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amtal /
Last active December 23, 2015 08:29
NSA technical journal: reverse cryptanalysis/universal communication puzzle (Figure 3 typeset, also spoilers you may not want)
# based on
# two related documents I know of:
# just message, shorter alphabet, longer:
# solutions:
(1) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y.
Z. *. &. $. ^. #. @. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P.
Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. *. &. $. ^. #. @.
(2) A A, B; A A A, C; A A A A, D; A A A A A, E; A A A A A A, F;
A A A A A A A, G; A A A A A A A A, H; A A A A A A A A A, I;
amtal / microcode.hex
Created July 16, 2012 05:07
p starts at 0x50, 12-byte steps, sanity-check starts at 0x5c
augur@niflheim:~/code/c/weird$ xxd -c12 -g4 -s8 dump.bin | more
0000008: 204a442e 20666f72 20496e74 JD. for Int
0000014: 656c2043 6f726520 32204475 el Core 2 Du
0000020: 6f205435 3735300d 0a286329 o T5750..(c)
000002c: 2053656c 656e612f 2f323030 Selena//200
0000038: 372c2032 30303800 2b000000 7, 2008.+...
0000044: 05000000 26000000 3e000000 ....&...>...
0000050: 47020000 e7fdffff 00000000 G...........
000005c: a3ffffff a7ffffff 01000000 ............
0000068: 02000000 0a000000 02000000 ............
amtal / gist:2327355
Created April 7, 2012 10:39
DCPU16 obfuscator/trick showcase/interpreter acid test.
; Code Obfuscator
; The loader has nice properties shorter versions don't:
; 1. doesn't touch registers or stack
; 2. can be based anywhere via 'set a,stub'
; 3. exercises interpreters ;)
:stub xor [begin],0x5eed
mul [2+a],25173 ; Grogono LCG
add [2+a],13849
add [1+a],1
amtal / Instructions.hs
Created April 5, 2012 04:55
0x10c DCPU-16 instruction set
-- | Complete abstract description of the DCPU-16 instruction set.
-- Based on Version 1.1 of the DCPU-16 Specification by Mojang, retrieved from
-- Contains a trivial "Label" extension, which isn't present in machine code
-- but is useful for dealing with assembly.
module DCPU16.Instructions where
import Data.Word hiding (Word)
import Data.ByteString
amtal / rpn.erl
Created September 25, 2011 04:10
Simple interpreter using a monad for a "mutable" environment.
-export([eval/1, hypotenuse/2]).
-spec eval([Op]) -> stack_m(ok).
%% Interpreter for a simple stack-based language.
%% Uses a custom stack_m monad, which is a trivial wrapper around state_m[1].
%% It exports:
%% -spec pop() -> stack_m(A).
amtal / fileop.erl
Created September 25, 2011 00:37
Monad example in Erlang.
%% Uses an error monad to neatly compose a bunch of failing functions.
%% Everything being composed returns ok|{ok,Result}|{error,Reason}. At
%% the first error, the reason term is returned. The monad factors out
%% the behaviour of piping all possible errors to the output (via a
%% try-throw or case tree) if they occur.
amtal / test_relup.erl
Created August 30, 2011 23:55
Check that a release upgrade works and touches the expected applications.
Rel=fun(Vsn) ->
A = application:which_applications(),
{ok,OldVsn,[]} = release_handler:install_release(Vsn),
B = application:which_applications(),
Delta = lists:zip(A--B,B--A),
amtal / octree.clj
Created August 12, 2011 01:46
Start of LFErlang octree implementation
(defmodule octree
(export all))
(include-file "all2.lfe") ; lfe_utils library
;; Vectors:
(defmacro :vec3 ((x y z) `(tuple 'vec3 ,x ,y ,z)))
(defn :+ [(:vec3 x y z) (:vec3 a b c)]
amtal / iter.erl
Created July 21, 2011 19:54
Local recursion with access to lexical scope.
-define( for(Arg,Seed,Body)
, begin F = fun(Iter,Arg)->Body end, F(F,Seed) end
-define( iter(Arg)
, Iter(Iter,Arg)
amtal / lfe_ablock.lfe.clj
Created July 14, 2011 20:31
Erlang early-returns via syntax sugar rather than throw-catch.
;; ([{atom(),binary()}], pid()) -> {missing,atom()}
;; | {bad_value,atom()}
;; | {unescaped,|atom()}
;; | malicious
;; | ok.
(defn sanitize [args logger-pid]
(ablock user-err
; check for user screwing up the input, inform them
(check-missing args)
(if (/= '() it)