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Created November 24, 2014 23:47
class JobsController(Generic):
__model__ = Job
__order__ = '-id'
__form__ = manage_form
__metadata__ = dict(
area = 'job',
icon = 'rocket',
singular = L_("Job"),
plural = L_("Jobs"),
subtitle = L_("Job postings.")
# Column Definitions
title = SelectableTranslatedPrimaryColumn('title', L_("Title"), 4)
reference = Column('reference', L_("Reference"), 2)
company = ReferenceColumn('company', L_("Company"), 3)
state = StateColumn('state', L_("State"), 2)
daterange = Column(('published', 'retracted'), "", 0, condition=False)
# Security Configuraiton of Existing Views
list = Generic.list.clone(condition=authenticated)
create = Generic.create.clone(condition=authenticated)
read =, template='rita.job.template.view')
update = Generic.update.clone(condition=authenticated) # TODO: owner of record
delete = Generic.delete.clone(condition=is_alice) # TODO: Validate unused state.
# Quick Search Indexes
slug_idx = Index('short')
reference_idx = Index('reference', typeahead=True)
title_idx = Index('title', ('en', 'fr'), typeahead=True)
address_idx = Index('address', ('address', 'city', 'region', 'country', 'postal'))
url_idx = Index('site')
company_idx = ReferenceIndex('company', ('name.en', ''), join=Company)
# Meta Attributes
def __query__(self):
"""Perform basic security by filtering the results."""
query = super(JobsController, self).__query__
u = user._current_obj()
if is_administrator:
return query
return query.filter(company__in=u.companies)
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