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if Pos_Component == 3:
Actual_Pos_Index = Actual_Pos_Index + Configurable_Parameters.Number_Of_State_Vector_Components_Per_Probe - 3
Inertial_Pos_Measurement[(Index - 1), :] = Measurements[(Index - 1), :]
Inertial_Pos_Err[(Index - 1), :] = Inertial_Pos_Measurement[(Index - 1), :] - Actual_Pos[
(Index - 1), :]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bolster/src/aietes/src/contrib/Ghia/ecea/mfiles/", line 53, in test_Phi
oct_phi = octave.Set_State_Propagation_Matrix(sim_conf)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oct2py/", line 364, in octave_command
return, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oct2py/", line 177, in call
argin_list, load_line = self._writer.create_file(inputs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oct2py/", line 69, in create_file
savemat(self.in_file, data, appendmat=False, oned_as='row')
10:51 <bolster> Is it passable to describe a movie as being "If Ed Wood and Christopher Walken had a thalidomide baby" or is that too much?
10:51 <bolster> Oh, maybe should have started with "Morning"
10:56 <clairebones> bolster: if it's the movie I think you're referring to it's probably apt
10:58 <^Richard> o_O
10:59 <bolster> clairebones: yup, just concious that as a statement it sits on the very bloodiest edge of decorum. Much like the movie.
11:02 <stealthii> film in question:
11:03 <^Richard> even the description is fucking mental.
11:03 <stealthii> that's my favourite bit.
11:04 <stealthii> of course he didn't hit her
11:04 <stealthii> men don't hit.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am andrewbolster on github.
  • I am bolster ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 03D4 CCE9 AC04 1177 3D00 924D 49DC 9F11 AEFD 5969

To claim this, I am signing this object:

def update_filter(self):
t = self.t_index
#_Y = np.vstack(np.concatenate((self.Inertial_Measurement.flatten(),self.TOF_Measurement.flatten())))
Y = np.vstack(self.SIM.Measurement)
# Form estimated error correction of positions form reduced form
# Y is the positions observed, and is corrected by the X_estimation from the previous round
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andrewbolster /
Created May 7, 2014 10:23
Code Samples for os.nice post
import os
def thread_mask(args):
# Properly Parallel RNG
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>3.0</nbformat>
# <markdowncell>
# basically, want to parse a file, load values in it into a dictionary (name, x, y, z, r, g, b), and scatter lot them, with labels based on RGB color
# <codecell>
%matplotlib inline
Since Farbot triggers freenodes flood detection, here's the help.
<question> why not zoidberg? - Generates a Why Not Zoidberg? meme
<something> does not work that way! - Generates a Morbo meme
<something> is bad and you should feel bad - Generates a Zoidberg meme
<things> are bad and you should feel bad - Generates a Zoidberg meme
<things> do not work that way! - Generates a Morbo meme
alot - Shows a picture of an alot
countdown [for] #meetupname# e.g. countdown punerbmeetup
andrewbolster / Lawnmower.ipynb
Created September 5, 2014 09:04
Lawnmower Process
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