {path / 'index.rss'!s}")
feed = rss(episodes, now, recency,['playlist_title'] if playlist else, channel.channel_url,['playlist_title'])
result = flatten(feed, writer)
def main(*paths) -> int:
for path in paths:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
for arg in argv[1:]:
# encoding: cinje
: def rss entries, now, recent, title, link, description
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:itunes="">
<lastBuildDate>${now.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')}</lastBuildDate>
<pubDate>${recent.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')}</pubDate>
<category>TV &amp; Film</category>
<generator>Marrow Cast</generator>
: for i, item in enumerate(entries)
<pubDate>#{item.uploaded.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')}</pubDate>
<enclosure url="#{str(}" length="${item.size}" type="video/mp4"></enclosure>
<itunes:image href="${str(item.thumbnail)}"></itunes:image>
: end
: end
Copy link

amcgregor commented Oct 25, 2020

The RIAA just got GitHub to ban open source YouTube downloaders.

They don't want anyone to share this code:

mplayer $(echo -s "$(curl… $youtube_url | sed -n "/watch_fullscreen/s;.*\(video_id.\+\)&title.*;\1;p")&fmt=22")

It depends on the video. This is just the most simple example that works in some cases to get the point across.

See comments here for lots of variations:

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