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Last active December 24, 2015 22:29
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Belgian Man Official Contract


This document contains multiple contracts, all used in various capacities by BMR. Each contract begins with a capital letter and a closing parenthese, eg. "A)".

Each contract is separate: signature of one contract does not in any way imply agreement to any other contract.

Various parts of this document use terms in [brackets]. Prior to the signature and use of these contracts, any term in [brackets] should be replaced with a specific entity, as situationally appropriate.

A) The Website // "Signing"


This contract should be used when an artist is initially "signed" to Belgian Man Records.


Hereafter in this contract, BMR shall refer to Belgian Man Records,

The Artist shall refer to [the artist].

The Website shall refer to web properties owned by BMR, including and,

Promotional Social Media shall refer to social media tools including Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr which promote content by linking to it,

Distributive Social Media shall refer to social media tools including Bandcamp and Soundcloud which distribute musical works.


The Artist hereby grants BMR an irrevokable, non-exclusive license to use the name and likeness of The Artist on The Website AND on Promotional Social Media in order to promote The Artist and the works of The Artist.

No part of this contract shall limit the rights of The Artist, or transfer ownership of The Artist's works.


  • Signed: Andrew Monks for BMR

  • Signed: The Artist

  • Date: [date]

B) Distribution


This contract should be used for each work by an artist that Belgian Man Records distributes.


I'm strongly considering dropping Belgian Man's distribution component entirely in favor of artist's own Bancdamp pages. Belgian Man makes pretty much no money from the 15% cut of pay-what-you-will downloads, and it introduces a lot of financial complication.

If y'all were OK with it, I'd make the Belgian Man collective bandcamp free rather than pay-what-you-will, but you could opt out and use your own bandcamp if you want to make your downloads moneyish.


This contract assumes and incorporates all Terms defined in contract A).

Hereafter in this contract, The Work shall refer to [the work].


The Artist hereby irrevokably licenses The Work under a Creative Commons By-NC license, avaialble at

The Artist understands that under this license, ANY PARTY is free to distribute The Work non-comercially, provided they give credit to The Artist.

The Artist understands that under this license, ANY PARTY is free to remix The Work non-comercially, provided they give credit to The Artist

The Artist hereby grants BMR an irrevokable, non-exclusive license to distribute and promote The Work commercially online, using The Website and/or Distributive Social Media.

Any profits made by as such shall be distributed accordingly: 15% going to BMR and 85% going to The Artist.

The Artist retains full ownership of The Work, and all rights associated.

This license only applies to The Work, and not to future works by The Artist unless such works are again licensed explicitly.


  • Signed: Andrew Monks for BMR

  • Signed: The Artist

  • Date: [date]

C) Merchandise


This contract should be used when Belgian Man distributes merchandise that bears the likeness or name of an artist.


This contract assumes and incorporates all Terms defined in contract A).

Hereafter in this contract, The Merchandise shall refer to [the merchandise].


The Artist hereby grants BMR a non-exclusive license to use the name and likeness of The Artist to create and distribute multiple copies of The Merchandise.

BMR shall retain all revenue generated by sales of The Merchandise, UNTIL such revenue equals the cost of production of The Merchandise. At this point, further revenue generated by sales of The Merchandise shall be considered Profits.

Any Profits made as such shall be distributed accordingly: 25% going to BMR and 75% going to The Artist.


  • Signed: Andrew Monks for BMR

  • Signed: The Artist

  • Date: [date]

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