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Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay andfoy

View GitHub Profile
import rbm
import scipy
import cpickle
import numpy as np
This implementation is based on the MovieLens 100k dataset,
available at
andfoy /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
import numpy as np
import scipy
import as sio
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
randomness_source = np.random.rand(1, 7000000)
report_calls_to_sample_bernoulli = False
andfoy /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
import numpy as np
l = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 10).tolist()
b = {}
a = []
max = 0
for i in l:
if len(str(i)) > max:
max = len(str(i))
def splitNum(Nd):
N = bin(Nd)[2:]+'0'
cant = 0
d = {}
for i in range(0, len(N)-1):
if int(N[i]) == 1:
d[cant] = i
cant += 1
a = list('0'*(len(N)-1))
b = list(a)
def ip2bin(ip):
num = [int(n) for n in ip.split('.')]
bits = ['0'*(8-len(bin(n)[2:]))+bin(n)[2:] for n in num]
return ''.join(bits)
def bin2ip(bin):
ip = [str(int(bin[i:i+8], 2))+'.' for i in range(0, 32, 8)]
return ''.join(ip)[0:-1]
andfoy /
Created November 27, 2014 04:17
def eval_constraints(sq, n):
fitness = 0
totalRowDiff = 0
totalColDiff = 0
rightDiagonal = 0
leftDiagonal = 0
for row in range(0, len(sq)):
sum_row = 0
sum_col = 0
for col in range(0, len(sq)):
private static int[][] swap_values(int[][] sq, int times)
int[][] temp_sq = (int[][]) sq.clone();
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i < times; i++)
r1 = rand.nextInt(len(sq));
c1 = rand.nextInt(len(sq));
r2 = rand.nextInt(len(sq));
c2 = rand.nextInt(len(sq));
andfoy /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Minimal JSON object parser
import re
KEY_REGEX = '^[,]?["][a-zA-Z_][\w-]*["]$'
VALUE_REGEX = '^["].*["][,]?$'
CURLY_PAIR = ('{', '}')
SQ_PAIR = ('[', ']')
class JSONException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
#define G 9.8 // m/s^2
int analogPin = 0;
void setup()
const char* byte_to_binary(int x)
static char b[9];
b[0] = '\0';
int z;