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Forked from mythz/AuthorService.cs
Created February 10, 2012 13:28
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1 class in ServiceStack
With no other C# or config other than OrmLite DB config in AppHost below - this web service provides all the screenshots attached, out-of-the-box, for free.
Code-first Simplicity at Great Speed -
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(ConfigUtils.GetConnectionString("AppDb"), //ConnectionString in Web.Config
SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance) {
ConnectionFilter = x => new ProfiledDbConnection(x, Profiler.Current) });
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using ServiceStack.DataAnnotations;
using ServiceStack.OrmLite;
using ServiceStack.ServiceHost;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.ServiceModel;
namespace MyWebServices
//Request DTO
public class Author
public int Id { get; set; }
[Index(Unique = true)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
public DateTime? LastActivity { get; set; }
public Decimal? Earnings { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public Int16 Rate { get; set; }
//Response DTO
public class AuthorResponse : IHasResponseStatus
public List<Author> Results1 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results2 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results3 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results4 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results5 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results6 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results7 { get; set; }
public List<Author> Results8 { get; set; }
public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; } //Where Exceptions get auto-serialized
//Can be called via any endpoint or format, see:
public class AuthorService : ServiceBase<Author>
public IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; } //Injected by IOC
//Get's called by all HTTP Verbs (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc) and endpoints (json,xml,html,jsv,csv,soap)
protected override object Run(Author request)
return DbFactory.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CreateTable<Author>(overwrite: true); //Drops and re-creates the RDBMS Author table using the C# POCO for the schema
var authors = new List<Author> {
new Author { Name = "Demis Bellot", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20), Active = true, Earnings = 99.9m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 10, City = "London" },
new Author { Name = "Angel Colmenares", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-25), Active = true, Earnings = 50.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 5, City = "Bogota" },
new Author { Name = "Adam Witco", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20), Active = true, Earnings = 80.0m, Comments = "Math Books", Rate = 9, City = "London" },
new Author { Name = "Claudia Espinel", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-23), Active = true, Earnings = 60.0m, Comments = "Cooking books", Rate = 10, City = "Bogota" },
new Author { Name = "Libardo Pajaro", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-25), Active = true, Earnings = 80.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 9, City = "Bogota" },
new Author { Name = "Jorge Garzon", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-28), Active = true, Earnings = 70.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 9, City = "Bogota" },
new Author { Name = "Alejandro Isaza", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20), Active = true, Earnings = 70.0m, Comments = "Java books", Rate = 0, City = "Bogota" },
new Author { Name = "Wilmer Agamez", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20), Active = true, Earnings = 30.0m, Comments = "Java books", Rate = 0, City = "Cartagena" },
new Author { Name = "Rodger Contreras", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-25), Active = true, Earnings = 90.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 8, City = "Cartagena" },
new Author { Name = "Chuck Benedict", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-22), Active = true, Earnings = 85.5m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 8, City = "London" },
new Author { Name = "James Benedict II", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-22), Active = true, Earnings = 85.5m, Comments = "Java books", Rate = 5, City = "Berlin" },
new Author { Name = "Ethan Brown", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20), Active = true, Earnings = 45.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 5, City = "Madrid" },
new Author { Name = "Xavi Garzon", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-22), Active = true, Earnings = 75.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 9, City = "Madrid" },
new Author { Name = "Luis garzon", Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-22), Active = true, Earnings = 85.0m, Comments = "CSharp books", Rate = 10, City = "Mexico" },
var agesAgo = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20).Year;
return new AuthorResponse {
Results1 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Birthday >= new DateTime(agesAgo, 1, 1) && q.Birthday <= new DateTime(agesAgo, 12, 31)),
Results2 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => Sql.In(q.City, "London", "Madrid", "Berlin")),
Results3 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Name.StartsWith("A")),
Results4 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Name.EndsWith("garzon")),
Results5 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Name.ToUpper().EndsWith("GARZON")),
Results6 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Name.Contains("Benedict")),
Results7 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Eaqings <= 50),
Results8 = dbCmd.Select<Author>(q => q.Rate == 10 && q.City == "Mexico"),

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